第9行: 第9行:
最初版本的杰森首次出现在“[[卡特曼的肛门探针]]”中,是出现在学校食堂中的一个背景人物,然而后来却很少见了。“[[南方基园]]”中,一个被重新设计的、与先前不同的杰森首次出场,他是[[克雷格帮]]的一员,他和[[克雷格·塔克]]、[[托肯·布莱克]]和[[特维克·特威克]]一起组成了都市美男小队。他也是“[[玛乔莉]]”中帮助恢复“未来预知器”的一员,他和[[提米]]守在控制中心外面, 等待其他男孩回来。
最初版本的杰森首次出现在“[[卡特曼的肛门探针]]”中,是出现在学校食堂中的一个背景人物,然而后来却很少见了。“[[南方基园]]”中,一个被重新设计的、与先前不同的杰森首次出场,他是[[克雷格帮]]的一员,他和[[克雷格·塔克]]、[[托肯·布莱克]]和[[特维克·特威克]]一起组成了都市美男小队。他也是“[[玛乔莉]]”中帮助恢复“未来预知器”的一员,他和[[提米]]守在控制中心外面, 等待其他男孩回来。
Jason has brown hair with sideburns and a high forehead, and wears a purple jacket and a pair of blue jeans, which were originally dark gray. In "[[The Hobbit]]", Wendy mentions that he has freckles. His character is based on Jason McHugh, who was featured with [[Trey Parker]] and [[Matt Stone]] in ''Cannibal! The Musical'' and ''Orgazmo''.
Jason's friendships are ill-defined - he is seen talking with [[Kevin Stoley]] often, implying a possible friendship. He was a part of [[Craig]]'s metrosexual "gang" in "[[South Park is Gay!]]", but has not been part of [[Craig's Gang]] since then. In recent seasons, Jason has been seen sitting with [[The Boys|the Boys]] at lunch, but he is sometimes swapped for [[Tweek Tweak]] or [[Kevin Stoley]]. In several episodes he is seen sitting by [[Fosse]] and a number of unknown children. Starting in "[[Butters' Bottom Bitch]]", he is frequently seen sitting with [[Scott Malkinson]] and several unknown students in the [[South Park Elementary Cafeteria|cafeteria]].
*He was ranked #5 in the list of most attractive boys by the girls in "[[The List]]", however the list was actually fake.
* 在“[[头虱危机]]”中,五年级学生的队伍中出现了一个和杰森外表相似的人。
* A person looking similar to Jason was seen in the 5th grade line in "[[Lice Capades]]".
*"[[卡特曼的肛门探针]]" - 最初版本的杰森出现在餐厅中。
*"[[Cartman Gets an Anal Probe]]" - A prototypical version of him is seen in the cafeteria.
*"[[混沌教授现身]]" - 是新的4号朋友的竞争者,代替四人组中肯尼的位置。
*"[[Professor Chaos]]" - Is one of the contestants to be the new 4th member and replacement of Kenny in the group.
*"[[护戒使团再临双塔]]" - 杰森在四人组的魔戒议会中扮演莱格拉斯。他在议会上遭受排斥,可以看到他这时瞪了凯文一眼。
*"[[The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers]]" - Is seen glaring at Kevin as he walks away after being ostracized at the boys' LOTR council, wherein Jason plays Legolas.
*"[[南方基园]]" - 是克雷格的都市美男小队的一员,也是他首次拥有台词,且首次作为南方公园小学的一名四年级学生出场。
*"[[South Park is Gay!]]" - Part of Craig's competing metrosexual gang; first speaking role and first episode as a member of the fourth-grade class at South Park Elementary
*"[[失恋的斯坦]]" - 出现在[[瑞星餐厅]]。
*"[[Raisins]]" - Appears in the [[Raisins (Location)|Raisins Restaurant]].
*"[[收视率至上]]" - 在回忆画面中出现在背景中。
*"[[Quest for Ratings]]" - Seen in the background in a flashback.
*"[[蠢婊子摄影套装]]" - 和特维克一起时,萨利告诉其他女生,他有一根“擎天柱”。安妮也觉得他们两个“可以很好地玩一次3P”。
*"[[Stupid Spoiled Whore Video Playset]]" - While walking with Tweek, Sally tells the other girls that he has "[[Wikipedia:penis|a huge bulge]]." Annie also thinks that the two "would make a great [[Wikipedia:Ménage à trois|three-way]]".
*"[[加里森老师变性记]]" - 他和其他男生对凯尔的神经成形术感到惊讶。
*"[[Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina]]" - One of the boys amazed at Kyle's negroplasty.
*"[[玛乔莉]]" - 他和少数男孩参加了捕获“东南西北”的行动。
*"[[Marjorine]]" - One of several boys that take part in the plan to capture the "Cootie Catcher."
*"[[做爱做的事]]" - 杰森帮助男孩们和网上那位[[里诺艾·詹金斯|流氓玩家]]作战。
*"[[Make Love, Not Warcraft]]" - Jason helps the boys fight the [[Jenkins|rogue player]] online.
*"[[幻想大陆·上]]" - 加入了卡特曼的小组,在剧集一开始去抓捕矮人。
*"[[Imaginationland]]" - Part of Cartman's group that hunts for a leprechaun in the beginning of the episode
*"[[卡特曼舔鸡鸡]]" - 短暂出现在走廊中。
*"[[The List]]" - Shown to have ranked in the fifth spot on the corrupted list.
*"[[名单风波]]" - 在伪造的名单中排名第五。
*"[[Breast Cancer Show Ever]]" - Is seen as part of Wendy's entourage as she prepares to fight Cartman.
*"[[乳腺癌大决斗]]" - 温蒂准备和卡特曼打架时,他是温蒂随行人员中的一位。
*"[[Elementary School Musical]]" - Sings in the opening musical number and plays on the basketball team.
*"[[歌舞童年]]" - 剧集开始跟着女生在餐厅中载歌载舞,并且加入了篮球队。
*"[[Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy]]" - Seen in the hallway.
*"[[师生恋]]" - 出现在走廊上。
*"[[Eat, Pray, Queef]]" - Seen at Cartman's house getting ready to watch 'Blood Rage: Part 2'.
*"[[阴屁姐妹]]" - 出现在卡特曼家中,准备看《血怒:第二部分》
*"[[It's a Jersey Thing]]" - Part of Cartman's entourage.
*"[[泽西范儿]]" - 加入了卡特曼监禁凯尔的计划。
*"[[Funnybot]]" - Seen being held hostage along with the rest of the school.
*"[[搞笑机器人]]" - 和学校其他人一起被绑作人质。
*"[[1%]]" - Seen at the assembly.
*"[[百分之一]]" - 出现在集会上。
*"[[Cartman Sucks]]" - Seen briefly in the hallway.
* "[[流行风潮]]" - 和其他[[四年级生]]一起出现在安全教育课上。
* "[[Faith Hilling]]" - Seen in the memeing class with the other [[The 4th Grade|4th Grade]] students.
* "[[犹柏卡布拉]]" - 出现在复活节寻蛋活动上。
* "[[Jewpacabra]]" - Seen at the Easter egg hunt.
* "[[霸凌谁之过]]" - 作为背景人物,出现在餐厅、走廊中,并且参加录制了斯坦的反霸凌视频。
* "[[Butterballs]]" - Seen in the background in the cafeteria, in the hallways, and participated in Stan's anti-bullying video.
* "[[卡特曼寻爱记]]" - 作为背景人物,出现在学校走廊以及男生储物室中。
* "[[Cartman Finds Love]]" - Seen in the background in the school's hallways and in the boy's locker room.
*"[[讽刺球]]" - 和其他男孩一起玩橄榄球和讽刺球。
*"[[Sarcastaball]]" - Plays football and sarcastaball with the other boys.
*"[[信念危机]]" - 作为背景人物,出现在学校走廊中。
*"[[A Scause For Applause]]" - Seen in the background in the school hallways.
*"[[窃听风云]]" - 在餐厅中吃饭。
*"[[Let Go, Let Gov]]" - Seen eating in the cafeteria.
*"[[Titties and Dragons]]" - Seen at [[Red Robin]].
*"[[奶子与恶龙]]" - 出现在[[红罗宾餐厅]]
*"[[霍比特人]]" - 在走廊上路过温蒂和斯坦,停下来听温蒂说他有雀斑。
*"[[The Hobbit]]" - Walks past Wendy and Stan in the hallway and stops to listen after Wendy points out that he has freckles.
*"[[无谷蛋白埃博拉]]" - 作为背景人物,出现在走廊中。
*"[[Gluten Free Ebola]]" - Seen in the background in the hallway
*"[[虚拟现实]]" - 作为背景人物,出现在学校的走廊中。
*"[[Grounded Vindaloop]]" -  Seen in the background in the school's hallways.
*"[[英勇的变性人]]" - 出现在学校会议以及走廊上;在会议期间,杰森和两个大人坐在一起,很可能是他的父母。
*"[[Stunning and Brave]]" - Seen at the school meeting and in the hallway; during the meeting, Jason is seen with two adults, presumably his parents.
*"[[小镇的城市区]]" - 在南方公园全食超市开业时,他是儿童合唱队的一员。
*"[[The City Part of Town]]" - Seen as part of the children's choir at the opening of the South Park Whole Foods.
*"[[You're Not Yelping]]" - Seen in the hallway.
*"[[美食评论家]]" - 出现在走廊上。
*"[[Sponsored Content]]" - Seen in the hallway.
*"[[软文]]" - 出现在走廊上。
*"[[Truth and Advertising]]"
*"[[政确校长的最终正义]]" - 出现在学校集会上。
*"[[PC Principal Final Justice]]" - Seen at the school assembly.
*"[[回忆之莓]]"- 出现在学校集会上。
*"[[Member Berries]]"- Seen at the school assembly.
*"[[露出小弟弟]]" - 参加了巴特斯的露出小弟弟运动。
*"[[Wieners Out]]" - Seen participating in Butters' Wieners Out movement.
*"[[灌洗器与丹麦人]]" - 参加了男生和女生的争吵。
*"[[Douche and a Danish]]" - Seen in the battle between the boys and the girls.
* "[[Oh, Jeez]]" - Seen at the school assembly.
* "[[噢,天哪]]" - 出现在学校集会上。
* "[[快放下它]]" - 和其他学生一起唱了《快放下它》。
* "[[Put It Down]]" - Sings ''Put It Down'' with the other students.
* "[[陶俑与海洛因]]" - 出现在马库斯的生日派对上。在听完[[马库斯·普雷斯顿]]在学校餐厅中的讲演之后,加入了他的游行。
* "[[Hummels & Heroin]]" - Seen at Marcus' birthday party. Rallies with [[Marcus Preston]] after witnessing his presentation in the [[South Park Elementary|school]] cafeteria.
* "[[变本加厉]]" - 在海蒂甩掉卡特曼,喜欢凯尔之后,卡特曼和凯尔在走廊里打了一架。杰森目睹了这次打架。
* "[[Doubling Down]]" - Seen in the hallway when Kyle and Cartman fight after Heidi leaves Cartman for Kyle.
* "[[水中小熊]]" - 在海蒂和水中小熊跑掉时,杰森出现在走廊中。
* "[[Moss Piglets]]" - Seen in the school hallway when [[Heidi Turner|Heidi]] runs away with the [[Water Bears]].
* "[[碎番茄]]" - 和他的父母出现在校长办公室。
* "[[Splatty Tomato]]" - Seen in the principal’s office with his parents.
* "[[该屎的麻烦]]" - 出现在学校集会上。
* "[[The Problem with a Poo]]" - Seen in the school assembly.
* "[[佛系盒子]]" - 坐在南方公园奶牛足球队这边的椅子上。
* "[[Buddha Box]]" - Seen on the [[List of South Park Cows Sports Teams|South Park Cows]] soccer team's bench.
* "[[Bike Parade]]" - Seen at the bike parade.
* "[[单车巡游]]" - 出现在单车巡游上。
==Video Games==
====''[[South Park: The Stick of Truth]]''====
Jason plays a minor role in the game as a member of the Drow Elves, tending the armory at the Elven Kingdom. You have to buy equipment from him to befriend him. This is one of the few times he speaks, and the only time you interact with him in the game.
[[en:Jason White]]
[[en:Jason White]]

2019年8月27日 (二) 01:53的版本



最初版本的杰森首次出现在“卡特曼的肛门探针”中,是出现在学校食堂中的一个背景人物,然而后来却很少见了。“南方基园”中,一个被重新设计的、与先前不同的杰森首次出场,他是克雷格帮的一员,他和克雷格·塔克托肯·布莱克特维克·特威克一起组成了都市美男小队。他也是“玛乔莉”中帮助恢复“未来预知器”的一员,他和提米守在控制中心外面, 等待其他男孩回来。






  • 在女生制作的最诱人男孩名单中,他排名第五,然而这个名单其实是假的。
  • 在“头虱危机”中,五年级学生的队伍中出现了一个和杰森外表相似的人。



