South Park Archives
Scott Malkinson

For other uses, see Scott (Disambiguation).

Scott Malkinson is a character introduced in the episode "Elementary School Musical". He has a lisp and diabetes, which the other kids make fun of him for. According to Basic Cable, his diabetes type is Type I.[2] He often gets bullied and ridiculed in school because of his lateral lisp and because he has diabetes.


Scott first appears in the Season Twelve episode "Elementary School Musical". The boys use him to replace Stan, who has begun to try to learn how to do musicals to prevent himself from losing Wendy to Bridon Gueermo.

He later appears in the episode "Butters' Bottom B****" as a customer of Butters' "kissing company", and passes at the background during Cartman's bookselling in the episode "Dances with Smurfs".

Starting from Season Fourteen he begins to make background appearances in the cafeteria and in the hallways. In "Going Native", Scott is mentioned to have been beaten up by Butters Stotch.

He later has an important in the Black Friday trilogy where he is seen sharpening a wooden sword in Cartman's backyard, and in the episode "A Song of Ass and Fire", he is seen sword fighting with Butters. He later joins Butters on a trip to George R. R. Martin's house to find out what will happen when the dragons come.

Scott plays the main role in his very own episode, "Basic Cable".

He has another big role in "Gluten Free Ebola", where everyone is using him as a scapegoat for avoiding gluten. He agrees to help the boys boost their popularity again after they are left on bad terms with their schoolmates.


In the timeline set in South Park: Post Covid, he becomes the priest at the South Park Church.

Criminal Record[]


Scott wears a light green jacket with a dark green collar and has teal pants. He has freckles on his cheeks and tousled, almost greasy chestnut-brown hair parted in the middle, and has prominent ears. Scott's tongue is always partially out of his mouth, causing him to speak with a lisp.

When he goes to sleep, he wears white pajamas with light blue stripes (shown in "Skank Hunt") or light blue pajamas with red cars (shown in "Basic Cable").

In South Park: Post Covid, Scott is an adult man and priest of the church. The fringes of his hair grew and are graying on the sides, and he has wrinkles. He wears a black button-up with a clerical collar, and black pants with a belt.

To see images of Scott Malkinson, visit Scott Malkinson/Gallery.


Scott Malkinson lacks self awareness. He doesn't know that he's uncool, at one point asking, "What's so bad about hanging out with me?" He does make some half-hearted attempts to stop Cartman's teasing, especially when it comes to his diabetes, but these are made in vain as his resistance fuels Cartman's (and the other childrens') ridicule.

Starting from Season Twenty, Scott's personality has become more fleshed out. In Skank Hunt, Scott continually pesters the school counselor Mr. Mackey about quitting Twitter (an allegory for killing oneself in said season) because he feels overlooked by his peers. In "Basic Cable", Scott leads himself to believe that he and Sophie are a couple due to her having diabetes as well. His behavior towards her is protective and loving albeit completely one-sided.


Clark Malkinson[]

Clark is Scott's father. Their relationship appears to be poor, and Clark doesn't hesitate in raising his voice to Scott or even mocking him like his classmates do. In "Basic Cable", there are multiple sightings of junk food around the Malkinson household, implying that Clark doesn't care what he eats in front of his diabetic son. When Scott asks his father for access to streaming services, Clark, as a cable man, becomes outraged and offended as well calling the streaming services as "shit" and throw them straight to hell as well telling Scott that streaming services are only ruining his culture of cables.

Ellen Malkinson[]

Ellen is Scott's mother. They seem to have a good relationship, as when she approves of Scott inviting a girl with diabetes to watch TV at their house.


Eric Cartman[]

Cartman takes pleasure in ridiculing Scott for his diabetes, often mockingly imitating his distinctive lisp. Despite being one of his main bullies, Cartman is still able to rope Scott into his occasional scheme.

In "Basic Cable" Scott goes to Cartman for relationship advice.

In "Going Native" Cartman witnessed Scott was beaten up by Butters.


The Boys[]

The main four have held a negative impression of Scott since his first introduction in "Elementary School Musical", using him as a replacement friend since their popularity dropped due to their lack of musical prowess. Both Stan and Cartman have bullied Scott the most out of the four, though even Kyle was seen telling him to stop bugging them in "Gluten Free Ebola". Despite having nothing to say to him, Kenny always laughs whenever Scott is mocked.

In "Going Native", the boys learn that Scott was beaten up by Butters to which they are surprisingly concerned. Kyle also says people cannot just go around beating up people who have diabetes.

In South Park: Post Covid, Scott's old classmates pretend to not remember him. It's revealed that Stan has been lying about not remembering Scott when the opportunity arises to mock him with the trademarked "I'm Scott Malkinson, I have diabetes!"


Sophie Gray[]

Sophie is introduced in "Basic Cable" as the new kid with diabetes. Scott is drawn to her only after she mentions it, and believes that the two of them were meant to be together due to their shared condition. He goes to great lengths to try to impress her and lashes out angrily at any boy who tries to pursue her, feeling threatened upon witnessing several boys also developing a crush to her at the school. However, Sophie asserts that she is not his girlfriend or anybody's and that she is more than just her diabetes.

Although Sophie does not return Scott's romantic feelings, the episode ends with them as friends.

Butters Stotch[]

Despite having been beat up by him in "Going Native", Scott and Butters seem to have a friendship, shown by Butters' concern for Scott when he began experiencing low blood sugar due to having not eaten in "A Song of Ass and Fire" and "Titties and Dragons".

Stan Marsh[]

Stan is shown to only ever have mean things to say about Scott. He rips on his lisp and diabetes most viciously in "Elementary School Musical" and even mocks him as a grown man in Post Covid. Though Scott throws the first punch at Stan in the "South ParQ Vaccination Special" that turns into a crowd-wide brawl.

The New Kid[]

In South Park: The Stick of Truth, the ranger Scott tends the stables of Kupa Keep, taking over the running of the shop after Clyde is banished from space and time, and is even the New Kid's sparring partner as they learn the Cup-a-Spell move. Scott stays behind to guard the base during the attack on the Inn of the Giggling Donkey, advising the New Kid to stock up on supplies before heading out. Later, during the climax of the attack on the school, Scott expresses his gladness to see "Commander Douchebag" alive and well, regardless of which side the New Kid is currently fighting for.


Scott and the New Kid encountering the drunk Randy damaging his car.

In South Park: The Fractured But Whole, Captain Diabetes has the New Kid assigned to him as his sidekick during his mission to the Peppermint Hippo to locate the girl with the dick tattoo, and does his best to be a good mentor to the aspiring superhero despite being only a provisional member of the Coon and Friends himself. The New Kid saves Captain Diabetes' life by discovering TimeFart Glitch, using it to rewind time to before he dies of diabetic shock. This unlocks the true power of Captain Diabetes' Diabetic Rage ability. After this level, Captain Diabetes promotes the New Kid from "sidekick" to "partner."

Clyde Donovan[]

In the episode "Cupid Ye", he and Clyde come up with a movie idea about a man with guns for hands. In Post Covid: The Return Of Covid it is revealed that Scott recruited Clyde to be part of the anti-vax group, Lil' Qties.

Video Games[]

South Park: The Stick of Truth[]

Scott is seen on the front cover of GameInformer magazine's coverage of South Park: The Stick of Truth. Despite how Cartman treats Scott on the show, Scott joins sides with Cartman's human faction of the Kingdom of Kupa Keep. Scott quickly befriends Douchebag. After Clyde is banished by Cartman, he assumes the role of Kupa Keep's shopkeeper. Scott is later used for practice when Douchebag is trained to use the Cup-A-Spell fart.

South Park: The Fractured But Whole[]

Scott plays a notably larger role in this game than its predecessor as Captain Diabetes, a superhero who gets bouts of intense strength upon ingesting sugar or smelling farts. He's something of a surprise mid-game, as he is not on the cover art nor is he seen until the player's first night level. You play the role of his sidekick throughout the night, proving your worth as a superhero to The Coon in successfully completing the mission with him. After beating this level you can choose Captain Diabetes as part of your combat team, though you can only officially get a selfie with him once Coon and Friends successfully merges with the Freedom Pals and everyone is gathered in Tupperware's basement. Captain Diabetes' death outside of Bucca De Faggoncini is what prompts the player to learn the TimeFart Glitch and bring him back to life.

South Park: Phone Destroyer[]

There are only two cards that feature Scott Malkinson in South Park: Phone Destroyer.

Captain Diabetes is a 2-Cost Common Fighter of the Superheroes theme that is based on his superhero costume in South Park: The Fractured but Whole. When he uses his Charge skill, he will channel the power of his diabetic rage to double his base Attack and max HP for 8 seconds.

Alchemist Scott is a 4-Cost Legendary Ranged unit of the Fantasy theme that is based on his appearance in the "Black Friday" trilogy and South Park: The Stick of Truth. When he uses his Charge skill, he will attach marks to enemies, making them take area damage and stunning them when he attacks them. The bombs do not leave that enemy until they die.




  • Scott appears to be a fan of superheroes, notably the X-Men, as he references being akin to Wolverine in The Fractured But Whole. His Captain Diabetes costume also resembles Colossus' classic appearance in the X-Men comics. The way he holds his insulin syringes in Basic Cable also resembles Wolverine's claws.
  • His signature move in The Fractured But Whole, Diabetic Rage, is based off of a real life symptom that people with diabetes experience.


  1. Elementary School Musical on IMDB.
  2. "But Sophie, you're totally my type. Type I diabetes."
South Park students
6th Grader Leader | 6th Grader with Black Hair and Blue Shirt | 6th Grader with Brown Hat | 6th Grader with Cyan Hat | 6th Grader with Dark Blue Shirt | 6th Grader with Green Shirt | 6th Grader with Orange Coat | 6th Grader with Yellow Shirt and Brown Pants | 9th Grader with Purple Shirt | 9th Grader with Red Hood | Alex Glick | Allie Nelson | Annie Knitts | Andrew Sutherland | Ashley | Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem | Bartles | Bebe Stevens | Beth | Betsy | Bill Allen | Billy Martin | Billy Miller | Billy Thompson | Blonde-Haired Girl | Bobby Palmer | Boy with Blond Hair | Boy with Brown Hair | Boy with Brown Hair and Red Shirt | Boy with C Cap | Boy with Dark Green Shirt and Glasses | Boy with Olive Shirt and Black Pants | Boy with Red Shirt | Boy with Red Shirt and Blue Pants | Bradley Biggle | Bridon Gueermo | Brimmy | Bully Girls | Butters Stotch | Casey Miller | Christophe | Clyde Donovan | Craig Tucker | Crippled Girl with Brown Hair | Chad Handler | Damien Thorn | David Rodriguez | DogPoo Petuski | Dougie O'Connell | Douglas | Emily | Eric Cartman | Esther | Firkle Smith | Filmore Anderson | Flora Larsen | Fosse McDonald | Francis | Francis (Special Ed) | Gary Harrison | Girl with Blonde Hair | Girl with Pink Coat | Girl with Brown Coat | Gordon Stoltski | Goth Kids | Gregory | Heather Williams | Heidi Turner | Henrietta Biggle | Ike Broflovski | Isla | Jake | Jason White | Jasper | Jenny Simons | Jessie | Jimmy Valmer | Josh Myers | Kal | Karen McCormick | Keifer | Kelly-Ann Barlow | Kelly and Stacy | Kelly Morris | Kelly P. Gardner | Kelly Pinkerton-Tinfurter | Kelly Rutherford-Menskin | Kenny McCormick | Kevin ("Summer Sucks") | Kevin McCormick | Kevin Stoley | Kindergartners | Kindergartner Girl with Brown Pigtails | Kindergartner with Cyan Hood | Kip Drordy | Kyle Broflovski | Larry Feegan | Larry Zewiski | Libby Perkins | Liza Nelson | Lizzy | Lola | Loogie | Louis | Leslie Meyers | Mandy | Marcus Preston | Maria Sanchez | Mark Cotswolds | Meagan Ridley | Michael | Michael (Special Ed) | Mike | Mike Cooper | Mike Makowski | Millie Larsen | Mimsy | Monica Ryland | Nancy | Nate | Nathan | Nelly | Nichole Daniels | Patty Nelson | Pete Melman | Pete | Pete Thelman | Peter Mullen | Pip Pirrip | Rebecca Cotswolds | Red McArthur | Sally Darson | Sally Turner | Samantha Dunskin | Sarah Peterson | Scott Malkinson | Scott Tenorman | Sef Furman | Shauna | Shelley Marsh | Sophie Gray | Stan Marsh | Tall Handicapped Boy with Blond Hair | Tall Handicapped Boy with Brown Hair | Tammy Nelson | Tammy Warner | Terrance Mephesto | Thad Jarvis | The 6th Graders | The 9th Graders | The Boys | The New Kid | The Ugly Kids | Theresa | Thomas | Timmy Burch | Tolkien Black | Trent Boyett | Tommy Edwards | Tommy Turner | Tweek Tweak | Wendy Testaburger | Yao

See also
List of Female 4th Graders | List of Male 4th Graders | Portal:Characters