South Park Archives

Magical Songs is a side quest in South Park: The Stick of Truth.


Jimmy won't be a proper bard until he gets a flute to play inspiring battle tunes. Help him get one. Find a flute for Jimmy at the ranch.


This quest can be started by speaking to Jimmy in the Elven Kingdom, who tells of a flute which can be found at the cow's farm. To get to the farm, travel east of U-STOR-IT and take the path heading north (the other path would lead you to the Lost Forest).

A cutscene will be triggered upon reaching the farm entrance. You would be informed by the rancher that the flute is stowed in the nearby barn, but there are cattle in the barn that have been acting strange. After retrieving the keys to the barn from the rancher, make your way into the barn, where you will find N*** Zombie Cows. After defeating them, head upstairs using the ladder to the left of the barn. Shoot down an oil lamp, then perform a Dragonshout on it to clear the obstacle and access a chest, where the flute is kept.

Return to the rancher and another cutscene will be triggered, where Jimmy plays a short tune with the flute. You have now earned $5.00 and a Facebook friend from Jimmy.


  • The cutscene that plays when The New Kid arrives at the ranch is unskippable, and Jimmy's stuttering cannot be skipped, therefore forcing the player to wait for about a minute until Jimmy stops stuttering.
  • This is the first mission that features N*** Zombie Cows, and is overall the easiest fight against N*** Zombies in general.
  • This is one of three missions to partake at the ranch, the others being Big Game Huntin' With Jimbo and Hide 'n' Seek.
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Main Quests

The New Kid in TownCall the BannersGate CrasherHot CoffeeDetention SentenceThe BardIt's LateAlien AbductionGain New AlliesNonconformistPTA ProblemsAttack the SchoolGo Back HomeDefeat the Underpants GnomesForging AlliancesRecruit the GirlsPose as Bebe's BoyfriendUnplanned ParenthoodHeading NorthO CanadaBeat Up ClydeBetrayal From Within

Side Quests
Big Game Huntin' With JimboDefeat ManBearPigDropping the Kids OffFind JesusFlower For a PrincessHide 'n' SeekMagical SongsManBearPigMongolian BeefMr. Slave's PackageN*** Zombie BountyPhase OneRats in the CellarRestoring the BalanceThe Homeless ProblemThe She-OgreThe Timmy ExpressUnfriend Al GoreVulcan AroundWasted Cache
