The South Park Viral Research Center is a viral research center specially built for researching and testing COVID-19 vaccines. It appears in the Season Twenty-Four episode, "The Pandemic Special".
As Stan and Shelly get ready for school on Monday, a news report reports that scientists have found out the animal that was the origin of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is the pangolin in the newly built Viral Research Center. The chief scientist states that with the pangolin, they would be able to find out what caused COVID-19 to be spread to humans from the pangolin. Randy panics and tries to stop his family from watching the news report until he finds out it was the pangolin that was the origin of the virus.
Randy then sneaks into the research center where the main scientist is conducting a tour for scientists specializing in pandemics. Randy somehow manages to join the tour and the scientist explains that they have found that another species inserted its DNA into the pangolin and the key to be a vaccine would be to extract and identify the foreign DNA. As the tour group moves off to the next tour location, Randy kidnaps the pangolin and successfully escapes from the research center.