



这些字幕就储存在.std文件之中,用windows的记事本就能打开,mac可以用file spy这种专业开文件的工具,或者,如果你很有闲心,可以把文件之中的二进制码统统抓出来,然后对照ASCII表,一个个翻译。




Douchebag, you take this route and the rest of us will flank from the back. 

Do you want Butters or Princess Kenny to go with you, or do you want to go it alone?

Mrph mmm mprhm mmm? Mm mrmrm mrph!

Oho you like me? You really like me?

A man who likes to play with himSELF. I like that.Alright men!



Ohhh yeah, ohh god yeah, nnnggh!

Did you hear something?

Mmph rmmrm mmprm mmph.

Yeeahh, you like that?

Uh, actually it's a little too deep.


I am a great ranger.

I was born to humans but raised by the elves in their forest - and thus my allegiance is to them. 看来斯坦是一个人类,这一点在角色卡里面有提及,而他之所以效忠于精灵,是因为他“在精灵森林之中被抚养长大”,我觉得这大约就是凯尔跟他深厚交情的变相体现吧?


[TEMP] I'm sorry, but the ripples have spoken. You will die, soon, and horribly.(卧槽?!!!!!!)

[TEMP] You have a difficult choice to make. You will gain a new allies, but others will just think you're a butthole.(不失其真实性,不管加入哪一方,结果都一样会有一边讨厌)

[TEMP] I have visions of cooties in your future. It's incurable, like AIDS, except worse.(我以为小龙裔得了艾滋病就已经够惨了.........)

[TEMP] There is a lovely princess in your life, but she is not who she appears to be.(的确如此啊)

[TEMP] Cartman's Rock of Insanity is way lamer than our fountain. No, that's not a vision.(相当同意这一点)

[TEMP] You will marry, but your wife will leave you for your best friend. You will re-marry, but your second wife will hate you so much that she'll turn lesbian.

[TEMP] A long time from now, you will finally overcome your issues and speak again. Unfortunately, everyone will hate your voice.(我其实还是挺喜欢他的声音的)



C'mon, quick!

I'll hold the fort. Go get Donnely!

For the KKK!

Don't let them get to the tower!

Upstairs, dude! Hurry!


randy的话,不要问我发生了什么,我只是贴过来。 NO PLEASE NO MORE I CAN'T TAKE IT!

Oh! You're - YOU'RE HUMAN! You're awake too?!

All the other humans th-they're asleep! I... What are they doing to us?!

I think I saw a way out that's why they put me here!

Don't talk much, do you?

Alright, look, you gotta get through that door behind me. The panel in front of you i-it's how they open it.


AHGHGHGH!!! NO NOT THAT BUTTON!!! It's a sequence don't you see?! Try it again.

AHGHGHGHGGHGHGH!!! Please!!! It's blue button first. PLEASE GET IT RIGHT!


Oh it's open! Thank God! Alright let me down!



Looks like you could use a hand.

I'm here for you, buddy!

Douchebag, we've gotta get out of here!

C'mon! We gotta go!

Mmmrm mmmrphm mmmmrphm!

think it's time we make like a banana and spl- make like a banana and spl-spli-- that we should get going!




Oh, come on!

Whoa, that's not cool, dude. Even I know that.

I'm beginning to think there's something wrong with you, Douchebag.

You've pushed the envelope a little too far this time.

Mm mmph mm mm mmphmm mm mph?

有一个成就是too far,恐怕这就是原初的情况吧。 最终大战的兵分两路

Take care of Ike, Stan. We'll see you up there.

Good luck, pirates! Don't take any prisoners!

Mrmm mmphm mmmrm, mmrphm mmrm!

The perfect countermelody to our symphony of m-mayhem.

Let them get a head start. In case there's traps or something.


scott的话,从内容来看应该是scott the dick。

You farted on me? I can't believe you'd fart on me. That's disgusting, pal!


How incredibly rude and uncivilized! I've never been so insulted, friend!

Insulted! What's the big idea bad-mouthing the Canadian past-time, buddy?

Canadian past-time... more like filthy habit, pal.

Filthy? I'm not going to stand here and take that from you. You're on your own, buddy!

小龙裔在游戏中可以说是顽劣至极的,跑来跑去,非法闯入,还乱打人,我一直觉得该有什么人对他进行点教训,但在试了一次,game over 之后,我就不再试了。



Hey! What do you think you're doing?

Young man, you shouldn't be breaking into people's homes on a school night.

Oh no! It's a kid! I have to shoot a kid!

An intruder! Somebody call the police!

Now why did I come here again? Oh never mind, I remember.

Pizza delivery! I mean you're under arrest.

I'm charging you with shenanigans, young man.

Wow, this house is pretty nice, huh?

Fine but next time we play this I get to be the robber and you have to be the cop.

Don't attack yet I have to tie my shoe. No, these are loafers.

Have you seen a burglar around here?

Am I holding this right?

Slug bug!

This is for your own good.

Huh? Oh.This is going well.


What's the big idea?




What just happened?

Okay, you got me.

I thought we were friends.

Can I watch cartoons?

Hold on... you don't live here at all, DO you?

I'm tired.

Wait, if you're the intruder than who am I?

Oh thank God. I was so scared.

I'm proud of myself.

Did I hit him too hard? Uh oh. UH OH.

Do you smell cinnamon?


特维克这货的话有不少,看来原来跑进来的时候,他家厨房已经差不多要炸掉了....... 这只是存在这里,以后再说分段排序的事......... 23333,有没有注意到“so much pressure ”这个梗?一语双关,压力好大! Quick! The coffee maker! You've gotta brew, man!

Try to get to the circuit breaker on the wall behind me.

Oh Jesus!

The secret ingredient, man. From Kenny's place. Hurry!

AGH! Oh, it's you. Thanks again getting me out of there.


Why are you here? Is it bad? AGH! It's bad, isn't it?


You did it! You turned it off!

What if it turns back on?

AHGHGHGH! How am I supposed to do all this?! There's no way, man! Starbucks has like eight employees!! Here it's just me!!! AHGHGHGH!!!


I can't play until all the work is done! If you get the delivery for me I can finish here!

The delivery is at Kenny's house! AHGHGHGH!!!

Help! The machine's out of control! AGH!

THANK YOU! I thought I was gonna die. God, what if I still do?

That's it! Now, try to get to the switch. You'll have to run past the steam jet between bursts.

God, it's so much pressure!

The switch is over there by the- OH NO there's steam blocking it! Okay. Stay calm. Think. AGH!

I've got it! Coffee! The Tweekers Blend might make you fast enough to get past it.

But we're out of the secret ingredient my dad picks up from Kenny's house. Hurry! I'M NOT READY TO DIE.

[Coffee machine whirs, gurgles, grinds, churns, and spits out the Tweekers Blend.]

[Shot of player chugging the Tweekers blend. Getting amped up.]

Okay! The coffee maker's over by the door. You've gotta brew it before the whole place explodes!

If you ever need my help, I'll be there.

I hope it's not dangerous. AGH! What did I get myself into?

N-no time to talk! Gotta get the supplies! Wipe down the machines!

What's this?! AHGHGHGH!! NOW?!?! The guys need me now?! Oh there's no way man!

I have WAY too much to do!HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO ALL THIS?! Wait- YOU!

Could you go get the four o'clock delivery for me?! If you do I can finish here and then- and then I'll still have time to play!

PLEASE! Would you?! It's at Kenny's house - like always! Y-you give them THIS - They'll give you the delivery!


Where's today's delivery?

Dad! I finished my work can I go play?

Right here!

Hm, yup, that's good shit.

Alright, Tweek, you can play for a little bit. But be home before dark or you'll be grounded.

Grounded like the fresh grinds of our all organic Tweek blend, made with ingredients from local tweekers.

Thanks, kid. I gotta go get changed then I'll meet you at the kingdom!


Day one

New Kid in Town

You and your parents just moved to South Park, a quiet little mountain town. They really want you to go out and make new friends. Right now. It's kind of weird. 

Day One

Betrayal at Kupa Keep

The neighborhood kids are really into a giant fantasy larping game. You're on the side of the KKK (I know, right?) working to reclaim the Stick of Truth from the elves.

Day Two Goths, Maidens & Minstrels

The Stick of Truth has been stolen! Again. You need to get more kids in South Park to join in the giant larpfest.

Day Three

A Song of Ass and Fire

Clyde has double-crossed everyone and stolen the Stick of Truth. But that's not the worst part! You saw your parents. Having. Sex! Get over the trauma by recruiting more friends for the battle.

Day Four

Revenge of the PTA

The Stick of Truth has been stolen. Surprise! Your only hope to retrieve it and regain your friends is to work with the PTA. You poor bastard.
