South Park Archives

This page contains trivia for "Medicinal Fried Chicken". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.


  • The condition of Randy and the other men appears to be Elephantiasis of the scrotum rather than testicular cancer. Of course, the increased size is a humorous exaggeration of the tumors in their testicles.
  • Kenny has no lines and isn't shown again after they find out that KFC has been replaced. This is also the last time we see Kyle in this episode as well. Stan is seen a few more times during the episode but only very briefly.
  • The scene with Randy trying to move after his balls fall out of the wheelbarrow was originally acted out by Trey using a large yoga ball. The animators took this video and animated it, almost frame-for-frame.
  • This episode marks the fourth mention of KFC, but the second time in which KFC's importance to the boys is a driving story point, following "The Death of Eric Cartman".
  • This is the only Season Fourteen episode in which Butters does not appear. However he is shown in class during the deleted scene where Cartman goes on a rampage over the liquidation of KFC.

References to Popular Culture[]

  • The episode was produced during a time where Colorado was considering restricting fast food restaurants and relaxing laws against the use of marijuana in order for it to be used for medicinal purposes.
  • The KFC being replaced by a medicinal marijuana store is based on Kind for Cures in Los Angeles, an eponym after Kentucky Fried Chicken which had previously owned the building. The medicinal store has since been shut down.
  • Products from KFC are used in a similar way to cocaine in the episode, from workers cutting it to Cartman chopping it with a credit card and snorting it.
  • Stan pulls a vitaminwater out of the fridge.
  • When Randy leaves the medicinal marijuana store for the second time, he says he has to hurry home to watch Caprica, a spin-off prequel series of Battlestar Galactica.
Nick the pig

An unnamed boy based on Nick the Pig.

  • The episode makes multiple references to the movie Scarface.
    • Billy Miller's KFC cartel is a parody of Frank Lopez's cartel.
    • Colonel Sanders is based on Alejandro Sosa.
    • The scene where Cartman and Tommy meet with the Colonel is a parody of the Bolivia scene, where Omar Suarez and Tony Montana fly over to Bolivia in order to make a deal with Alejandro Sosa.
    • Much of Cartman's story, and his relationship with Colonel Sanders, is based on Tony's story and his relationship with Sosa.
    • Tommy has a similar death as Omar Suarez.
    • An unnamed boy in Cartman's cartel is based on Nick the Pig.
  • Tommy's character, appearance, and personality are very similar to Tommy Vercetti, the main protagonist in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, a game also filled with Scarface references.
  • Cartman makes numerous references to the March/April 2010 scandal in the Catholic Church that Pope Benedict XVI protected the priest that molested over 200 deaf boys, as well as other pedophile priests (which drew massive controversy).
  • When Randy is in town, he sings "Buffalo Soldier" by Bob Marley.
  • The song playing when the men are bouncing across the screen on their balls is "Chicken On The Rocks" by Jean Jacques-Perry.
  • The way Randy and his friends bounce on their testicles is a reference to the toy called the Space Hopper or Hoppity-Hop.



  • Liane's lipstick is not seen applied in the scene with her and Cartman, but is shortly after the two exit the car to talk to a mover.
    • Also, for some reason her eyes design is different.
  • When Randy is reading about testicular cancer, the microwave counts down to 3:32, but when the camera zooms out it reads 3:44.
  • The Marsh's microwave operates with the door open when they are designed not to activate unless closed to prevent radiation leaks. It is possible that Randy modified the microwave so he is able to use it while the door is open.
  • Randy uses his microwave to give himself testicular cancer, but microwave radiation cannot cause cancer.
  • When driving to the KFC after soccer practice, Randy drives the boys past Tom's Rhinoplasty. In the first angle, it is on the passenger side, but in the next shot it appears on Randy's side.
  • When Billy Miller demands 85 dollars from Cartman, his arm passes through his desk.
  • When the doctor says there have been 10 cases of testicular cancer in the last week, you can see 11 people with testicular cancer in the next shot.
  • Throughout the episode, Billy Miller alternates between having a unibrow and having two unattached eyebrows.
  • Since Ned has lost all or part of his larynx to cancer, he should be eligible already for medicinal marijuana.

Dubbing Changes[]

International Titles[]

Language Title Translation
Czech Léčivé smažené kuře Medicinal Fried Chicken
German THC versus KFC THC versus KFC
Hungarian Gyógyászati sült csirke Medicinal Fried Chicken
Italian Pollo terapeutico Medicinal Chicken
Polish Leczniczy smażony kurczak Medicinal Fried Chicken

  1403: "Medicinal Fried Chicken" edit
Story Elements

Randy MarshKFCColonel SandersBilly Miller • "Buffalo Soldier" • "Chicken On The Rocks"


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South Park: The Complete Fourteenth Season
