South Park Archives

Towelie Your Gaming Bud is a downloadable content pack for South Park: The Fractured But Whole. It was released along with the main game on October 17, 2017 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One and it was free for people who preordered the game.[1] It was also released on Nintendo Switch on April 24, 2018, along with The Fractured But Whole video game.


The DLC provides assistance to players at key locations throughout the game. At these certain places/points in the game, Towelie will appear in the top right-hand corner of the player's screen and give them little tips to help them.

All Appearances and Quotes[]

  • Your House when you leave your bathroom at the start of the game.
    • "Hey look, you’ve brought a towel. Hey man, I'm Towelie, your gaming bud. I'm going to give some tips from time to time, because well, who doesn't love tips, right? All right then. I'll see you later."
  • Cartman's house when you walk back into his house after talking with some Moors.
    • "It seems like anything with a gold handle can be opened - give it a shot!"
  • Find and open Cartman's journal and gain code to his basement.
    • "That's a key item! Maybe that means it's important!"
  • Go into any bathroom for the first time.
    • "Hooooowdy-ho, gaming bud! When you enter a bathroom, don't be shy about taking a potty break. You can get some neat stuff when you use the toilet! Good luck, bud!"
  • Close Coonstagram for the first time.
    • "Coonstagram can be fun. Check it out sometime!"
  • During the fight with Bartles.
    • "Sixth graders are the most unhygienic kids on the planet. You don't even wanna know what they do with their towels"
  • Enter kitchen of Marsh Residence.
    • "Hey there, I'm Towelie, your gaming bud. Remember, when snooping around someone's house, always check their refrigerator. There's always some good shit to steal in the fridge."
  • Leave Kyle's room after a fight with his evil alter-ego.
    • Hey there, I'm Towelie. when you visit people's houses, don't be shy about opening their drawers, cabinets, and doors... Hey, look, that one has a gold handle!"
  • In Cartman's basement after you learn about artifacts.
    • "Artifacts are a big part of what makes you strong, bud! It's a good idea to try and match your Artifacts with the kinds of powers you use in battle. See ya next tip."
  • Pass near the podium where few Sixth Graders are waiting for you.
    • "Hey there, gaming bud! You can use your Snap N Pops to ignite things like fireworks - give it a try!"
  • During a fight with pedophilic priests in South Park Church.
    • "Whoa, that priest likes a kid a whole lot. You don't wanna to get caught in his hug! You might really need a towel then." [laughs a little]
  • In your house when you sneak out during the first night.
    • "Don't forget you can use your Snap N Pops to knock things down. See ya, bud!"
  • In the bathroom of the Peppermint Hippo with Captain Diabetes.
    • "Oh wow, you got some components outta there! You can craft all kinds of things from components!"
  • During a mini-game in the Peppermint Hippo.
    • "Don't forget to bring a towel!"
  • At the start of the mission Don't let Classi escape!.
    • "You just wanna get to the end of the room as fast as your little legs can take you there. Hope you have some fast attacks!"
  • In the Spontaneous Bootay boss fight.
    • "Woah, shit! Spontaneous Bootay will fuck you up, kids! You better run like hell!"
  • While defeating the cooks at Buca De Faggoncini.
    • "Your farts are super powerful tools to use in combat! Your new fart power can totally nullify an enemy turn."
  • While pushing the cat crate right before the Red Wine Drunk Randy boss fight.
    • "There could be a boss battle coming up, bud! Better make sure you are stocked up on healing items and have your best artifacts equipped! That was a hell of a tip!"
  • After opening and going inside Craig's garage.
    • "Hey there. I'm Towelie, your gaming bud! See that red crack? You can't break that with your Snap N Pops, you're gonna need an explosion!"
  • Walking into SoDoSoPa.
    • "Ah, the lofts at SoDoSoPa. I think I lost a crack pipe here. That stuff will make you do some crazy shit!"
  • After opening and going inside Cartman's garage.
    • "You can call your little friend Scott to tip over some heavy objects like that one. He'll be happy to help!"
  • Crossing in front of Skeeter's.
    • "Your buddy Kyle can help you get to high places like this roof here. Just give him a call."
  • On top of Skeeter's.
    • "Wow, this is really high. The last time I was this high, I had sex with a big old black beach towel."
  • In Medicinal Fried Chicken during Medicinal Fried Fiasco (in this appearance, Towelie is behind the counter, not where he usually is at the top right hand corner of the screen; can be seen with or without this DLC).
    • Towelie: "Hey! You wanna get high? Oh, hey Eric!
    • Cartman: "Oh wow, Towelie! I thought you went to rehab."
    • Towelie: "Yeah, I did, but now I'm back in South Park clean and sober almost a year. Clean and sober. No drugs at all. And I tell you what, I DON'T MISS IT!"
    • Cartman: "Aaand you work here in a pot store?"
    • Towelie: "Cannabis, Eric, and yeah, it's great! Now I get high helping people cure their insomnia, back pain, migranes, and stress... naturally! Did you know that ancient Chinese gave cannabis to their infants for teething?"
    • Cartman: "Huh."
    • Towelie: "I have an addictive personality, so I'm cool without it. And now I've got a kid with my lady, so... better to stay on the straight and narrow, you know?"
    • Cartman: "You have a kid... right."
    • Towelie: "Turns out I had one the whole time! I was too high to realize. Now I'm holding down a job and paying the rent. But I'm also doing good, helping people find the herbal remedies they need... to combat all the modern stresses of a job and TAXES and TRAFFIC and a WIFE breathing down my neck about the APARTMENT and 'TOWELIE WE GOT A LEAK,', 'WHY CAN'T YOU FIX IT?', 'I'M NOT A PLUMBER, B****. I'M A TOWEL. NOT A FUCKING PLUMBER!'.
    • Cartman: "OK... we're here to pick up our friend's medicine. Her name is Classi."
    • Towelie: "Oh, Classy! Classy with a Y with a clit hanging off it and coming around and licking the shit out of the C?
    • Cartman: "No, no, no, no, it's, uh, Classi with a dick hanging off the I that's fucking the L out of the A-S-S."
    • Towelie: "Oh, that Classi. Sure, I got her order!" (turns around to get Classi's prescription) "Eh, she... See, she likes the Banana Kush for her back pain and some of the Platinum OG to- Wait, what the fuck? WHO PUT THE CHILLAX KUSH IN WITH THE OG MELLOWBLISS?! WHAT THE FUCK, YOU R******?! PEOPLE DON'T WANNA MIX THIER MELLOW WITH THEIR CHILL! THEY'LL GET ALL FUCKED UP! GOD, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!"
    • Cartman: "Hey, hey, Towelie, it's cool, relax..."
    • Towelie: "No, it is NOT FUCKING COOL! I'm trying to run a legitimate business here and my back hurts, I can't sleep, I got no appetite, this shitty town is so fucked up. We gotta buy all our product from FUCKING SIXTH GRADERS! AND WHO KNOWS WHAT THE SHIT THEY'RE PUTTING IN IT! And then to top it off, I got a couple of little dick lickers coming in to MY STORE telling ME TO FUCKING RELAX! FUCK YOU! YOU RELAX! YOU'RE A TOWEL!" (cutscene switches to the starting scene of the Sober Towelie battle).
  • After the New Kid completes the Sober Towelie Special Objective (the battle ends directly after this quote).
    • "NOW, FOR MY BEST ATTACK... My BEST attack... My... Hey, guys. Oh... Hey, how you been Eric? Ah, you're a cool guy, man... I'm psyched to see you, man..."
  • After the Sober Towelie battle rewards are collected.
    • "Ay, this is for Classi. I threw in a couple hash nuggets and some Granddaddy Purple Shatter on the house... Come by anytime for a hookup."
  • In front of Tweek Bros.
    • "You can try to toss your farts at enemies to gain an advantage in combat - use the fart to gross 'em out, and punch 'em while they're upchucking!"
  • In the school in front of the electrified water separating the player and a Sixth Grader.
    • "Looks like your butt can do some crazy shit! Maybe you can use your farts to pause time. Have fun!"
  • In Kenny's house with Toolshed.
    • "In this area, you might notice the intense urine smell. Did you know, human urine works as a fertilizer for marijuana cultivation? Smells like somebody cultivated on that couch."
  • Back in Medicinal Fried Chicken after the Sober Towelie battle.
    • "The fuck kind of customer service is that, Todd?"
    • "Sorry for my unprofessional behavior earlier. I'm going through some shit."
    • "Shut the fuck up, Todd. I don't want to hear shit from you right now."
    • "Can't look any worse, Todd."
    • "Remember, don't say shit about today to my old lady, New Kid."
    • "You want a job, New Kid? Your best qualification is that you're not Todd!"
  • Taking a Coonstagram photo with Towelie.
    • "OK, sure... just don't let any cops see this"
    • "Thanks, kid. You can bet Towelie will look for you on Coonstagram."
  • In the bathroom at Freeman's Tacos.
    • "Hoooooowdy-ho, gaming bud! Did you know that Morgan Freeman is actually an actor? He's been in some good shit!"
  • In front of the holding cells in the Police Station.
    • "Hey, It's Towelie... I... I... I forgot what I was going to say, oh shit, I'll be right back."
  • Defeating the cops in front of the Police Station holding cells.
    • "Oh, yeah, now I remember! I was supposed to give you a tip. Well, here's a tip, DON'T TRUST THE GOVERNMENT! There you go, you're welcome."
    • "You know what a government's good for? NOTHING! NOTHING AT ALL! They're always trying to tell you what to do and spy on you and shit. FUCK THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS! I HATE 'EM!"
  • After the cops have been defeated.
    • "Hey, kid, I was just messing around about the government, they're not so bad. They're actually pretty good guys. Be cool, man, they're listening to us right now. Just act natural. Oh, shit, they're probably tracking this call! I'm fucking out of here!"
  • Before the Shub-Niggurath boss battle.
    • "Sounds like there's some dangerous shit behind that door. You should use the vending machine to stock up on supplies before you go in there."
  • Delivering the last fart during the Mutant Alternate Human Kite battle.
    • While the player is charging up their fart, Towelie is asleep in the top right hand corner.
  • Going past Skeeter's after the Mutant Alternate Human Kite battle.
    • "Oh, shit, how long was I asleep? Did I miss anything? All right then, peace out."

See Also[]

