South Park Archives
South Park Archives

Martha is a resident of South Park who makes her first notable appearance in the Season Twenty episode "The Damned".


After Eric Cartman gets all of his electronics destroyed, he and Heidi Turner decide to go to the park together. As this happens, Martha and her husband drive by, taking notice to the lack of electronics, her husband directs her attention to Heidi and Eric. Martha asks what they are, to which her husband, Michael, says that the people at the park are lost souls who have quit Twitter, causing Martha to remark on how lonely they must be.

Martha is seen in the background of various other points in the show, often accompanied by Michael, her husband. She has been seen working with the FDA in the Season Eighteen episode "Gluten Free Ebola", and as a Yelper in Season Nineteen's "You're Not Yelping". She has been shown with her possible son and daughter in the Season Sixteen episode titled "Jewpacabra" as well as the previously mentioned "You're Not Yelping". She has also been seen several times working for the United States Government, having appeared inside of the Pentagon in the Season Twenty episodes "Members Only", "Not Funny", and "The End of Serialization as We Know It".


Martha wears a purple shirt with a gray dress and brown hair, along with black shoes.


