South Park Archives

The Duck President first appears in the Season Fifteen episode, "You're Getting Old" and was believed to be an imaginary animal. However, in the following episode, "Ass Burgers", Duck President is shown to be real.

Duck President was also briefly in the Season Sixteen episode "Obama Wins!", where he was acknowledged to be the opponent of Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election.

He is seen in "South ParQ Vaccination Special", at the end celebrating the end of the pandemic.


The Duck President is a duck with an orange bill that wears a black suit. Everything the Duck President says comes out as feces, which could be analogous to some political views towards United States' presidents.


  • Lame Duck is a term used in politics for a politician that presides during the period between the election and inauguration of his or her replacement.


Fictional Celebrities
Bill KeeganBrian JeffriesCanadian PresidentCaptain HindsightCartmanBrahCharles KincadeChiquitaChuck E. CheeseCoyote BrownDuck PresidentFreja OllegardHardly BoysHeather SwansonHeidi (Simply Heidi)Herbert GarrisonJohn GarnerKatherine and Katie QueefManuelo FurnandaMitch ConnerMoney Quest HostsNick JabsPrince of CanadaPrincess of CanadaPrince and Princess of CanadaQueen of CanadaRichard StamosSanctifiedSandy CervixSmelly JohnSid GreenfieldSkankhunt42Stephen AbootmanTammy ThompsonTerrance and PhillipThe Ghetto Avenue BoysTom PusslickerTom ThompsonTrinity
More Information: Fictional Celebrities

Minor Characters from Season Fifteen
Betsy MacIntosh | Bishop of Banff | Broadway Bros | Canadian Prime Minister | Chase | Christian Wulff | Crack Babies | Crack Baby Athletic Association (CBAA) | Dane Cook | Daniel | David Sawitzky | David Spade | David Weatherhead | Dean Howland | Duck President | Eugene Levy | Funnybot | Giant Reptilian Bird | Jacob Hallery | Jessica Pinkerton | Junichi Takiyama | Kevin James | Larry Feegan | Michael Moore | Miles Standish | Mr. Adams | Mr. Feegan | Mr. Peters | Mrs. Feegan | Ms. Bronski | Muscleman Marc | Natalie Portman | President's Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition Representative | Prince and Princess of Canada | Rebecca Turnod | Russell Brand | Sarah McLachlan | Secret Society of Cynics | Selena Gomez | Slash | Stephen Tamill | Steve Jobs | Tooth Decay | Two Farmers | Tyler Perry | U.S. Border Patrol | Vernon Trumski | Wayne D | Mr. and Mrs. Weatherhead | Mr. and Mrs. Whipple | Wikileaks | Zach Galifianakis

More information: List of Minor Characters from Season Fifteen | Season Fifteen
