Excalibur is a casino located in Las Vegas, Nevada that appeared in the Season Five episode "It Hits the Fan".
After one of The Knights of Standards and Practices gives The Boys and Chef the "Rune Stone of Gaelic", they go to the Excalibur casino to see if anyone who works there is able to tell them about the stone. When they talk to the barker, he initially states that he doesn't know anything about the stone, but once they actually show him the stone, his personality and voice changes and he takes them to the "Inner Sanctum" of the casino to talk with the sorcerer.
- Big Gay Al appears as one of the blackjack dealers in the casino.
- Mr. Derp also appears as a bartender.
- Although both the front sign and welcome sign spell the name of the casino as "Excalibur", the sign for the casino's hotel spells it as "Excaliber".