
Joe Gargery was a character created by Charles Dickens in his novel Great Expectations. He appears in an identical role in the episode "Pip".

Joe Gargery is Pip's brother-in-law. He is a blacksmith and is also the husband of Pip's hot-tempered adult sister.


He has an elongated face, a red nose and really bad teeth. He has brown hair, badly-kept stubble and hairy arms. He appears dressed in dark red overalls and brown shirt.


Pip Pirrip

Joe has taken Pip on as his apprentice, and wishes to teach him in the trade of being a blacksmith. When the lawyer from London comes to take Pip to be a gentleman, he appears to be disappointed that Pip is leaving him to be a gentleman rather than a blacksmith, but appears genuinely happy for Pip, remarking that that Pip is "A young gentleman of great expectations!"

Mrs. Joe Gargery

His short-tempered wife, Pip's grown sister, is dismissive towards him and his work, often being obnoxious and abusive towards him as well as disparagingly calling him things like "metal-pounding fairy".


  • 乔·盖格瑞制作的东西之一是一只金属橙子,这可能是对安东尼·伯吉斯作品《发条橙》的参考,这本小说后来被改编成了一部电影,主演就是“皮普特辑”的解说员:马尔科姆·麦克道尔。