El Pollo Loco is a Mexican fast food restaurant introduced in the episode "The Last of the Meheecans", where Butters Stotch was taken to it due to a misunderstanding so that the Mexican staff would look after him.
Butters (playing as Mantequilla) gets lost during a game of Texans vs. Mexicans and is picked up by Mr. and Mrs. Whipple. The couple decides to drop him off at the restaurant. The workers do not take notice of Butters until he reveals his name as "Mantequilla". The workers later misinterpret Butters' call to "cross the border" as "going back to Mexico", triggering a mass exodus of Mexican immigrants.
- El Pollo Loco was also Kenny McCormick's wrestling name in the episode, "W.T.F.". Kenny was completely masked, as he was parodying professional Mexican wrestler Rey Mysterio.
- El Pollo Loco is a real restaurant chain in the South Western United States, with franchises mainly in California. It originated in Sinaloa, Mexico by Juan Francisco Ochoa in 1975.