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"The F Word/Trivia" | "Dances with Smurfs/Trivia" | "Pee/Trivia" | ![]() |
This page contains trivia for "Dances with Smurfs". Remember, trivia must be factual, provable, and it is always best to cite your source for not-so-obvious trivia. If you would like to dispute a trivia point, please discuss it in the talk page.
- A new fourth grade class is seen in this episode. This class includes Billy Martin, Beth, Kelly Pinkerton-Tinfurter, Kelly Rutherford-Menskin, the latino boy with green shirt, the boy with brown hair and red shirt, the boy with orange shirt and Nate.
- A color swap of Tommy Turner is also seen wearing a green jacket.
- This episode features the final appearance, and death, of Gordon Stoltski. He previously appeared in "Ginger Kids" and "Fatbeard".
- In previous episodes, Gordon was voiced by Matt Stone, but in this episode, he is voiced by Trey Parker.
- This episode does not frequently air on Comedy Central for unknown reasons.
- Smurfette is actually blonde, but appears in this episode with dark brown/reddish hair, similar to Sassette, a secondary female Smurf character.
- This is Mr. Testaburger's final speaking appearance to date.
- Cartman's line "If a Smurf dies and no one is around to hear it, does it still scream?" is a reference to the philosophical thought experiment "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"
- Clyde is shown sleeping in class the exact same way he did in "The Coon".
References to Popular Culture[]
- Dances with Smurfs is a reference to Smurfs, a cartoon from the 1980s, and the 1990 film Dances with Wolves. During Cartman's video of mingling with the Smurfs, the music heard is similar to the soundtrack of Dances With Wolves.
- Some of the Smurfs seen/referenced are Smurfette, Papa Smurf, Vanity Smurf, Hefty Smurf, Brainy Smurf, and Clumsy Smurf (named in Cartman's narration, but not given his unique cartoon design.)
- Scarface is referenced after a jealous husband murders Gordon Stoltski during the morning announcements, in which he paraphrases the lines "Look at you now, you're dead."
- The title was used as a criticism in a review of James Cameron's film, Avatar, the creators feeling that the story was extremely similar to that of Dances With Wolves.
- Cartman exclaims James Cameron used his ideas for his film Avatar, after Wendy sold him her book, Going Rogue On The Smurfs.
- Cartman and his morning show parody Glenn Beck heavily:
- Cartman repeatedly says, "I'm just asking questions!" (a common Beck phrase).
- He uses a chalkboard to illustrate his conspiracy theories (a common segment on Beck's show).
- The show intro and set are similar to that of Beck's show.
- In the last part of the episode, the shape and color of Cartman's hair mimic Beck's.
- Cartman references A Clockwork Orange when Stan is reading an excerpt from his book, saying the "old in-out," a euphemism for sex.
- Wendy's book Going Rogue on The Smurfs is possibly a reference to Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue: An American Life, which was released 6 days after the episode aired.
- Casey Miller's appearance, speaking style, and name are references to radio personality Casey Kasem.
- The chime sound before Eric's announcements (E5-G4-C5) are similar to NBC's older xylophone theme (G4-E5-C5).
- Ike screaming "Nooo!" after Cartman states that Wendy wants to kill Smurfs, is the same as heard when Ike keeps seeing the spirit of Billy Mays in "Dead Celebrities".
- Clyde Frog makes his first appearance since the Season Twelve episode "Tonsil Trouble". He seems to have fully recovered after Kyle ripped his head off.
- Smurfs were last referenced and seen in the Imaginationland trilogy. An image of them can be found here.
- Cartman's instant attack on Wendy is likely an act of revenge for her beating him up in "Breast Cancer Show Ever".
- Cartman becoming student council president is not shown or mentioned in later episodes, suggesting he dropped out at an unknown period. Wendy eventually takes it back in "Tweek x Craig".
- In the crowd shot as Mr. Mackey addresses the school post-Stoltski's death, there are three copies of Sally Turner, and two copies of Francis, Tommy, Esther, Bradley, and Kevin.
- During the panning shot of the kids in that scene, many of the children have changed positions (e.g. Bill being on the other side of the stands near the four boys).
- When Stan talks to the kids that are reading Cartman's book, Lola can be seen with blonde hair instead of brown.
- When Cartman asks Wendy how many Smurf Berries the lives of each Smurf is worth, Kyle has his head on the desk. In the next shot with the back of his head, Kyle's head is back up.
Deleted Scene[]
- Cartman goes to Principal Victoria and Mr. Mackey to protest about Casey Miller getting power as the student body president, while also believing that Mackey is used as a lackey. He then tells Cartman to leave, he responds that everyone will regret him not speaking up for Casey. Cartman then punches Casey while leaving.
Hidden Visitors[]
- A Visitor can be seen behind one of the school doors when Stan reads Cartman's book.
Dubbing Changes[]
International Titles[]
Language | Title | Translation |
Czech | Tanec se Šmouly | Dances with Smurfs |
French | Danse avec les Schtroumpfs | Dances with Smurfs |
German | Der mit dem Schlumpf tanzt | Dances with Smurfs |
Hungarian | Törpökkel táncoló | Dances with Smurfs |
Italian | Balla coi Puffi | Dances with Smurfs |
Polish | Tańczący ze smerfami | Dances with Smurfs |
Portuguese (Brazil) | Danças com Smurfs | Dances with Smurfs |
Spanish (Latin America) | Baila con los pitufos | Dances with the Smurfs |
Spanish (Spain) | Bailando con pitufos | Dances with Smurfs |
Ukrainian | Танці зі Смурфами (Tantsi zi Smurfamy) |
Dances with Smurfs |
- Local terms are adopted to fit with the respective translation for the acronym "KILL SMURFS", carrying different meanings from the English version:
- Hungarian: "ÖLJ TÖRPŐT", derived from Önfenntartó Liberális Játékosat. Területen Önző Reakcios Pacifista Őrült Testület ("Self-sustaining Liberal Player. Board of Selfish Reactionary Pacifist Lunatics").
- Spanish (Latin America): "MATA PITUFO", derived from Matrices: Anejo Totalitario y Anti-Yankee. Pozo Izquierdas Tiránico Utópico Fatal Opresor ("Matrix: Annexed, Totalitarian and Anti-Yankee. Cesspool, Leftist, Tyrannical, Utopian, Fatalist, Oppressive").
- Spanish (Spain): "MATA PITUFO", derived from Maestras: Avanzado Tolerante y A Posesiona. Izquierdas Tiránico Utópico Fatal Opresor ("Master words: Advanced, Tolerant and Possessive. Leftist, Tyrannical, Utopian, Fatalist, Oppressive").
- The use of "moronic jizzrag" by Cartman is changed to other terms in the following dubs:
- French: Paillasson collé au foutre ("Doormat stuck with cum")
- Italian: Raccogli sperma ("Sperm collector")
- Ukrainian: Огідна бородавка (Ohidna borodavka, "hideous wart")
- The lunch menu of "chicken tostadas" is changed in the following dubs:
- Hungarian: "Mexican chicken"
- Portuguese (Brazil): Roast chicken
- Spanish (Latin America): Chicken tacos
- Ukrainian: Chicken "croutons" (likely a misinterpretation of "Tostadas" as "toast")
- The reference to the Sadie Hawkins dance in Cartman's first student council meeting as president is replaced with other unnamed events:
- Czech: School prom
- German: Ball
- Italian: Ballet
- Portuguese (Brazil): Quadrille
- Ukrainian: An unnamed performance
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