The Weatherhead Residence is situated in Greeley, and home to the Weatherhead family, along with their adopted children. It appeared in Season Fifteen episode "The Poor Kid".
Children whose parents were caught operating meth labs are sent to the Weatherhead Residence to live with their adoptive parents. The family lives under strict agnosticism, which include believing in an "uncertainty" ideology on everything, from the existence of God to determining the flavor of Dr. Pep-er.
Following a discussion among the children about a guardian angel who appeared in Greeley Elementary, Mr. and Mrs. Weatherhead ordered all of them to The Punishment Room to straighten up.
Mr. and Mrs. Weatherhead were eventually arrested after both sampled on a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon, with the children taken back to their own parents, leaving the house unoccupied.
The house is painted white in color with red roofs and a red brick chimney. It has a large porch at its entrance.
Much of the interior is run-down, decorated with cheap or partially damaged furniture. There are several agnostic posters and a few family portraits hung on its walls. The house is partially clean, owing to the family's belief that "cleanliness is next to godliness".
The lower floor has a kitchen and a living room with a dining area. The dining area consists of a large dining table with several foldable chairs. On the upper floor, there are two bedrooms separated by gender, both in a similar style to a military bunk, with a list of chores on their respective doors.
The Punishment Room lies at the basement.
- Mr. and Mrs. Weatherhead
- Melissa Weatherhead (formerly)
- David Weatherhead (formerly)
- Kenny McCormick (formerly)
- Karen McCormick (formerly)
- Kevin McCormick (formerly)