The Punishment Room is in the basement of the Weatherhead Residence, home to the militant agnostic foster family from "The Poor Kid". It is where all their foster children are "punished" for ignoring Agnostic beliefs, and David Weatherhead is the only child who is seen punished onscreen.
The layout of the room is simple. It is the dark, dank basement of the Weatherhead household lit by a single lightbulb hanging in the middle of the room. There are chains and a water heater with pipes, which is what one would normally find in a basement.
However, the small windows are covered, poorly, with taped newspaper. The walls are leaky red cinder blocks with brown smudges, and the ceiling is a simple white wooden frame. There is a purple tarpulain held down with cinder blocks underneath the place where a child is chained, presumably to keep the Dr. Pep-er from staining the dirty floor.
In the corner opposite of the water heater, there is a workbench with leather straps which may have also been used as a form of torture/punishment, and a rack of sticks, possibly used to smack the children.
Method of Punishment[]
Children to be "punished" are hung by their hands tied together in the middle of the room from the ceiling. They are hung over a large tarp, held down by cinder blocks, as to not make a mess. They are then sprayed with Dr. Pep-er using a power washer which is connected to a barrel of Dr. Pep-er, while the other children must watch the victim. This method of disciplining children is actually heartless torture, a form of waterboarding, and is generally illegal to do in the United States, especially on children.