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情节开始于政确校长在学校里长篇大论想要找出校报《超级学校新闻》的负责人,有一篇文章包含了“智障”一词以形容学校的午餐政策。在问及凯尔是否为负责人,并威胁要把负责人的“腿打断”之后,政确校长被告知吉米才是负责人。在他的办公室里,政确校长用一种相当温和的语气向吉米解释道,使用“智障”一词是不好的。吉米用这篇文章的解释进行反驳,并称他不会审查作者的用语。吉米反问他是否对残疾人感到“不舒服”。政确校长否认这一点,并规定校报不能在校园内发行。吉米然后把新闻给到了镇上的每一户人家,包括政确三角。 政确校长看到了写着“政确校长的‘智障’政策”的头条。然后,他和他的政确弟兄们谈及此情,他把吉米的行为曲解为是在当“健全叔叔”,认为吉米仅仅是同情他的压迫者,并允许伤人的和贬损的诋毁公之于众。那天晚上,史蒂芬正在阅读《超级学校新闻》,并对真实新闻而非广告的数量进行评论。然后,他说他一直在网上阅览的时候像是在“追逐”新闻,并继续说那是广告接着广告。他试着和琳达谈论此事,但她沉迷于她的手机里,甚至都听不见他说的话。




At the PC Frat House, they throw an event for people with disabilities. But for the most part, the event was mostly about the PC Bros "scoring" with chicks instead of actually raising awareness. The next morning, as they are handing in their consent forms, PC Principal is shown the headline of that morning's school newspaper, which reads "'PC' stands for Pussy Crushing", causing the PC Bros to freak out.

A GEICO Insurance Salesman shows up at Jimmy's house and offers a deal of $26 million dollars for ad space in the school newspaper. When Jimmy refuses, he pulls a gun on him, talking about how ads are unstoppable. Before he finishes, he is shot by Barbrady, who instructs Jimmy to come with him.

Sharon confronts Randy on PC standing for "Pussy Crushing", and tells him that he can't go back over to the Frat House. Randy tells her he isn't cheating on her and that he's happy because of the changes to the town, referencing his help in getting Shi Tpa Town and the Whole Foods Market. Sharon tells Randy that he has changed, resorting to just "bullying" people and waiting for them to slip up. She refers to them as he/she, and Randy calls her a bigot.

The man shown at the end of Naughty Ninjas and a group of others inform Jimmy on the dangers of ads, and how ads have evolved to disguise themselves as news. These people believe Jimmy has the ability to tell the difference between the news and ads and is given a test on it. He passes the test with flying colors. He is then sent in to talk with Leslie Meyers.

The PC Bros hold a meeting to discuss how to deal with being labeled as "Pussy Crushers". Some of the Bros see this as an opportunity to "get puss", but PC Principal wants to actually do something about it.

Leslie and Jimmy talk inside a room while the group of men watch. Leslie says that she believes that they are ex news-men.

Mr. Garrison, Caitlyn Jenner, and Principal Victoria continue to talk about the plot to take down the town. There seem to be people who know about the plot, but have to stay quiet about it.

PC Principal opens up to Nathan, and makes him the editor of the school newspaper. One of the PC Bros comes into his office, and shows him an ad that causes him to freak out. At the same time, Jimmy realizes that Leslie is an ad as well. The photo of Leslie and PC Principal shown in the last episode pans out to show an ad for State Farm.

Mr. Garrison and Principal Victoria are on their way back to South Park, under caution that they can trust nobody. Caitlyn Jenner drives them there, and runs over more people after saying "Buckle up, Buckaroo."
