- For other uses, see Thomas (Disambiguation).
Tom is a local journalist. He is Kevin's father, a boy who was thawed from ice in "Summer Sucks". He appears again in "Helen Keller! The Musical", explaining to his son why his mother died.
He is also seen in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut while Stan Marsh is walking through town singing, he yells at Stan to get out of his way. He has also made a number of background appearances.
Tom wears thick-rimmed rectangular glasses, a green shirt, and blue pants. He has brown hair.
- "Ike's Wee Wee"
- "The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka"
- "Summer Sucks"
- "Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls"
- "Cow Days"
- "Gnomes"
- "Prehistoric Ice Man"
- "Spontaneous Combustion"
- "Jakovasaurs"
- "Sexual Harassment Panda"
- "Korn's Groovy Pirate Ghost Mystery" - Tom is killed by a pirate ghost, but seen since that.
- "Chinpokomon" - Seen on Main Street.
- "Are You There God? It's Me, Jesus"
- "The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000"
- "Timmy 2000"
- "Cartman Joins NAMBLA"
- "Chef Goes Nanners"
- "Something You Can Do with Your Finger"
- "Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?"
- "Probably" - Seen strolling in Hell's park and greeting Satan. He was referred as Rick.
- "Fourth Grade"
- "Helen Keller! The Musical"
- "A Very Crappy Christmas"
- "It Hits the Fan"
- "Super Best Friends"
- "Scott Tenorman Must Die"
- "Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow"
- "Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants"
- "How to Eat with Your Butt"
- "The Entity"
- "Butters' Very Own Episode" - Can be briefly seen behind John and Patricia Ramsey at the end of the episode.
- "Jared Has Aides"
- "Asspen"
- "Free Hat"
- "The Biggest Douche in the Universe"
- "Krazy Kripples" - Seen on Main Street.
- "I'm a Little Bit Country"
- "Lil' Crime Stoppers"
- "Red Man's Greed"
- "Casa Bonita"
- "Butt Out"
- "It's Christmas in Canada"
- "Up the Down Steroid"
- "You Got F'd in the A"
- "Douche and Turd"
- "Something Wall-Mart This Way Comes"
- "Pre-School"
- "Stupid Spoiled W**** Video Playset"
- "Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina"
- "Die Hippie, Die"
- "Wing"
- "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow"
- "Ginger Kids"
- "Free Willzyx"
- "Bloody Mary"
- "Cartoon Wars Part I"
- "A Million Little Fibers"
- "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy"
- "Hell on Earth 2006" - Seen at Satan's party.
- "The Snuke" - Attends Hillary Clinton's rally.
- "Le Petit Tourette"
- "The List" - Patronizes True-Value Hardware.
- "Tonsil Trouble" - Among the passengers on board the flight to Los Angeles.
- "Britney's New Look" - Seen taking photos of Britney Spears along with many other people.
- "Major Boobage"
- "Over Logging" - Seen at the Internet Refugee Camp.
- "Pinewood Derby"
- "The F Word" - Seen among the spectators witnessing the change in definition for "f**s".
- "Medicinal Fried Chicken" - Seen in the crowd at the end of the episode.
- "Broadway Bro Down"
- "Cartman Finds Love"
- "Sarcastaball"
- "A Nightmare on Face Time"
- "Taming Strange" - Among the audience of the Yo Gabba Gabba! live concert.
- "Handicar" - Among the panic buyers outside Food 4 Little.
- "Cock Magic" - Spectates the volleyball match against McNuggets.
- "Sons A Witches" - Seen as Peter Mullen comes up to hug him and an unnamed woman, possibly his second wife.
- "Christmas Snow"
- "Cupid Ye" - Appears as an audience for Kyle's speech on stereotypes.
- "Japanese Toilet" - Attends Stan's speech outside of City Hall.
- South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Tells Stan Marsh to get out of his way.
- South Park: The Streaming Wars Part 2 - Among the townspeople witnessing the restoration of Colorado's water supply.