"I Love You, Social Distancing" is a song performed by Eric Cartman in the Season Twenty-Four episode "The Pandemic Special". The song is about how people have stay away from other people to not get sick.
Cartman sings this song after waking up to another day of social distancing and not having to go to school. He fakes his computer freezing up during his class' Zoom call and continues singing until his mother tells him that they are thinking of reopening school again.
Another day inside, don't have to do a thing
I love you, social distancing
No one's around, no one's talking to me
Social distancing, I'm free
Don't have to brush my teeth or shower (for what?)
I can sit on the toilet for hours (As long as I want!)
'Cause no one's saying to me
"You kids should get outside and do something"
[After faking his computer freezing up during a Zoom call]
I'm cut off from the world
Isolated, alone
This is what I call existancing
No one can touch me or boss me around
Social distancing
Eric, aren't you supposed to be on your Zoom call?
Stay away from me, Mom, yeah
You got to keep your social distance
'Cause all I'm gonna do is sing
About how much I love you and need you
Social distancing
Sweetie, I know these are challenging times.
Yeah, social distancing, Mom
Songs from Season Twenty-Four | |
Coming to L.A. | Down by the Lazy River | I Love You, Social Distancing | Kickstart My Heart | Need a Shot See also: List of Songs | List of Minor Characters from Season Twenty-Four | Season Twenty-Four |