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South Park Archives

Recruit the Girls is a main quest in South Park: The Stick of Truth.

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Plot details follow.


This is a very straightforward quest. If you haven't already, get Annie's Justin Bieber doll from the bullies by defeating them in battle. Talk to Annie and she will take you to the girls' base. She will tell the girls about your proposal, and they will consider it. Eventually, they finally agree to join if you help them find out who is a two-faced w****. They tell you to pose as Bebe's boyfriend and meet Monica in the park. For the next part, see "Pose as Bebe's Boyfriend".

South Park: The Stick of Truth
Main Quests

The New Kid in TownCall the BannersGate CrasherHot CoffeeDetention SentenceThe BardIt's LateAlien AbductionGain New AlliesNonconformistPTA ProblemsAttack the SchoolGo Back HomeDefeat the Underpants GnomesForging AlliancesRecruit the GirlsPose as Bebe's BoyfriendUnplanned ParenthoodHeading NorthO CanadaBeat Up ClydeBetrayal From Within

Side Quests
Big Game Huntin' With JimboDefeat ManBearPigDropping the Kids OffFind JesusFlower For a PrincessHide 'n' SeekMagical SongsManBearPigMongolian BeefMr. Slave's PackageN*** Zombie BountyPhase OneRats in the CellarRestoring the BalanceThe Homeless ProblemThe She-OgreThe Timmy ExpressUnfriend Al GoreVulcan AroundWasted Cache
