"Little Green Frog" is a song heard in Season Sixteen episode, "I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining".
The zip-line tourist group sings it in the shuttle van ride between the zip line points.
The origins of the song are unknown. The song is well known among Boy Scouts of America members. Although there are numerous versions of this song, this is the closest to the one used in the episode. Below is the version the Boy Scouts use.
Verse 1:
Um Ah, went the little green frog
one day Um Ah, went the little green frog
Um Ah, went the little green frog
and his eyes went Um Ah, Um Ah, Um Ah Ah
Verse 2:
Honk Honk, went the big red truck
one day Honk Honk went the big red truck
Squish Squash, went the little green frog
and his eyes didn't go Um Ah, anymore 'cause they all got eaten by a dog Woof Woof!