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South Park Archives

The R****** with Brown Hair and White Shirt is a unnamed background character who made his debut in the Season Two episode, "Cow Days". He is one of the town's many r****** residents.


He is first seen briefly at the Rodeo in "Cow Days" but with wider legs and darker brown hair. In "Goobacks", he appears along with a wide variety of other r*******. In the episode, he is seen participating in the rally of angry people at the future travelers for taking many of the town's lesser jobs. His model was slightly redesigned to have slimmer legs and lighter hair. From this episode, the character began to be used recurrently as a prop in later episodes in the scenes that feature the r*******.

He played his first notable role in "Bloody Mary", albeit as a recolored copy of the character, which is seen among members of the Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting.


The character is overweight and has curly brown hair, a beard, and a double chin. He wears a white and green jacket with a black collar and blue jeans with brown boots. In some appearances, he is seen with an altered character model, which includes recolored clothes and the absence of his mustache.



Minor Characters from Season Eight
6th Grader with Orange Coat | 6th Grader with Orange Hood | Aging Hippie Liberal Douche | Anti-Christ | A.W.E.S.O.M.-O 4000 | Beth | Barry Bonds | Bill O'Reilly | Blanket Jackson | Bud Stotch | Darryl Weathers | Future Humans | Giant Douche | Harvey Brown | Jason Giambi | Jeffy | Jeffy's Farmer | Jessie | Jim Lehrer | Justin Timberlake | Kal | Kelly Rutherford-Menskin | Kelly Pinkerton-Tinfurter | Mandy | Mark McGwire | Mel Gibson | Michael Deets | Michael Jackson | Miss Claridge | Mountain Lion | Mountain Lion Cubs | Mr. Meryl | Nancy | Nellie Stotch | P. Diddy | Paris Hilton | People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals | The Orange County Crew | The Orange County Crew Coach | The South Park Diggities | Tinkerbell | Tom Johannsen | Trent Boyett | Turd Sandwich | Woodland Critters | Yao

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Eight | Season Eight
