Nick Jabs appears in the Season Sixteen episode, "Butterballs", where he was seen bullying the spokesperson for Bucky Bailey's Bully Buckers, after he claimed Stan Marsh's video was his intellectual property. After Butters Stotch attacks Dr. Oz, Jabs becomes angry at Stan for giving an impression that Butters was a violent psychopath.
He dismisses Stan so he can use the restroom, only to find Jesus Christ waiting for him, who talks about hell until Jabs starts to cry. Jabs later backed out of the bully video project, due to the immense criticism involved after Butters was deemed to be a violent psychopath.
Nick Jabs wears black shoes, tan pants with a brown belt, a teal button-up shirt, and a gray business coat. He has combed brown hair and wears glasses with orange tinted lenses.