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Let Them Eat Goo "Let Them Eat Goo/Trivia" "Tegridy Farms Halloween Special/Trivia" "Season Finale/Trivia" Season Finale

This page contains trivia for "Tegridy Farms Halloween Special". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.


  • None of the boys have any major roles in this episode; Stan and Cartman only have two lines, Kyle has one, and Kenny has none.
  • A revised opening was created for this episode, which includes:
    • Halloween themed scarecrows and pumpkins planted in the field.
    • Halloween decorations on the sign.
    • Skeletons dancing with Randy.
    • Randy getting high and offering a scarecrow a hit from his joint.
    • Randy dancing on the porch while wearing a mask of Chinese President and General Secretary of the Communist Party, Xi Jinping.
    • Randy attempts to carve a pumpkin with the family but then passes out in from of them.
    • Towelie emerges from a coffin completely stoned and forgets his lines.
    • An announcer mentioning that the episode is sponsored by Tegridy Weed.
  • The credits font is completely different this episode, the font here uses more straightened letters that look like they melt. The colors also are blue and white throughout instead of just at the beginning.

References to Popular Culture[]

  • Randy sings "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year", a Christmas song. This is the second time on Halloween that a character has sung this; Liane Cartman sang the song in "Pinkeye".
  • Most of the events and music in the episode are based on the horror movie Creepshow.
  • Archaeologist Butters is a reference to Indiana Jones.
  • During the school assembly, PC Principal mentions that no one is allowed to wear costumes such as a sombrero, Native American themed clothing or dress as the Disney character, Moana. This is in reference to universities warning students about costumes that they deem as cultural appropriation.[1][2][3]
  • Randy brings up rapper Snoop Dogg during his discussion with Shelly about marijuana.
  • Randy mentions disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein and claims that he was raped by Weinstein, in reference to sexual abuse accusations made against the producer.
  • Butters visits the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, a real museum.
  • The song heard at Randy's party is "Turn This Mutha Out" by M.C. Hammer.
  • Towelie sings the traditional American folk song, "Jimmy Crack Corn" while checking out the barn for more Halloween Special.
  • Some ingredients used by Shelley to make her potion and antidote are based off real-life products.
    • Bleach: Clorox
    • Furniture Polish: Old English
    • Powder cleanser and glass cleaner: Ajax
    • 7up
    • Alka-Seltzer: Bayer
  • The gift that Butters receives from the mummy, a Fitbit, is a real wearable device used for tracking fitness activity.
  • Randy mentions that he played Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon for Shelly.
  • Shelly mentions that she admires professional tennis player Serena Williams.


  • This is the first time Randy had referred to his Geologist career and knowledge since he came up with the Marijuana business.
  • The Old Farmer appears, marking his first appearance since Season 20's "The Damned".
  • The topic of Harvey Weinstein and the sexual abuse accusations against him has been discussed previously in "Franchise Prequel", "Sons A Witches" and "Buddha Box".
  • Winnie the Pooh make a brief appearance in this episode, despite being killed in "Band in China".
  • The dead cows from "Let Them Eat Goo" reappear in this episode.
  • There's a carved image of Scuzzlebutt on the pumpkin during Randy's party.


  • While in the mummy's tomb, Butters said he has the "last sticker" when it was actually a stamp that he needs. Butters then opens up his sticker book to reveal a sticker already in place.
  • The mummy's tomb in Butters' sticker book contains an unrelated description which reads "The Scarab beetle often symbolized immortality, resurrection, and love".
  • While making the "witch brew", Shelly was not following safety procedures by wearing a gas mask. This is important because the ingredients for the concoction included ammonia and bleach which create chlorine gas when mixed. This meant that Shelly was breathing toxic fumes during the process.

Dubbing Changes[]

International Titles[]

Language Title Translation
Czech Halloweenský speciál Farmy Tegrida Tegridy Farms Halloween Special
French Spéciale Halloween de la Ferme Tégrité Tegridy Farms Halloween Special
Hungarian Böcsület Farm Halloweeni Attrakció Tegridy Farms Halloween Attraction
Italian Le fattorie dell'onestà - Speciale Halloween Tegridy Farms Halloween Special
Japanese 大麻農園のハロウィーン
(Taima nōen no harowīn)
Tegridy Farms Halloween
Polish Halloweenowy specjał Czciwej Farmy Tegridy Farms Halloween Special


  2305: "Tegridy Farms Halloween Special" edit
Story Elements

Randy MarshTegridy Farms (Location)Shelly MarshThe MummyButters Stotch


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