The Somali Pirates were a group of pirates based in Somalia. They appeared in the Season Thirteen episode "Fatbeard".
Eric Cartman envisions a dream life of a pirate, and leads a small crew (consisting of Kevin Stoley, Ike Broflovski, Clyde Donovan and Butters Stotch) to Somalia, only to discover the living conditions of their destination upon arrival. The crew wanders into a pirate's lair, unaware of the pirates' intention to use them as hostage for a ransom.
Three pirates led the children onto a boat, and approached a French cruise ship, demanding a ransom in
exchange for the safe return of the pirate crew. The ransom was eventually secured, and the pirates released the children. Cartman however, decides to take over the cruise ship, doing so successfully when Kevin arms a toy lightsaber. Cartman returns to the lair with the cruise ship, much to the shock of the pirates themselves.
Following the crew's return, Cartman berates the Somali pirates for their current state, and proposes leading the pirates and making changes to help them become "the most feared people on Earth," before rallying them into singing "Somalian Pirates We".
When Kyle discovers that his brother had left with the pirate crew, he makes his way to Somalia, only to be captured by the Somali pirates, with Cartman demanding a ransom of ten million Euros for his safe return.
One of the pirates later approached Butters and Ike, asking them why they left America. Butters begins to explain how bad their lives were, citing all the homework and rules. The pirate, on the other hand, explained that he wishes he could go to school and learn about the world and that he wishes he was not a pirate.
The pirates were eventually killed by a platoon of U.S. military snipers.
Most of the Somali pirates wore ragged clothes with headbands or bandanas, carrying a rifle with them.