Rudolph "Rudy" Davis is a fictional character from the Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids cartoon created by Bill Cosby, who is seen as a character in a parody of the show called The Fat Abbott Show in "Clubhouses".
In "Clubhouses", the show is watched several times by the boys throughout the episode. Rudy and the rest of Fat Abbott's gang are shown as foul-mouthed, gun-toting people who regularly threaten to kill each other. He is first seen in one episode where he fights Fat Abbott after suggesting he should lose weight, and is later seen being threatened by Fat Abbott and Donald during an argument in a different episode.
Rudy wears a red beret and a pink outfit underneath a red vest, blue jeans, and pink shoes. Despite the many similarities to his original character, some differences in the color scheme of the clothes are still visible.
- ↑ Credited as "Rooney" in "South Park" Clubhouses (TV episode 1998).