South Park Archives

Wasted Cache is a side quest in South Park: The Stick of Truth, given by Mr. Mackey in the Community Center. He requires you to take a computer monitor to his U-STOR-IT locker.


Go to Mr. Mackey's U-Stor-It locker and put the computer monitor in there. You may encounter some N*** Zombies that randomly spawn at the entrance of the U-Stor-It, otherwise it is a very simple delivery.

Return to Mr. Mackey for your reward.


Mr. Mackey friends you on Facebook.


  • The quest itself, along with Mr. Mackey's hoarding disorder is a nod to Season Fourteen episode "Insheeption".
    • If the New Kid enters Mr. Mackey's store room with Stan or Cartman as the active combat buddy, they will mention the plot where a younger Mackey was raped by Woodsy Owl.
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Main Quests

The New Kid in TownCall the BannersGate CrasherHot CoffeeDetention SentenceThe BardIt's LateAlien AbductionGain New AlliesNonconformistPTA ProblemsAttack the SchoolGo Back HomeDefeat the Underpants GnomesForging AlliancesRecruit the GirlsPose as Bebe's BoyfriendUnplanned ParenthoodHeading NorthO CanadaBeat Up ClydeBetrayal From Within

Side Quests
Big Game Huntin' With JimboDefeat ManBearPigDropping the Kids OffFind JesusFlower For a PrincessHide 'n' SeekMagical SongsManBearPigMongolian BeefMr. Slave's PackageN*** Zombie BountyPhase OneRats in the CellarRestoring the BalanceThe Homeless ProblemThe She-OgreThe Timmy ExpressUnfriend Al GoreVulcan AroundWasted Cache
