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South Park Archives

This page contains trivia for "Here Comes the Neighborhood". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.


  • Ned Gerblansky has not had a speaking role since this episode.
  • When the episode aired in 2001, The Lion King was not on DVD yet. It would not be released on DVD until 2003 as part of Disney's Platinum Edition series.
  • This is the first episode that Token lives in South Park. In "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", he lived outside of town and was bussed in for diversity.
  • This is the second time that someone has dressed up as a KKK member while trying to be a ghost. The first time was in "Pinkeye" when Principal Victoria dressed Cartman up as one.

Refrences in Pop Culture

  • The character "Aslon", head of the lions whom Token Black joins, is a reference to "Aslan the Lion" from Chronicles of Narnia. The character is made to resemble the version of Aslan from the 1979 movie The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
  • The sign in front of the lion exhibit reads "Africanus Lionus Carnivorus" is homage to the Warner Brothers cartoon The Roadrunner which uses fake humorous Latin for the coyote and roadrunner characters as introductions. The real scientific name is Panthera Leo, although that is only implied for the regular lion.
  • J-Mart is a parody of the K-Mart department store chain.
  • While Token and his parents are shopping at J-Mart, Sharon mentions that they can afford to shop at Cherry Creek. Cherry Creek is an affluent neighborhood in Denver, and the Cherry Creek Mall is famous/infamous for being upscale and expensive.


  • When Cartman is done giving his "project" he tells Ms. Choksondik that he will make her eat her parents, a reference to "Scott Tenorman Must Die".


  • While Token is always referred to as Token Black, during the scene in J-Mart, Randy Marsh refers to Token's family as the Williams, instead of "the Blacks".
  • The snow on one of Token's front yard plants disappears at the end of his song.
  • When Butters Stotch is giving his report on volcanoes, you can see another Butters seated at his desk.
  • When Will Smith is looking at Forbes Magazine, an advertisement says "like Aspen was 20 years ago", but his wife mistakenly says 30 years instead.

Kenny's Death

  • Kenny's death is not actually seen in this episode. Later, Craig tows Kenny's corpse on a sled when the boys rendezvous with Token.