Achievements and Trophies are an optional challenge to South Park: The Stick of Truth. There are 39 regular achievements and trophies, 11 hidden achievements and trophies, and 1 platinum trophy. It's recommended to consult guides before attempting to get all 50 (51 if played on PS3/PS4), as there are many permanent missables in the game. Achievements and Trophies in bold are missable.
Regular Achievements and Trophies[]
Picture | Achievement | Description | Points | Trophy | Directions | Extra Notes |
South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ Platinum Trophy | Collected all South Park™: The Stick of Truth™ trophies. | None | Platinum | For PS3/PS4 user only: Unlocks all the trophies in this game to get the platinum trophy | ||
New Kid on the Block | You have joined the KKK. | 15 | Bronze | Complete The Bard. | Obtainable during the original story. | |
First Day in South Park | You completed your first day in South Park. | 15 | Bronze | Complete Alien Abduction. | Obtainable during the original story. | |
Gingivitis | Gingers have bitten you 3 times without you blocking. | 15 | Bronze | Let a Nazi ginger use Ginger Bite on you and don't block it. | Only unobtainable after Attack the School. | |
Day Walker | You defeated the Boss Hall Monitor while wearing Ginger Freckles. | 15 | Bronze | Loot the "Ginger Freckles" makeup from any earlier ginger and wear it as you defeat the boss. | Unobtainable after the boss is defeated. | |
Made This For You | You flung a turd of your own creation at an enemy. | 15 | Bronze | Use any toilet to produce a Shit Nugget and throw it at an enemy during battle. | Shit Nuggets can be also found in a chest or bag. | |
Are We Cool? | You found Jesus while playing as a Jew. | 15 | Bronze | Choose the Jew class at the beginning of the game and complete the Find Jesus quest. | During the quest, Father Maxi tells you to find him twice in the Church. | |
Parkeologist | You opened all of the garages in South Park. | 15 | Bronze | Open all the garages in South Park, including the jammed garage near Mr. Slave's house. | Garages at the storage center aren't required. Missable if Jimmy's garage key isn't looted during the Main Story. | |
For the Hoarder | You completed the game without selling any items. | 15 | Bronze | Don't sell any items, including weapons, costumes, consumables, junk or other, in the entire game and complete Betrayal From Within. | Missable if you sell even one item during the Main Story. | |
Truth to Power | You farted on four major authority figures. | 15 | Bronze | Fart on Principal Victoria, Mayor McDaniels, and Father Maxi in South Park, and the Minister of Montreal in Canada. | Missable if you forget to fart on the Minister of Montreal. If you have farted on all four but not gotten the achievement, try using the Cup-A-Spell on Mayor McDaniels. | |
Irritable Bowels | You shat your pants during a boss battle. | 15 | Bronze | Eat a large mana potion during a boss battle to fill your mana bar entirely. You can use other mana potions to fill the bar as well. | Easiest way to obtain is during The Bard boss fight by not blocking the Brown Note attack. | |
Dog Whistle | You've farted on a dog while in gnome form. | 15 | Bronze | Fart on a dog in the Lost Forest while shrunken from Gnome Powder. | Another possible dog is the junkyard dog summoned in "Big Game Huntin' With Jimbo". | |
Dragon Wrath | You've knocked out 3 or more enemies with a single fart outside of battle. | 15 | Bronze | Knock out 3 or more enemies with Dragonshout or Cup a Spell outside of battle. | Easily obtained during Attack the School. Lure the 3 enemies past the hose section with a Sneaky Squeaker to the wall, then blow it up with Cup a Spell. | |
Just Saying Hi | You've farted on every buddy in the game. | 15 | Bronze | Fart on all 6 buddies. | Make sure when you fart on Princess Kenny, while in his normal form. It won't count if he is a Nazi Zombie. | |
Re-Buttal | You interrupted 5 channel attacks by using a fart. | 15 | Bronze | Use any fart in battle to interrupt a channeling attack. | Easily obtainable with the Hall Monitor Boss or Underpants Gnomes. | |
Heisenberg | You defeated the Meth Tweakers while wearing the evil Cartman goatee and bald cap. | 15 | Bronze | Wear the Evil Cartman Goatee and Bald Cap and defeat the Meth Tweakers in Hot Coffee. | The Evil Cartman Goatee is found in Cartman's living room in a drawer near the front door, and the bald cap is found in the police station, inside Romer Stomper's cell. Complete his sidequest to unlock his cell. | |
Shutout | You successfully blocked every enemy attack in a single (non-tutorial) battle. | 15 | Bronze | Block every attack in a single battle perfectly. | You need to block all attacks from you and your buddy, being knocked down during battle will be unachievable. | |
Stay Down | You farted on 10 enemies in the world that were knocked out. | 15 | Bronze | Use any fart on any enemy that's knocked out out of battle. | It must be 10 different enemies to complete this achievement. | |
Avenger | You defeated 3 enemies in one battle while your buddy was knocked out. | 15 | Bronze | Defeat 3 enemies in battle while your buddy is knocked out. | If there's 4 enemies, it is still possible to get the "No Child Left Behind" achievement. To get both achievements, revive them before KOing the 4th. | |
No Child Left Behind | You completed the game and never ended a battle with your buddy knocked out. | 15 | Bronze | Complete the story while you don't end a battle with your buddy knocked out. | Unlock the Second Wind perk to fully heal an ally with Revive Potions to allow them to stay alive longer. | |
Poco Chinpoko | You collected 5 Chinpokomon. | 15 | Bronze | Collect 5 Chinpokomon in the game. | ||
Chinpoko Loco | You collected 15 Chinpokomon. | 30 | Silver | Collect 15 Chinpokomon. | ||
Chinpokolypse | You collected all of the Chinpokomon. | 75 | Gold | Collect every single Chinpokomon in the game. | Many Chinpokomon are missable during the Main Story, consult a guide. Getting all Chinpokomon will result this achievement and a friend request on your Facebook page. | |
Daddy Issues | You befriended your father. | 15 | Bronze | Friend your father on Facebook. | He will talk to you after you've gotten 50 friends on Facebook and he'll send you a friend request. | |
More Popular Than Jesus | You made friends with half of South Park. | 30 | Silver | Friend half of everyone in the game. | Refer here on how to befriend 60 friends. | |
More Popular Than John Lennon | Everyone in South Park is your friend. | 75 | Gold | Befriend everyone in the game. | Most characters are missable during the Main Story. Refer here on how to befriend all friends. | |
Junk Peddler | You sold 300 junk items. | 15 | Bronze | Sell 300 items in the Junk tab. | ||
Ass of Fire | You defeated 20 enemies with Cartman's ass. | 15 | Bronze | Use Cartman's "Burning Cloud" special attack to defeat 20 enemies. | ||
Canadian Handshake | You've farted on people 100 times. | 15 | Bronze | Fart on people 100 times. | You can fart on the same person. | |
Animal Cruelty | You've farted on animals 25 times. | 15 | Bronze | Fart on animals 25 times with any fart. | Cows and Rats don't count, but farting on the same animal is acceptable. | |
Pulling Mud | In three separate battles, you've taken a shit in your pants. | 15 | Bronze | Overload your mana bar in 3 separate battles. | Overloading the mana bar means eating some mana potions when your mana bar is already full. | |
Shopaholic | You have collected half of the available costume sets. | 15 | Bronze | Collect 60 sets of costumes. | Refer here for a list of all costumes in game. | |
Clothes Whore | You've collected all of the available costumes. | 75 | Gold | Collect every costume in the game. | Some of these are missable in the Main Story. Refer here for a list of all costumes in game. | |
Friends in Strange Places | You befriended both crab people and gnomes. | 15 | Bronze | Friend both the Underpants Gnome and Crab Person. | Complete the Gnome's sidequest in Day 3, after Defeat the Underpants Gnomes, for his friend request. Then use the Nagasaki fart to blow up the boulder in the sewers to reach the Crab Person. | |
Weapon Proficiency | Over the course of the game, you've scored 100 perfect attacks. | 15 | Bronze | Score 100 perfect attacks through the course of the game. | ||
Skilled Defender | Over the course of the game, you've blocked 100 attacks. | 15 | Bronze | Block 100 attacks through the course of the game. | ||
You bastards! | You've let Kenny die 10 times over the course of the game. | 15 | Bronze | You can let Kenny die by letting his HP go down to 0 or willingly let his special attacks fail. | His kissing attack doesn't kill him at all. The "No Child Left Behind" achievement is still possible to obtain if you let Kenny revive by himself before a battle ends. | |
Mastery | You've unlocked all of the upgrades for a New Kid ability. | 15 | Bronze | Unlock every fart upgrade for one ability. | Unlock any ability while battling, then upgrade it by buying them. | |
Make it Rain! | You've spent $500. | 15 | Bronze | Spend $500 over the course of the game. | ||
Full Arsenal | You own all weapons and costumes available in the game. | 15 | Bronze | Buy every weapon and armor piece in the game. | Refer here for weapons and costumes on how and where to obtain them. You only need to own the item for one point, so you're free to sell them back when you get them. |
Hidden Achievements and Trophies[]
Picture | Achievement | Description | Points | Trophy | Directions | Extra Notes |
KKK Hero | You defeated the High Jew Elf Kyle in battle. | 30 | Silver | During the Attack the School quest in the Main Story, fight and defeat Kyle. | Missable if you choose to fight Cartman, but you can load a recent save point to attack Cartman after receiving this achievement. | |
Elven Hero | You defeated the Grand Wizard Cartman in battle | 30 | Silver | During the Attack the School quest in the Main Story, fight and defeat Cartman. | Missable if you choose to fight Kyle, but you can load a recent save point to attack Kyle after receiving this achievement. | |
Noncomformist | You befriended the Goths, like everyone else playing this game. | 15 | Bronze | Complete the Gain New Allies quest in the Main Story. | ||
Inside Joke | While inside Mr. Slave, you summoned Mr. Slave. | 15 | Bronze | While battling the Sparrow Prince or bacteria, use "Rawhide Whip" you obtain from Mr. Slave's Package sidequest while battling inside Mr. Slave's rectum during the Main Story. | ||
Acceptance | You accepted your fate and chose the name Douchebag yourself. | 15 | Bronze | Either enter your name as Douchebag or say yes to both of Cartman's questions after you entered your name. | Missable if you say no once to Cartman. | |
Face Hoff | You defeated Princess Kenny while looking like David Hasselhoff. | 15 | Bronze | Go to Tom's Rhinoplasty and choose The Hoff procedure, then complete Betrayal From Within. | ||
Two Girls, One Stick | You defeated Princess Kenny in your girl makeover disguise. | 15 | Bronze | Wear all parts of the disguise the girls have gave you in the Unplanned Parenthood quest and complete Betrayal From Within. | Any random piece of the disguise during the "Unplanned Parenthood" quest is okay, but you need to wear the entire disguise to get the achievement. | |
Outpatient | You defeated Princess Kenny while living with Dire AIDS. | 15 | Bronze | Complete Betrayal From Within while you have Dire AIDS. | Dire AIDS can be contracted through the "Dire Aids" attack from a snake in Canada, although they rarely use the basic melee attack. | |
Perverted | You watched your parents have sex for 60 seconds. | 15 | Bronze | During Defeat the Underpants Gnomes, exit the mouse hole while chasing the gnomes into your parents' room and watch them have sex for 60 seconds. | Missable if you battle the Underpants Gnomes on your parents' bed to the right side of the dresser.
If you live with anyone else, either put headphones in or TURN YOUR VOLUME DOWN! | |
Stick Savior | You defeated Princess Kenny and recovered the Stick of Truth. | 30 | Silver | Complete Betrayal From Within. | Obtainable during the main story. | |
Too Far | You farted on the corpse of an aborted Nazi Zombie fetus. | 15 | Bronze | Use any fart on any dead Zombie Nazi Fetus. | Farting on the Zombie Fetus Boss counts as well. |