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{{南方公园角色|图片 = sister-ann.png|英文原名 = Sister Anne|性别 = 女|头发 = 棕色|年龄 = 30-40|职业 = 修女|信仰 = 罗马天主教|配音 = [[伊莱扎·施耐德]]|首次出场 = [[残疾人的救赎]]}}
{{南方公园角色|图片 = sister-ann.png|英文原名 = Sister Anne|性别 = 女|头发 = 棕色|年龄 = 30-40|职业 = 修女|信仰 = 罗马天主教|配音 = [[伊莱扎·施耐德]]
|首次出场 = [[残疾人的救赎]]}}'''Sister Anne''' is a Roman Catholic nun who works alongside [[Priest Maxi]] at the [[South Park Church]]. She first appeared in the [[Season Four]] episode, "[[Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?]]". She was voiced by producer [[Anne Garefino]], whom [[Trey Parker]] and [[Matt Stone]] picked because she was the only Catholic person they knew.
After Maxi scared the kids of ''[[South Park]]'' with threats of going to [[Hell]], she was the Sunday school teacher who helped kids to confess their sins. When the boys asked about whether or not the handicapped would go to hell if they were incapable of confessing their sins, [[Priest Maxi]] told them that yes they would. Sister Anne was shocked and horrified by this, adamantly disagreeing with him--Sister Anne felt that, as you're ultimately a good person in the long run, you should be able to get into heaven no matter who you are or what you're beliefs are. She went so far as to call [[Pope John Paul II]], asking for his opinion on the subject, but, unfortunately, did not get much feedback from the aged Pope. When [[Randy Marsh]] and his wife, [[Sharon Marsh|Sharon]], revealed to Sister Anne that [[The Boys|the boys]] were forming their own church, Sister Anne went to [[South Park Elementary]] with [[Principal Victoria]], and all of their parents, to try and stop [[Eric Cartman]] from brainwashing children.
She and the parents attempt to use bribery to convince the kids to go back to their normal lives, but Cartman saw through the ruse from the start. Finally, Sister Anne attempted to talk to Cartman seriously about his insane church ideals, and asked that he allow the other kids to go back to school and let them be kids again. Cartman shook off her opinion, claiming that only he or Jesus could save the souls of the kids. This gave Sister Anne the idea of having [[Jesus Christ]] himself come and convince the kids to stop following Eric's rigid and corrupt beliefs and go back to being kids again.
Sister Anne wears black shoes, white pants, a light blue skirt, a light blue over shirt, and a light blue and white [[wikipedia:Religious habit|habit]]. She also wears a crucifix necklace and red lipstick. Although her hair is concealed by her habit, she has red eyebrows, which indicates that she's probably a redhead.
*"[[Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?]]" - Teaches Sunday school at the [[South Park Church|church]]. She tells the children to confess their sins or else they will actually go to [[Hell]]. She later attempts to undo the brainwashing made by [[Father Maxi]], and seeks answers from the [[Pope John Paul II|pope]] on whether or not the handicapped will go to [[Hell]].
*"[[Probably]]" - Tries to talk Cartman out of scaring the other children with his false services. When Cartman refuses, she enlists the help of [[Jesus Christ]].
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2019年7月8日 (一) 03:21的版本

Sister Anne is a Roman Catholic nun who works alongside Priest Maxi at the South Park Church. She first appeared in the Season Four episode, "Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?". She was voiced by producer Anne Garefino, whom Trey Parker and Matt Stone picked because she was the only Catholic person they knew.


After Maxi scared the kids of South Park with threats of going to Hell, she was the Sunday school teacher who helped kids to confess their sins. When the boys asked about whether or not the handicapped would go to hell if they were incapable of confessing their sins, Priest Maxi told them that yes they would. Sister Anne was shocked and horrified by this, adamantly disagreeing with him--Sister Anne felt that, as you're ultimately a good person in the long run, you should be able to get into heaven no matter who you are or what you're beliefs are. She went so far as to call Pope John Paul II, asking for his opinion on the subject, but, unfortunately, did not get much feedback from the aged Pope. When Randy Marsh and his wife, Sharon, revealed to Sister Anne that the boys were forming their own church, Sister Anne went to South Park Elementary with Principal Victoria, and all of their parents, to try and stop Eric Cartman from brainwashing children.

She and the parents attempt to use bribery to convince the kids to go back to their normal lives, but Cartman saw through the ruse from the start. Finally, Sister Anne attempted to talk to Cartman seriously about his insane church ideals, and asked that he allow the other kids to go back to school and let them be kids again. Cartman shook off her opinion, claiming that only he or Jesus could save the souls of the kids. This gave Sister Anne the idea of having Jesus Christ himself come and convince the kids to stop following Eric's rigid and corrupt beliefs and go back to being kids again.


Sister Anne wears black shoes, white pants, a light blue skirt, a light blue over shirt, and a light blue and white habit. She also wears a crucifix necklace and red lipstick. Although her hair is concealed by her habit, she has red eyebrows, which indicates that she's probably a redhead.


  • "Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?" - Teaches Sunday school at the church. She tells the children to confess their sins or else they will actually go to Hell. She later attempts to undo the brainwashing made by Father Maxi, and seeks answers from the pope on whether or not the handicapped will go to Hell.
  • "Probably" - Tries to talk Cartman out of scaring the other children with his false services. When Cartman refuses, she enlists the help of Jesus Christ.
主角 斯坦·马什 • 凯尔·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 埃里克·卡特曼 • 肯尼·麦考密克
重要角色 巴特斯·斯多奇 • 克莱德·多诺万 • 克雷格·塔克 • 特维克·特威克 • 吉米·瓦尔莫 • 提米·伯奇 • 托肯·布莱克 • 温蒂·泰斯伯格 • 贝蓓·斯蒂文斯 • 海蒂·特纳 • 艾克·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 兰迪·马什 • 赫伯特·加里森 • 大厨 • 政确校长
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