Peter Pan is a Disney character who stars on the movie of the same name. He appears in the Season Twenty-Three episode, "Band in China".
He is seen as one of the Disney characters aboard the flight to China along with Randy Marsh.
Later on, Peter was one of the Disney, Marvel, and Star Wars characters getting scolded by Mickey Mouse for criticizing the Chinese Government and being critical of Chinese politics.
- He is mentioned in "The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000".
- In "The Jeffersons", Michael Jackson arrives on Stan's window dressed as Peter Pan, wanting to play with him.
- In "#HappyHolograms", a performance with the Michael Jackson Hologram dressed up as Peter Pan was said to have performed in the Washington Redskins: Go Fuck Yourself Holiday Special.
- In "Basic Cable", a promotional title card of Peter Pan, featuring Peter Pan and Captain Hook can be seen in the homepage of Disney+.