
Miss Claridge was a pre-school teacher at South Park Elementary, and was first seen in the Season Eight episode, "Pre-School".


Miss Claridge was disabled and covered in burns after a fire broke out in the pre-school classroom at South Park Elementary. The fire was started when the boys wanted to play "fireman" and asked the "baddest kid in pre-school", Trent Boyett, to start a fire for them. In spite of the boys' efforts to extinguish the fire (by urinating on it), the fire grew out of control and nearly killed Miss Claridge. Miss Claridge survived, but was badly injured and placed on a modern chair which very much resembles that of Capt. Christopher Pike in the original Star Trek episode "The Menagerie". She can't speak, and can only communicate by activating the lights and beeps on her wheelchair. If it lights and beeps once it means "yes" and twice means "no." It is not clear how she can function as a teacher if she can only communicate "yes" and "no."

The boys denied all culpability for the fire, resulting in Trent Boyett being sent to Juvenile Hall for 5 years. One day, Miss Claridge's wheelchair ran out of power in the middle of the road where the boys found her. Seeking to escape Trent Boyett who has been released from Juvenile Hall, they appeal to Stan's older sister Shelly Marsh for protection. Shelly agrees, but only if the boys confess to Miss Claridge their role in the fire. As the boys start to confess to her, Trent Boyett arrives and confronts the boys. Cartman tries to stop him with his mother's taser gun but it accidentally shoots Miss Claridge. It overcharges her wheelchair which spins out of control and crashes into a propane shop which blows up and sets her on fire. After crashing into a pet shop and getting attacked by cats, she hits a fire hydrant putting the flames out. The police arrive and ask if Trent started the fire. She replies "no" with 2 beeps but the police mistake it for "yes yes" and arrest Trent. Miss Claridge appears briefly in 2 other episodes, "The Death of Eric Cartman", where Cartman, in his efforts to atone for his life's misdeeds, gives her a fruit basket and "Erection Day" where she could be seen watching Jimmy perform his stand up comedy.

A new preschool teacher is seen in "Member Berries", suggesting she is no longer with the school.


She has long, brown hair with a purple headband. She wore a pink shirt with a white shirt beneath and a purple dress with a flower on the left side and a purple belt on the waist. She also wore gold earrings. After the fire, she is in her electric wheelchair which resembles Capt. Christopher Pike's wheelchair from the original Star Trek episode "The Menagerie".

主角 斯坦·马什 • 凯尔·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 埃里克·卡特曼 • 肯尼·麦考密克
重要角色 巴特斯·斯多奇 • 克莱德·多诺万 • 克雷格·塔克 • 特维克·特威克 • 吉米·瓦尔莫 • 提米·伯奇 • 托肯·布莱克 • 温蒂·泰斯伯格 • 贝蓓·斯蒂文斯 • 海蒂·特纳 • 艾克·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 兰迪·马什 • 赫伯特·加里森 • 大厨 • 政确校长
家庭 马什家 斯坦·马什 • 雪莉·马什 • 兰迪·马什 • 莎伦·马什 • 马文·马什 • 金博·克恩 | 斯帕克
布罗夫洛夫斯基家 凯尔·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 艾克·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 希拉·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 杰拉德·布罗夫洛夫斯基 • 克莉欧·布罗夫洛夫斯基 | 大象
卡特曼/泰诺曼家 埃里克·卡特曼 • 丽安·卡特曼 • 斯科特·泰诺曼 • 杰克·泰诺曼 • 泰诺曼太太 | 猫咪先生 • 小蓬蓬
麦考密克家 肯尼·麦考密克 • 卡伦·麦考密克 • 凯文·麦考密克 • 斯图尔特·麦考密克 • 卡萝尔·麦考密克
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特威克家 特维克·特威克 • 理查德·特威克 • 特威克太太
布莱克家 托肯·布莱克 • 史蒂夫·布莱克 • 琳达·布莱克
瓦尔莫家 吉米·瓦尔莫 • 瑞安·瓦尔莫 • 莎拉·瓦尔莫
伯奇家 提米·伯奇 • 理查德·伯奇 • 海伦·伯奇 | 咯咯
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记者 汤姆·汤普森 • 塔米·汤普森 • 汤姆·帕斯里克 • 克里斯·施瓦伦波斯 • 比尔·基根 • 比基尼侏儒
乡巴佬 内德·格布兰斯基 • 斯基特 • 酒保 • 比尔·德金斯 • 达瑞尔·韦瑟斯
科学家 兰迪·马什 • 彼得·尼尔森 • 阿方斯·莫费斯托博士 • 凯文·莫费斯托
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