Somalia is a country in Eastern Africa. It was featured in the Season Thirteen episode, "Fatbeard". Its capital and largest city is Mogadishu. The episode parodies the Somalian pirate incidents during 2009, and the country is portrayed as being very poor and dirty.
There are pirates in Somalia who have small boats in the Somali harbor. They have a pirate bar that only serves water from the African sea. Cartman, eventually, became their leader until the United Nations wiped the pirates out on request from several countries.
Countries | |
Afghanistan | Ancient Egypt | Aruba | Australia | The Bahamas | Bangladesh | Belarus | Brazil | Canada | China | Costa Rica | Cuba | Denmark | Ethiopia | Finland | France | Germany | India | Iran | Iraq | Israel | Italy | Japan | Kenya | Mexico | Nigeria | North Korea | Pakistan | Peru | Romania | Russia | Scotland | Somalia | South Korea | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Thailand | United Kingdom | United States | Vatican City | Vietnam |