Motivation Corp is a fictional organization featured in the Season Six episode, "My Future Self n' Me" that is designed to motivate children. Their basic moral is that "when it comes to children and drugs, lying is okay". Motivation Corp. is dedicated to keeping kids off drugs by using actors posing as kids' future selves, but are addicted to drugs and alcohol in order to dissuade them from going down that path.
Motivation Corp. clients included the parents of Stan Marsh, Butters Stotch and Kevin Stoley.
Motivation Corp. is a local organization in Colorado that was designed by ultra-liberals to manipulate children through assorted lies, in order to motivate them to behave the way parents wanted. The company's most obvious method is in regards to teaching children to stay away from drugs and alcohol. Rather than have the parents sit down with their child and explain the truth about drugs, Motivation Corp creates an elaborate time-travel related scheme to teach the child. An actor who closely resembles the child is selected, and the actor will then create a horrific future for the child involving drug abuse, homelessness, prison time and even sodomy. The company will then pay local news stations to create a false story of an electrical storm, and a nude 'crazy man' running around screaming "The past, the past! I'm in the past". After the child watches the report, the actor would then arrive making the claim that his is the child from the future, stuck in a time-matrix. The parents meanwhile will play along, during which both them will compound how horrible the future is due to drugs and alcohol.
Known Clients and Actors[]
- The Marsh Family - Future Stan
- The Stotch Family - Future Butters
- Unnamed Family - Future Billy
- The Stoley Family (Named "Brooks" in the episode) - Future Kevin
- The Cartman Family - Future Cartman - Ironically was a real time traveler.