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{{南方公园地点|图片 = hell.jpg|英文原名 = Hell|类型 = 他世国度|首次出场 = [[墨西哥杀人蛙]]}}'''地狱'''是一个被[[撒旦]]所统治,几乎所有人死后都要去的往生场所。在[[南方公园]]的早期剧集中,只有[[摩门教徒]]死后被送往[[天堂]],所以所有在生前不是摩门教徒的人现在都住在地狱。包括[[阿道夫·希特勒|希特勒]],[[莫罕达斯·甘地|甘地]],[[约翰·肯尼迪|肯尼迪]],[[杰夫瑞·达莫]],[[吉恩·西斯科]]等许许多多的人。这种情况在[[天堂]]难以抵御地狱大军时得到改变,因为[[肯尼·麦考密克|肯尼]]作为一个罗马天主教徒至少去过两次天堂。当然,肯尼也去过地狱。
{{南方公园地点|图片 = hell.jpg|英文原名 = Hell|类型 = 他世国度|首次出场 = [[墨西哥杀人蛙]]}}
'''[[wikipedia:Hell|Hell]]''', ruled by [[Satan]], is an afterlife where nearly everyone goes to after they die. In the early seasons of ''[[South Park]]'', only Mormons were sent to [[Heaven]] after death, so anyone who wasn't a Mormon during their lifetime is currently living in Hell; including [[Adolf Hitler|Hitler]], [[Mahatma Gandhi|Gandhi]], [[John F. Kennedy|JFK]], [[Jeffrey Dahmer]], [[Gene Siskel]], and many more. This was changed when Hell's armies became too overwhelming for Heaven to handle. [[Kenny McCormick|Kenny]], a Roman Catholic, has gone to heaven at least twice. Kenny has also been to hell.
== 背景 ==
Hell in ''[[South Park]]'' is quite unlike the typical Christian Hell. Though Hell is the fiery, cave-like place where Satan was sent to languish for eternity after rebelling against [[God]], neither Hell nor Satan seem to be all that bad. Satan is generally an easy-going, fun-loving guy. He rules Hell lazily, rarely taking any direct action, aside from throwing the occasional Christmas party or luau. People in Hell build homes, eat food, presumably of Hellish origin--one episode shows Satan catching fish from a lake of lava. They even seem to run businesses, such as the butcher who sells a "festive Christmas ham" to Jeffery Dahmer in the first Christmas special.
Death in Hell is meaningless, as anyone who dies in Hell is simply resurrected the next day, such as when [[Saddam Hussein]] and [[Chris]] killed each other over [[Satan]]'s affections. This, in turn, results in the people and demons in Hell seemingly taking a different attitude towards pain and injury. Tiny black imps or other red devils are sometimes shown hurting or torturing humans, much to the carefree amusement of onlookers. Though most people in Hell are free to wander about and do whatever they like, there are a few people who are shown chained to walls. These people might be chained up simply on the whim of Satan or some other fallen angels, or it may be that they are being punished for some underworld infraction, irritating Satan, interfering with parties, etc. It is unlikely that they are being punished for something that they did in their lives on Earth, that sort of thing doesn't happen in the South Park Hell. It doesn't seem to matter who you were when you were alive; Hell treats you the same no matter what. People like Paul Bundy and Mother Theresa are often shown side-by-side, singing and drinking together at Satan's parties, and no famous criminal is ever shown with a specialized punishment for his or her sins.
=== 居民 ===
There are several different types of demons seen there; most prominently small, black creatures with [[Canada|Canadian]]-esque heads that bounce around and squeal constantly, which Satan apparently used to take over the world in ''[[South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut]]''. In "[[Best Friends Forever]]", new types of demons are seen, who are notably more detailed and intimidating, like Satan himself in that episode: They are large, red, humanoid creatures carrying over sized axes and swords. It seems demons in hell have some sort of immunity to Earth weaponry, yet are vulnerable to electricity, as shown when Cartman killed a demon with a single powerful electric shock in ''[[South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut]]''. The reasons for this, if there are any, are so far unknown.
== 冷知识 ==
Hell seems to be resemble Dantes sixth circle of Heresy. Although, it is unknown if the producers intended this or if it is just a coincidence.
*"[[The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka]]"
*"[[墨西哥杀人蛙]]" - “耶稣与伙伴”制片人被送到地狱。
*"[[Mr. Hankey's Christmas Classics]]"
*"[[汉基先生的圣诞特辑]]" - 撒旦演唱了“[[地狱圣诞节]]”。
*"[[Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?]]"
*"[[残疾人的救赎]]" - 撒旦与克里斯发展了关系。
*"[[卡特曼邪教]]" -在上帝的指导下,撒旦决定与克里斯、萨达姆同时分手。
*"[[Dead Celebrities]]"
*"[[永远的好朋友]]" - 撒旦试图进攻天堂。
*"[[Best Friends Forever]]"
*"[[人间地狱]]" - 撒旦举行派对。
*"[[Hell on Earth 2006]]"
*"[[阴魂不散的名人]]" - 死去的名人们被送往地狱。
===''[[South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut]]''===
===[[南方公园加长未删减版]] ===
Kenny is sent to [[Hell]] after accidentally catching himself on fire, and dying.

2019年11月27日 (三) 15:22的版本








  • 地狱的外观与但丁的第六层异端地狱类似。不过,目前还不清楚主创是有意这样做,还是只是巧合。
  • 在1999年,地狱总计大约有9兆2350亿人(不过据科学家估计,截止至2018年,地球上一共只存在过1兆700亿人)。


