Nebraska Train Station is a railway station that connects Nebraska to other cities and towns. It appeared in Season Two episode "Ike's Wee Wee".
When Kyle learned of Ike's upcoming bris (thinking that Ike would have his wiener chopped off), Kyle decided to send Ike away to Lincoln, Nebraska. Upon arrival at the train station, Ike was thrown out, with passengers thinking that Ike was a "perfectly good trash can".
Kyle's parents later discovered Kyle's plot, and travelled to Nebraska to look for their adoptive son. They approached the station clerk, who informed them that Ike had ended up in the nearby Haps Bar.
The main building is painted brown and has a clocktower at the top. There are two signs hung on the building, one on the roofs bearing the words "Train Station" and another on the wall which reads "Welcome to Nebraska". There are green benches and a trash can on the platform.
The train station is surrounded by wheat fields.