South Park Archives

Hide 'n' Seek is a side quest featured in South Park: The Stick of Truth.

SPW pic -- Spoiler Spoiler warning!
Plot details follow.


"Play hide and seek with the kindergarteners around town."


While traveling through the Kids' Park south of Bijou Cinema, the New Kid can interact with Filmore, who along with his friends invites Douchebag to play a game of hide and seek, upon which the kids disperse.

There are six kids in total to find:

  1. Sally: Mr. Slave's House - Outside To the West hidden behind a tree.
  2. Billy: The Farm - Southwest corner of the pen, west of the Farm Cow bell
  3. Filmore: Bank - Behind the counter immediately north of the door (you can get behind on the desk's right side).
  4. Quaid: Sewers - Behind the waste pile immediately after the entrance near the news office.
  5. Flora: Tower of Peace - Behind the light pole between the Tower and City Wok.
  6. Jenny: Stark's Pond - In the grove reached by using the path behind a pile of logs near the church entrance.

Once you find them all and return to the park to talk with Filmore, you will be rewarded with cash and the six of them as friends on Facebook.

Hidden kindergarteners locations.
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Main Quests

The New Kid in TownCall the BannersGate CrasherHot CoffeeDetention SentenceThe BardIt's LateAlien AbductionGain New AlliesNonconformistPTA ProblemsAttack the SchoolGo Back HomeDefeat the Underpants GnomesForging AlliancesRecruit the GirlsPose as Bebe's BoyfriendUnplanned ParenthoodHeading NorthO CanadaBeat Up ClydeBetrayal From Within

Side Quests
Big Game Huntin' With JimboDefeat ManBearPigDropping the Kids OffFind JesusFlower For a PrincessHide 'n' SeekMagical SongsManBearPigMongolian BeefMr. Slave's PackageN*** Zombie BountyPhase OneRats in the CellarRestoring the BalanceThe Homeless ProblemThe She-OgreThe Timmy ExpressUnfriend Al GoreVulcan AroundWasted Cache
