The Cred Affinity Group is a group of students who appeared in South Park (Not Suitable For Children).
The group is formed with Eric Cartman, Butters Stotch, and Tweek Tweak, with Clyde Donovan later invited into the group. The group was made to distinguish those who had Cred and those who faked that they did. The group did not last too long right away however, as Clyde was uncovered to not actually have Cred and instead poured apple juice into an empty Cred bottle. When the plan to revive the group failed after the CVS in Pueblo was left deserted by young Cred fans, the group was only able to turn to Clyde's influencer LoganLeDouche who is taken out by an assassin due to his intentions to share what had been going on with influencers marketing to children. The group is then finally revived at the end of the special, as Randy Marsh gives the group four rare bottles of Cred.