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Don't just watch the world burn, light it on fire yourself as a Blaster,these damage dealers are deadly at any range

The Blaster is a class in South Park: The Fractured But Whole, being one of the three initial classes that The New Kid can choose from in Origins. Players will be able to choose this class after discovering the Coon Lair. The Blaster uses ranged fire attacks to do damage. Their charged attack includes a knockback.

The default Blaster costume set is known as the Heatwave Costume set.

Professor Chaos and Human Kite are classified as Blasters in-game.


The Blaster specializes in dishing attacks from medium to long range. All of the Blaster's abilities are fire related, with two of its abilities causing the Burning Status.

The Triple Burn ability is one of the Blaster's most useful abilities, as it can be dished out to a single selected target from a distance away while inflicting the Burning status. As for Heat Wave, it is useful to knockback multiple enemies to keep them away from attacking range. The Plasma Beam ability can be meted out to multiple targets in a row up to 6-tiles away, making it one of the longest ranged abilities among all the regular abilities of the classes available in-game.

The Blaster's Ultimate ability, Backfire Blast is the only Ultimate ability among the three starting classes which affects more than a single target. It is also the only Ultimate ability among the three starting classes which inflicts status effects, namely Burning and Grossed Out.


Blaster costume

Blaster class selection screen.
Top left: Default costume
Center: Abilities (l-r: Backfire Blast, Triple Burn, Heat Wave, Plasma Beam)
Right: Character artwork

All statistics below are under Heroic difficulty, for other difficulties, still blank.

The percentage in "Damage" is the correspondent percentage of the Attribute. 0% None 1% - 45% Low 46% - 64% Moderate 65% - 80% High 81% - 100% Extreme

  • Triple Burn - Trio of fireballs that inflict Burning
    • Range: Three tiles in front of the player
    • Attribute: Brains
    • Damage: Moderate (175%)
    • Status Effect: Burning
  • Heat Wave - Knock back a column of foes
    • Range: Three vertical tiles in front of the player
    • Attribute: Spunk
    • Damage: High (160%)
    • Status Effect: Knockback
  • Plasma Beam - Strikes all enemies in a row
    • Range: Six tiles in front of the player
    • Attribute: Brains
    • Damage: Moderate (160%)
    • Status Effect: None
  • Backfire Blast - Ultimate - Death fart applies Grossed Out and Burning
    • Range: Seven tiles (single tile in first column and two 3-tile columns after in front of the player)
    • Attribute: Brains
    • Damage: Moderate (160%)
    • Status Effect: Burning, Grossed Out


  • The Blaster class appears to be a reference to Marvel Comics character Cyclops, a member of the superhero group The X-Men; also the fact that the energy beam abilities is fired from the hands makes a reference to Dazzler, also a member of The X-Men.
Classes in South Park: The Fractured But Whole
BrutalistSpeedsterBlasterElementalistPsychicCyborgAssassinGadgeteerPlantmancerMartial ArtistNetherborn (DLC)Final Girl (DLC)
More Information: Combat in South Park: The Fractured But Whole