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"The Hundred Hands of Chaos/Walkthrough" is under construction. Some information may be missing.

Under Covers "Under Covers/Walkthrough" "The Hundred Hands of Chaos/Walkthrough" "The Chaos Gambit/Walkthrough" The Chaos Gambit


Once you wake up, the mission will begin. Start by going downstairs. Use the TimeFart Pause to reach the couch and grab the gold key. Then, use Snap N Pops to knock the silver key down below the staircase. Lastly, grab the copper key out of your dad's hands before using them to unlock the front door.

Follow Toolshed to reach Kenny's house. As you enter, look for the "Beer" sign on the back wall. Hit it with some Snap N Pops to pick up the Fuse of High Tolerance.

Then, go upstairs. Head into the room on the left to find the Starchild Costume Set in the drawer to the left and the Happy Return Yaoi Art piece hanging on the wall to the right.

Next, go in the room to the right to enter Kenny's room. Interact with the bedside drawer to pick up the Mysterion Character Sheet. Next, head through the closet and use the switch to exit the house.

Before passing by the red bricks, pull the grill over to the caution taped part of the fence. Use Snap N Pops and throw a fart to blow a hole here. Go behind the fence to the left to find the Scar Wound accent makeup.

Then, continue forward and use the Sandblaster to clear the lava. In this next area, you will encounter some bums. You do need to fight them in order to proceed. Here, you will get a taste of Toolshed's powers. This fight is set up nicely to use his Spiral Power and Drillslinger moves.

Defeat the Bums[]

Allies Layout Rewards
Portrait toolshed
Tb bum bruisera
Tb toolshed
Tb bum bruiserb
Tb bum swarmera
Tb bum swarmerb
Sanity Siphon artifact
Primal Aggression DNA
75 XP

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Bum Bruiser Information
Tb bum bruiseraTb bum bruiserb Health Stats mc health 260
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities None
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Bumbruiser power1
Bottle Bash
Swings a beer bottle at the target.
Melee 68 Damage Effect knockback damage Knockback (2)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Bum Bruiser Information
Tb bum swarmeraTb bum swarmerb Health Stats mc health 130
Move Stats mc movement 2
Immunities None
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Bumswarmer power1
Stabs target with a screwdriver.
Melee 36 Damage Icon bleeding Bleeding

Try and focus on one pair of bums before taking out the next group to ensure an easy victory.

Note: Before passing thorugh the cardboard box, be sure to pick up the Yaoi Art Piece: Tongue in Tweek on the orange tent.

Then, continue forward to reach the red bricks blocking the U-STOR-IT facility. After the cutscene, loot the duffle bag at the back before entering the “closed” office just ahead. Loot the duffle bag in here and use Snap N Pops to get the key high above. Then, go back into the employee lounge. Loot the cooler here to find the Champion Suit.

Continue forward to reach another cutscene. Then, before passing through the open garage, open the garage door with a large "Chaos" painted onto it. Once inside, pull the fireworks toward the broken clock. Use Snap N Pops to destroy the clock and reveal a chest holding the Pencil Stache facial hair. Then, climb the ladder to reach the box up to the left to find the Continuum Enforcer artifact. You can also move the fireworks to the right to blow up the case and get some extra cloth for crafting.

Now, go through the open door to eventually reach a block in the road. Use the Diabetic Rage Buddy Power to clear the tank in the way. Cross past this obstacle. Then, use TimeFart Glitch to continue forward. Loot the duffle bag before continuing to the next screen.

In this next area, don't interact with the object in the middle. First, go to the top and loot the storage unit. Then, touch the mask in the center to continue.

Here, you will be ambushed by some Chaos minions and their canine companions. For this fight, focus on the dogs first. They have the ability to do the most damage.

Defeat the Chaos Minions[]

Allies Layout Rewards
Two allies of your choice
Portrait toolshed
Tb chaosdog c
Tb chaoskid wizarda
Tb chaosdog d
Tb chaoskid d
Tb chaoskid wizardb
Tb toolshed
2 1

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Dog Information
Tb chaosdog cTb chaosdog d Health Stats mc health 180
Move Stats mc movement 2
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Chaosdog power1
Chomp of Chaos
Bites the target.
Melee 120 Damage None

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Sniper Information
Tb chaoskid wizardaTb chaoskid wizardb Health Stats mc health 280
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Bumbruiser power1
Disks of Chaos
Throws a set of CDs at the target.
3 range st los alt 80 Damage None

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Bomber Information
Tb chaoskid d Health Stats mc health 240
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Generic lobbed
Lava of Chaos
Pours lava onto the target.
Lobbed st min range 80 Damage None

Finish this battle to immediately engage in another. This time, you will fight Professor Chaos’ paid workers.

Allies Layout Rewards
Two allies (carried forward from previous battle)
Portrait toolshed
Tb mexicanballtossera
Tb mexicanballtosserc
Tb chaosthug c
Tb toolshed
Tb chaosthug a
Tb chaosthug d
1 2
Binder of Ese Essays artifact
75 XP

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Bruiser Information
Tb chaosthug aTb chaosthug cTb chaosthug d Health Stats mc health 360
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Chaosmexthug power1
Foot of Chaos
Kicks once on the target.
Melee 120 Damage None

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Sniper Information
Tb mexicanballtosseraTb mexicanballtosserc Health Stats mc health 180
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Chaosballtosser power1
Sniper Ranged
Hurls a tennis ball at the target.
3 range st los alt 80 Damage None

Although there are many of them, they take little work to finish off. Try and focus on defeating a few of them at a time, instead of taking them all on at once.

After the battle, go right to access the next storage unit. Climb the boxes a the back to reach a box containing a costume. Then, use TimeFart Pause to reach the switch powering the laser at the back. Next, pull the TNT box to the back by the crack in the wall. Then, use Snap N Pops to blow a hole in the wall.

In this next area, use Fartkour to hop over the wall. Walk over to the right and descend the ladder. Use Snap N Pops to drop the ladder down to reach the ground. Open the storage unit door to unveil two containers. Loot the first one on the ground. Then, climb back up the ladder. Use TimeFart Rewind to keep climbing. Descend the left ladder to reach the box containing the Face Tendrils facial hair. Continue to the right to reach another cutscene.

Before progressing to the next screen, feel free to stock up on healing items and revives at the vending machine here. After that, go right. When you reach the obstacle, move the box into the gap in the path to reach the next area. Here, you will fight General Disarray.

Defeat General Disarray[]

Allies Layout Rewards
Two allies of your choice
Portrait toolshed
Tb chaoskid c
Tb toolshed
Lava 1
Tb generaldisarray
N 2
Tb chaosthug b
Tb chaoskid wizardc
Diabolic Inscription artifact
The Ginger Sense DNA
100 XP

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Bruiser Information
Tb chaosthug b Health Stats mc health 360
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Chaosmexthug power1
Foot of Chaos
Kicks once on the target.
Melee 120 Damage None

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Sniper Information
Tb chaoskid wizardc Health Stats mc health 240
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Generic ranged
Disks of Chaos
3 range st los alt 80 Damage None

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Sniper Information
Tb chaoskid cTb chaoskid dTb chaoskid e Health Stats mc health 180
Move Stats mc movement 2
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Generic melee
Melee Strike
Punches the target.
Melee 120 Damage None

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Bruiser Information
Tb chaostanka Health Stats mc health 360
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Chaosmextank power1
Max Impact
Charges towards the target(s). Has a cooldown of one turn.
Charge4 120 Damage Effect knockback damage Knockback (2)
Icon encumbered Slow
Chaosmextank power2
Turbo Club
Attacks with their mechanical arms.
Multilane 160 Damage Effect knockback damage Knockback (1)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Bruiser Information
Tb chaosthug aTb chaosthug d Health Stats mc health 360
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Chaosmexthug power1
Foot of Chaos
Kicks once on the target.
Melee 120 Damage None

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
General Disarray Information
Tb generaldisarray Health Stats mc health 580
Move Stats mc movement 4
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Generaldisarray power2
Discs of Disarray
Flings a set of CDs towards the target. Has a cooldown of one turn.
3 range st los alt 52 Damage None
Generaldisarray power1
Robo Arm
Targets a selected arm with an overhead claw, filled with a sack of lava (telegraphed).
Forward cross None Icon burning Burning

The goal of this fight is only to knock out General Disarray. Although his minions will give you a tough time, focus your efforts on knocking him out at all costs. Also, after your first round of attacks, a timer will appear at the bottom of the screen. This meter will fill while you are dormant during your turn. So, be sure to move your characters out of the way quickly.

Continue to press forward and attack Disarray. Soon, he will lower a double minion. As much as you can, stay away! This enemy does a high amount of damage even though his moves are limited. Continue the attack on General Disarray while avoiding the telegraphed attacks to ensure victory. As a reward, you will obtain the Diabolic Inscription artifact and The Ginger Sense DNA strand.

After the cutscene, use Inspection mode and interact with the lava to discover a new buddy power: Sandblaster. Now, you can clear any red bricks in the game. Next, climb the ladders to reach the next area.

On the roof, blow away the red bricks. Then, hit the top right and bottom left boards with some Snap N Pops. Once you reach the top, use Fartkour to continue. Follow the path to the left, looting along the way. Then, take the ladder down. Use the Sandblaster buddy power to clear the red bricks here. Loot the duffle bag at the back before continuing to the right. You will encounter further Chaos Minions as you travel further in the storage.

Allies Layout Rewards
Two allies of your choice
Portrait toolshed
Tb chaoskid wizarda
Tb chaoskid c
Tb chaosthug a
1 N
Tb chaosthug c
Tb chaoskid d
Tb toolshed
Tb chaoskid wizardc

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Sniper Information
Tb chaoskid wizarda Health Stats mc health 180
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Chaoskid power1
Disks of Chaos
Flings a set of CDs towards the target.
3 range st los alt 80 Damage None

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Bomber Information
Tb chaoskid wizardc Health Stats mc health 240
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Chaoskid power3
Lava of Chaos
Tosses lava onto the target.
Lobbed st min range 40 Damage Icon burning Burning

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Bruiser Information
Tb chaosthug aTb chaosthug c Health Stats mc health 360
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Chaosmexthug power1
Foot of Chaos
Kicks once on the target.
Melee 120 Damage None

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Chaos Sniper Information
Tb chaoskid cTb chaoskid d Health Stats mc health 180
Move Stats mc movement 2
Immunities Burning
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Generic melee
Melee Strike
Punches the target.
Melee 120 Damage None

Next, head inside the storage unit at the back. Use TimeFart Pause to reach the chest at the back containing the Trinity of Reflection artifact.

Back in the main area, continue moving right, looting along the way. Soon, you will reach another battle, this time with Meth Heads.

Defeat the Meth Heads[]

Allies Layout Rewards
Two allies of your choice
Portrait toolshed
Portrait callgirl
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 01
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 03
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 01
Tb methhead c
Tb methhead d
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 01
Tb toolshed
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 02
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 01
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 03
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 02
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 03
1 N
Tb methhead b
Tb methhead a
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 02
Tb prp chemicalbarrel 03
Cheesing Vial x1
Filter Mask
75 XP
Toolshed Call Girl[note 1]

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Meth Head Sniper Information
Tb methhead aTb methhead b Health Stats mc health 300
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities None
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Generic ranged
Test-Tube Toss
Tosses a test tube towards the target.
3 range st los alt 80 Damage None

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
Meth Head Bomber Information
Tb methhead c Health Stats mc health 300
Move Stats mc movement 1
Immunities None
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Generic lobbed
Kitty Litter Bomb
Tosses a handful of kitty litter towards the target.
Cc range 2 3 80 Damage None
Methhead power2
Spear Knee
Attack targets with the knee.
Melee 120 Damage Effect knockback damage Knockback (1)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole Enemy
CMeth Head Medic Information
Tb methhead d Health Stats mc health 240
Move Stats mc movement 2
Immunities None
List of abilities
Ability Range Effect Status
Methhead power4
Urine Luck
Sprays cat piss onto the target.
Lobbed st heal no min range 200 Heal None
Methhead power6
Pee Punch
Swings a bottle filled with cat piss towards the target.
Melee 80 Damage None

The main battle mechanic to be aware of is the explosive barrels. They explode in a "+" pattern, one square in each direction. These can be very usual when using a character who can target them, like Call Girl and Toolshed. Stay away from these containers yourself to give yourself an advantage.

Move to the right to enter another battle. Before the fight begins. Use Inspection mode and interact with the pipe to blow the fireworks down. Then, use Snap N Pops to blow them up. This will initiate the battle. Here, you'll want to avoid the Chaos Turrets. Feel free to leave them be while you focus on the Chaos minions. Soon, more will appear behind you. Take out this first group and some Chaos dogs will arrive, shortly followed by a Chaos Tank.

Again, stay as far away as possible from the tank to avoid taking big damage. Finish the battle to receive The Agonizer of Gaia artifact.

Next, use the Sandblaster to remove the lava. Then, you will encounter Professor Chaos himself, equipped with his Mecha Minion Chaos Supreme!

This boss fight is very long with multiple stages. For this first round, start by spreading out your team. Chaos will rain down several missiles which can deal massive damage if your group is clumped together. Finish off this health bar and he will change forms. He will also summon several medics on the opposite side of the battlefield.

Again, keep your team spread out to avoid AOE damage. Focus all your attacks on the medics. Any damage you do to Chaos will be long-ranged healed by them. Take them all out before moving to Professor Chaos. Finish off this health bar to engage the final form.

This is a much more mobile transformation. Again, keep your team from clumping together. Take down this health pool to finish to fight and earn Butters' Garage Key, Supreme Fist of Chaos artifact, and the Chaos Suit costume.

After the cutscene, you'll spawn in the Coon Lair. Sit down at the table to finish this mission and start your next, "The Chaos Gambit".


  1. Appears later in the battle