South Park Archives

Junichi Takiyama is a minor character who makes two appearances in Season Fifteen and a third in "South ParQ Vaccination Special". He is voiced by Trey Parker.


Junichi makes his first appearance in "HUMANCENTiPAD", where he is the front of the HUMANCENTiPAD, a new device by Apple containing three people attached to each other mouth-to-anus. Like Kyle Broflovski and an unnamed woman, he is part of it because he did not read the Terms and Conditions of the last iTunes update, with him unknowingly agreeing because he couldn’t understand English very well.

Junichi also appears in "City Sushi" as the new owner of the City Sushi stand. Tuong Lu Kim, owner of City Wok attempts to kill him at great lengths, much to Takiyama's anger, but after discovering Lu Kim's true identity, Takiyama ends up committing suicide for mistaking a white man for an Asian, jumping off the Tower of Peace.

Takiyama continued to be seen in the Season Seventeen intro, along with his restaurant. He appears on-screen again in "South ParQ Vaccination Special", attending Margaret Nelson's funeral, indicating his suicide attempt nine seasons earlier was unsuccessful.


Junichi has slanted eyes and black hair. He wears a white gi and black pants.


Junichi was shown to be very kind in his first appearance; he refused to eat any food to spare Kyle and the unnamed woman in "HUMANCENTiPAD" from eating his feces, only giving in due to hunger and extremely tasty food. He was also shown in "City Sushi" trying to make amends with Lu Kim despite their rivalry. He also made no attempts to hurt or humiliate Lu Kim during their peace treaties, although Lu Kim betrayed him several times. Junichi was extremely gullible or trusting, as he believed Lu Kim when he said he wanted to make peace with him, telling him to meet him on The Tower of Peace even after reading a letter from Lu Kim almost calling him a Japanese Dog, and trusting him a second time after Lu Kim betrayed him at the school assembly.


  • Junichi's first name is derived from Trey Parker's former college roommate, Junichi Nishimura.[citation needed]



Minor Characters from Season Fifteen
Betsy MacIntosh | Bishop of Banff | Broadway Bros | Canadian Prime Minister | Chase | Christian Wulff | Crack Babies | Crack Baby Athletic Association (CBAA) | Dane Cook | Daniel | David Sawitzky | David Spade | David Weatherhead | Dean Howland | Duck President | Eugene Levy | Funnybot | Giant Reptilian Bird | Jacob Hallery | Jessica Pinkerton | Junichi Takiyama | Kevin James | Larry Feegan | Michael Moore | Miles Standish | Mr. Adams | Mr. Feegan | Mr. Peters | Mrs. Feegan | Ms. Bronski | Muscleman Marc | Natalie Portman | President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Representative | Prince and Princess of Canada | Rebecca Turnod | Russell Brand | Sarah McLachlan | Secret Society of Cynics | Selena Gomez | Slash | Stephen Tamill | Steve Jobs | Tooth Decay | Two Farmers | Tyler Perry | U.S. Border Patrol | Vernon Trumski | Wayne D | Mr. and Mrs. Weatherhead | Mr. and Mrs. Whipple | Wikileaks | Zach Galifianakis

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Fifteen | Season Fifteen
