South Park Archives

This page contains trivia for "Pee". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.


  • Stan and Kyle wore their winter hats to the water park but Stan takes his off, albeit only in the wavepool part.
  • Cartman further displays his racism as he sings a song about being against Native Americans, Asians, Mexicans, and African-Americans.
  • During this song, Cartman says "authorities" without adding the emphasis "authori-tah" at the end. This is probably due to the fact that he was singing, and needed the words to rhyme.
  • This is one of few episodes in which Kenny is seen without his parka on. However, as per usual his face is hidden, by the other children, camera angles etc.
  • Kenny's hair is a lot "fuzzier" than normal in this episode. However, in the promo pic, it was the closest to the original style from South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, despite changing in the later episode, "The Jeffersons". In the water park his face is covered by positions of other boys, the other time his diving goggles and snorkel or is seen from behind.
  • The games in Pi Pi's Game Hut are:
    • Thirst for Blood
    • Abu Ghraib - A Breakout clone, featuring two paddles, but only one joystick and two buttons.
    • Junkie Hunt
    • Zombie Fighter - Appears to be some horrid lovechild of Space Invaders and Galaxian.
    • Whack a Duck - A Whack a Mole knock-off, but with ducks instead of moles.
  • This episode is ironic for Kyle as in "Summer Sucks"; he, Stan, and Kenny openly mock Cartman for learning to swim in the public pool, because the first graders pee in the pool. In this episode, however, he is openly horrified at the idea of people peeing in the water and ends up being forced to drink and swim in nearly pure pee, while the others (including Cartman) remain unconcerned.
  • Butters expresses actual disappointment in the fact that Eric is still alive at the end of the episode, even though Cartman did not do anything directly to him in this episode.
  • In Cartman's imagination where his classmates are Asians and African-Americans, the kids in the class include versions of Heidi Turner, boy with c cap (without his hat), Esther, Millie Larsen and Sally Turner.
  • The commentary for this episode was recorded before the episode was finished.
  • Kenny has no lines in this episode and has a small role before his death.

References to Popular Culture[]

  • This episode is based on common disaster movie tropes, most specifically the 2009 movie 2012.
  • The part where Kyle has to drink three cups of urine so he can swim to the depths without getting squashed by the fluid pressure is a reference to the 1989 movie The Abyss, wherein the main character must respirate fluorocarbon liquid so his lungs will not implode. Stan even mentions said film in said moment.
  • When Randy is holding a red shoe at the end is referenced the ending of the 1993 snowy action flick Alive.
  • The head of the fake Statue of Liberty flying to the ground could be a reference to the 2008 movie Cloverfield, in which that particular event occurs at the start of the monster attack (used heavily in advertising for the movie).
  • It appears that Kurt Russell is one of the firefighters that responds to the Pee Crisis - Russell played a firefighter in the 1991 film, Backdraft.


  • When the scene starts where the boys are in the wave pool, Kenny is wearing goggles; but when Stan starts talking, he is not wearing them.
  • In the wave pool, Stan has taken his hat off but later, when climbing the Everest ride to escape the pee meltdown, he has it back on. He had also been wearing it in another pool while Kyle was still unaware of the pee.
  • Cartman was shown with four fingers and five toes.
  • During the disaster, although it looked like most parts of the water park were flooded, there were some shots that had no flooding in the specific area at all (ex. the arcade, wave pool).
  • While The Boys are on the way to Pi Pi's Splashtown, Jimmy was seen with his usual outfit when his head pops up, in a few seconds later, he was seen in his swimsuit during the close up shots of him.
  • Strangely, on recent airings on Comedy Central, the audio was improperly mixed resulting in the dialogue being drowned out by the music, particularly the theme song and Cartman's minorities song.

Kenny's Death[]

Kenny drowns in the pee, making his third and final time he dies in Season Thirteen (the first 2 being "The Ring" and "W.T.F."). In contrast, the first two times he died near the end of the episode, this time he died earlier on. This is also the third time in South Park history that he dies unhooded.

Hidden Visitor(s)[]

  • There is a Visitor at the end of the episode by the ambulance, holding a banana, with swimming trunks and sunglasses. He disappears in the next shot.

Dubbing Changes[]

International Titles[]

Language Title Translation
Czech Moč Pee
French Pipi Pee
German Pipi Park Pipi Park
Hungarian Pisipark Pipi Park
Italian Pipì Pee
Polish Siuśki Pee
Portuguese (Brazil) Parque de diversões Amusement Park
Spanish (Latin America) Pís Pee
Spanish (Spain)
Ukrainian Сциклі


  • There are instances where Pi-Pi speaks in his native Italian between dialogs: E.g. Addressing the water testers as signori, exclaiming "Una momento" ("Wait a moment!") before telling the boys his plan to lower the flood.


  • Despite being not with Stan, Kyle still replies "Bastards!" after Stan calls "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!", completing the catchphrase.


  • While counting the minorities in the water park, Cartman highlights 190 "people of color" instead of "black people".
  • During the meeting with Pi-Pi, the water tester reveals the water to be 90% pee, down from 98% in the English version.

Portuguese (Brazil)[]

  • Kyle's line of "Sick!" while escaping from the flooding pee is muted.


  • Cartman's counting of minorities in the water park is changed to "250 Mexicans (up from 205) and 190 Rednecks".

  1314: "Pee" edit
Story Elements

Pi-PiPi Pi's Splashtown • "Minorities at my Water Park" • "We're Going to the Water Park"


ImagesScriptWatch Episode


South Park: The Complete Thirteenth Season
