South Park Archives

Hot Coffee "Hot Coffee/Script" "Detention Sentence/Script" "The Bard/Script" The Bard
"Detention Sentence/Script" is under construction. Some information may be missing.


Note: Respective script dialogues for Butters and Kenny are only triggered when the player has either one of them as their active combat buddy.


Detention Sentence
The Kingdom of Kupa Keep, day. The New Kid continues his quest after Call the Banners
Kenny will assist you on your quest, Douchebag. Now go get Craig while I rest and relax upon my throne
The New Kid arrives at South Park Elementary. He takes a peek over a window, where students in detention were being held in the school cafeteria, overseen by Mr. Mackey
Mr. Mackey
Craig, this is detention! M'kay, stop looking at your watch because you are here for three hours, buddy! M'kay!
Craig is indeed looking at his watch, then puts it down
Mr. Mackey
Don't think your friends are gonna come bust you out this time, Craig!
My name is Feldspar and I'm a level six thief and the humans will soon rescue me from this tower.
Mr. Mackey
No, your name is fucking Craig Tucker and you're in detention! [slams the table] Start doing your homework! [Craig goes back to looking at his watch] M'kay, I've got all the doors sealed and I've got hallway monitors working overtime. Nobody is gonna save your ass today, Craig! M'kay!
Meanwhile, the New Kid enters the school hallway
Hallway Monitor #1
Excuse me but school is out and no students allowed on the premises until tomorrow at 7:30AM.
The New Kid stalls in front of the monitor, or attacks first
Hallway Monitor #1
You are in breach of school law and must be punished!
The New Kid and his buddy takes out the hallway monitor anyway.
Hallway Monitor #1
[calls over a walkie talkie] Officer down! Officer down! Send backup!
Back in detention, Mr. Mackey is receiving the call for help
Hallway Monitor #1
I repeat, officer down! All hallway monitors to the right hallway!
Mr. Mackey
Oh, god dammit.
Heeeeere they come.
Mr. Mackey
They aren't gonna get you, Craig! You're not getting out of detention!
I'll be out of here in ten minutes.
The New Kid opens the door to the right hallway and finds more hallway monitors.
Hallway Monitor #2
Intruder alert!
Hallway Monitor #3
Initiate security protocol!
Shit! More of them! See if there is a way to take them all out at once.
Hallway Monitor #2
Turn back! We've got a roadblock set up.
The player is prompted instructions on how to use Dragonshout
Remember what the wizard taught you! Use your magic!
If the New Kid approaches the cafeteria door
Mr. Mackey
You're not gonna get through this door. M'kay? You might as well give up because I have hidden the key somewhere and you'll never find it in my office. Aw, dammit, m'kay.
He said the gold key's in his office.
After passing through the cafeteria doorway, the New Kid approaches another hall monitor
There's another one of those souless bastards. Take him out.
Hallway Monitor #4
Intruder alert!
Hallway Monitor #4
Papers, please!
The New Kid successfully defeats the hall monitor
Legend says there is a sixth grader hall monitor who has a zillion freckles and clipboard made of human bone. They say he has a freckle for each kid he's suspended.
If the New Kid attempts to open Mr. Mackey's office at this point.
Aww, we can't get in without the silver key.
The New Kid moves over to the left hallway. He overhears a conversation from the Teacher's Lounge.
Hallway Monitor #5
Search him!
No! NO! Get away from me, you freaks!
The New Kid moves down the hallway to find two more hall monitors behind a metal barricade
Hallway Monitor #6
The protector of the brass key will never surrender!
If the New Kid enters the janitor room which is just beside the barricade.
Why do dungeons even have these kind of stupid rooms where there's nothing to do?
If the New Kid executes the Buddy Command using Butters instead of Princess Kenny.
Well, I'm flattered you thought of me, but I-I wouldn't even know where to begin!
I-I can only heal, y-you need someone who can charm.
If the New Kid executes the Buddy Command on the wrong target.
Why, that'll just be silly.
The New Kid executes the Buddy Command using Princess Kenny, who then pulls down her shirt to reveal her boobs
{Your word is the command, my Lord.)
Hallway Monitor #7
Oooooh! Wow, boobies! [opens the barricade.] Must have... must touch. Boooobies...
Suddenly, Princess Kenny brandishes a mirror and knock the hall monitor out cold. The New Kid and Princess Kenny moves forward and approaches three hall monitors, one of which who is holding onto the brass key.
Hey gingers! Your hearts are as black as your noses are brown!
Hallway Monitor #6
You can take the brass key from my cold, dead hands!
Mr. Mackey receives another call from the hallway monitors
Hallway Monitor #6
More officers down! We're taking heavy casualties out here!
Mr. Mackey
[grabs his walkie talkie] Dammit! You hallway monitors need to stop playing around!
Hallway Monitor #6
He's got the brass key! He's some kind of dragonborn!
Mr. Mackey
Now look, this is detention time, not time to play Dungeons and Dragons! And besides, he's never gonna get inside here because to open the door, you need the gold key and the only way to get the gold key is by getting the silver key, m'kay, which even if he has the brass key, he still hasn't made it past the boss level. M'kay?
You found the brass key.
Back outside, the New Kid reaches the Teachers' Lounge
Hallway Monitor #7
He's here! Guard the key!
Hallway Monitor #8
We've established a perimeter.
If the New Kid knocks over a stack of books prematurely
Hallway Monitor #8
You're just making it harder on yourself!
Hallway Monitor #7
Forget the key! Protect the front lines!
The New Kid knocks over a cigarette ashtray which lights up and burns a cardboard box. The New Kid harness the Dragonshout to take out two hallway monitors
Wow! Lucky there was a box of fireworks just sitting there.
Hallway Monitor #9
Hands up where I can see 'em!
Hallway Monitor #9
The school's locked down! You've failed!
Unfortunately for the hall monitors, they were defeated in the lounge, and the New Kid rescues a boy riddled with arrows. The New Kid calls upon Butters to heal the boy.
There's a buddy...
There, there, buddy. You're gonna be okay.
Walk it off, buddy.
Thanks. I thought I was a goner. There were too many of them. They were too strong, their hair too red, [pulls out a silver key] Maybe you can take this silver key and find the gold key. You can succeed where I have failed. Free Mackey's prisoners! [the boy hands over the key to the New Kid before leaving]
I sure hope the gold key is in there, or else the quest for the silver key has all been for nothing.
The New Kid uses the silver key to open up Mr. Mackey's office
Be careful, Douchebag. This is Mackey's lair. One wrong step and we could end up in detention!
The New Kid finds the gold key on top of a shelf and retrieves it.
The gold key... No one has ever laid hands on it before. Let's hope it holds the power to unlock the cafeteria door.
The New Kid arrives at the cafeteria door. Just then, the Hallway Monitor Boss shows up behind
Hallway Monitor Boss
That's far enough, intruder! Where's your hall pass? [the New Kid stays silent] No hall pass? Then it's time to write you a referral.
Mr. Mackey
Oh yeah, that's the boss. Good luck fighting the boss, m'kay. You still think this is a game, young man?!
During the battle against the boss, he calls for backup
Hallway Monitor Boss
Deadly force is authorized.
If the boss survives after several rounds
Hallway Monitor Boss
That's it. I'm gonna find your parents. [takes out a cellphone and attempts to call on the New Kid's parents]
Use your power on him! Hurry!
If the boss survives one round after executing his move.
Hallway Monitor Boss
It's ringing!
Hallway Monitor Boss
I wasn't worthy of the... sash...
The New Kid sucessfully defeats the boss and unlocks the cafeteria door. As the door opens, all the students raised their hands in joy and leaves
Detention students
Mr. Mackey
Thanks for busting me out, kid. Who are you? [the New Kid stays silent as usual] What's your name? [still no response from the New Kid] Oh well, I'm heading to Kupa Keep. See you there I guess.
End of Detention Sentence