South Park Archives

Psychic is a class in South Park: The Fractured But Whole. It relies on the powers of the mind to deflect, confuse, and defeat foes. It can also buff and heal allies. While not as strong as the Plantmancer for healing, it is still a viable support class.

Doctor Timothy is an example of a Psychic hero.


The Psychic specializes in support and disruption of enemies from close to mid-range. The ability Psi-Shield acts similarly to the Human Kite's Kite Shield, giving Protection to an ally; compared to Human Kite, the shield has less range, but the option of buffing themselves. Dazzling Flash and Cerebral Blast deal decent damage while inflicting potentially useful status effects in Confusion and Defense Down; the latter has a unique range that enables the attack to be meted out without hindrance from other heroes most of the time.

Chakra Cleanse, the Psychic's Ultimate, is an effective support ability; it heals and shields allies in a large range around. It will be the first healing Ultimate you gain access to in the game, so it makes for a useful emergency option if you do not need an Ultimate to finish off your foes. It works especially well if you are up against enemies that can take a beating without threatening much damage in return (usually because of other support skills that leave them knocked back or Chilled).



Psychic class selection screen.
Top left: Default costume
Center: Abilities (l-r: Chakra Cleanse, Psi-Shield, Dazzling Flash, Cerebral Blast)
Right: Character artwork

All statistics below are under Heroic difficulty, for other difficulties, still blank.

The percentage in "Damage" (or Heal, Protection) is the correspondent percentage of the Attribute.

  • Psi-Shield - Fortify self or ally with Protection
    • Range: Single tile in each direction around the player
    • Attribute: Spunk
    • Protection: Moderate (250%)
    • Status Effect: Gains Protection to self or ally.
  • Dazzling Flash - Damage and Confuse an enemy
    • Range: One tile distance surrounding the player
    • Attribute: Brains
    • Damage: Moderate (175%)
    • Status Effect: Confused
  • Cerebral Blast - Damages and inflicts Defense Down
    • Range: Three tile diagonal cross-shape square around the player
    • Attribute: Brains
    • Damage: Moderate (160%)
    • Status Effect: Defense Down
  • Chakra Cleanse - Ultimate - Heal and grant Protection to all allies
    • Range: All Allies
    • Attribute: Spunk
    • Heal: High (500%)
    • Protection: High (500%)
    • Status Effect: None


  • The Psychic's abilities, default costume and artwork during class selection are primarily inspired by the DC Comics character Brainiac.
    • There is a costume set labelled as the Brainiac Costume set in-game, however the default costume for the Psychic is known as the Turbomind Costume set.
  • The "PSI Shield" ability shares the same name with (and is likely a reference to) the "PSI Shield" ability in the Earthbound/Mother Series by Nintendo. The Earthbound/Mother series features a number of psychic children going off on an adventure to save the world.
Classes in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
BrutalistSpeedsterBlasterElementalistPsychicCyborgAssassinGadgeteerPlantmancerMartial ArtistNetherborn (DLC)Final Girl (DLC)
More Information: Combat in South Park: The Fractured But Whole