South Park Archives

Snarf is a fictional character from the cartoon, Thundercats. In the Imaginationland trilogy, he is seen with The Lollipop King escorting Butters to Castle Sunshine, at the request of the Mayor of Imaginationland. Throughout the journey he would end most of his sentences saying, "Snarf" once or twice. "Imaginationland, Episode II", he is asked by an annoyed Butters if he could "shut up for five minutes".


Snarf is a brown mythical creature with patches of light brown hair and a large patch of white hair on his face. He has a large brown tail, olive colored hands and feet, a pink nose, and pointed ears.


Minor Characters from Season Eleven
Abraham Lincoln | Alex Hart | Allison | Angelina Jolie | Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem | Bill Donohue | Bono | Bradley | Charles Kincade | Chris Hansen | Cinderella | Council of Nine | Dr. David Nelson | Dr. Zonder | Emir Hadi | European Fecal Standards and Measurements Board | Frank Waters | Freddy Krueger | Gandalf the Grey | Glen | Glinda the Good Witch | Hare Club for Men | Hillary Clinton | Hillbilly Brigade | Jake Jabs | Jay Cutler | Jesse Jackson | Kelly Mayfield | Luke Skywalker | ManBearPig | Mayor of Imaginationland | Michael Bay | M. Night Shyamalan | Morpheus | Mr. Donaldson | Mr. Hakeem | Mrs. Hakeem | Nelly | Pastor Phillips | Pat Sajak | Patty Nelson | Pope Benedict XVI | Popeye | Professor Teabag | Queen Elizabeth II | Rauf Xerxes | Rita Struthers | Ron Zappolo | Ryan | Snarf | Stormtroopers | Strawberry Shortcake | Substitute Teacher | Thad Jarvis | The Lollipop King | Thomas | Tom Shane | Travis Mayfield | The Ugly Kids | Tumon | Vanna White | Vice President Greg | Vladimir Stolfsky | Wario | Wonder Woman | Zeus

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Eleven | Season Eleven
