The Walt Disney Animation Studios is an animation studio located in Burbank, California, and the current headquarters of Mickey Mouse. It appears in the Season Twenty-Four episode, "The Pandemic Special".
Randy Marsh calls Mickey Mouse in his office, telling him that he might have caused the COVID-19 pandemic because he had sex with a bat back in Wuhan, China.
The studio is seen again in South Park: Joining the Panderverse, when Bob Iger holds a meeting with several executives to discuss the recent box office failures before Kathleen Kennedy (Universe 5429F) arrives. Later, part of the studio lot is used to film a live action version of Bambi.
- Mickey was heard screaming over the telephone about various references to Disneyland's struggle to the pandemic and The Mandalorian:
- "Then sell fucking Epcot Center! If we can't get people on the rides, then sell the fucking thing!" This is a reference to Disneyland struggling to sustain its business because of the COVID-19 pandemic.[1]
- "No, no, no, I said more Mandalorian!" This is a reference to people anticipating for the second season of The Mandalorian.[2]
- The building depicted in "The Pandemic Special" is the "Team Disney" building. Also shown is the Disney Legends Plaza, also containing the bronze plaques showing the handprints and signatures of the recipient of the Disney Legends award, but all of the bronze plaques depicted in the special all say "Disney" on it. Also shown is the "Partners" statue, depicting Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse, representing the spirit of the company.
- Additionally in South Park: Joining the Panderverse, the Walt Disney Studios Water Tower can be seen through the meeting room window and later behind the crew during the filming of the live action Bambi.