The name Steve may refer to:
- Dr. Stevens - A plastic surgeon who appears in South Park: The Streaming Wars.
- Steve - The leader of the Lake Tardicaca counselors who first appeared in "Crippled Summer".
- Steve - A customer service representative who appeared in "Grounded Vindaloop".
- Steve - Estella Havisham's boyfriend who appeared in "Pip".
- Steve Ballmer - The CEO of Microsoft who appeared in "A Song of Ass and Fire".
- Steve Bannon - President Garrison's strategist who appeared in "Members Only".
- Steve Black - Tolkien Black's father and Linda Black's husband.
- Steve (Canadian) - A Canadian from Newfoundland who appeared in "It's Christmas in Canada".
- Steve Forbes - The editor-in-chief of Forbes magazine who appeared in "The Entity".
- Steve Irwin - Australian TV personality who first appeared in "Prehistoric Ice Man".
- Steve Jobs - Former CEO of Apple who appeared in "HUMANCENTiPAD".
- Steve McNair - American football quarterback who appeared in "Dead Celebrities".
- Steve Nelson - A commercial producer who appears in "A Scause For Applause".
- Steven - A Blaintologist who appeared in "Super Best Friends".
- Steven Seagal - An actor who appeared in "Safe Space".
- Steven Spielberg - A film director who first appeared in "Cripple Fight".
- Stephen Abootman - The head of the World Canadian Bureau who appeared in "Canada on Strike".
- Stephen Hopkins - A U.S. politician in "I'm a Little Bit Country".
- Stephen Sondheim - One of the Broadway Bros who appeared in "Broadway Bro Down".
- Stephen Stotch - Butters Stotch's father and Linda Stotch's husband.
- Stephen Tamill - A 5th grade boy who appeared in "1%".
- Stephen Thompson - A man with Torsonic Polarity Syndrome (TPS) and the husband of Martha Thompson who appeared in "Fat Butt and Pancake Head".