South Park Archives

Restoring the Balance is a side quest in South Park: The Stick of Truth.


SPW pic -- Spoiler Spoiler warning!
Plot details follow.

Dogpoo asks the New Kid to destroy five banners the humans put up around town.


Talk to DogPoo to obtain the quest.

The five banners are located:

To tear the banners down, the New Kid should slash at them with a melee weapon and then return to DogPoo in order to befriend them.


Restoring the Balance
The New Kid approaches DogPoo in the Elven Kingdom
The humans have raised banners around town, claiming elf territory for their own. So sayeth the Well of Insight. Plus it's all over Twitter. The Well says balance can be restored only if a Chosen One were to fuck up their banners.
The New Kid proceeds to find and destroy the banners. The New Kid then returns to DogPoo
Our territory is restored. I am honored to friend you, Dragonborn.
End of Restoring the Balance
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Main Quests

The New Kid in TownCall the BannersGate CrasherHot CoffeeDetention SentenceThe BardIt's LateAlien AbductionGain New AlliesNonconformistPTA ProblemsAttack the SchoolGo Back HomeDefeat the Underpants GnomesForging AlliancesRecruit the GirlsPose as Bebe's BoyfriendUnplanned ParenthoodHeading NorthO CanadaBeat Up ClydeBetrayal From Within

Side Quests
Big Game Huntin' With JimboDefeat ManBearPigDropping the Kids OffFind JesusFlower For a PrincessHide 'n' SeekMagical SongsManBearPigMongolian BeefMr. Slave's PackageN*** Zombie BountyPhase OneRats in the CellarRestoring the BalanceThe Homeless ProblemThe She-OgreThe Timmy ExpressUnfriend Al GoreVulcan AroundWasted Cache
