Cartoon Central is a fictional television network, which airs shows, one being The Terrance and Phillip Show. It appears in the Season One episode, "Death".
Cartoon Central was airing The Terrance and Phillip Show and when Sheila Broflovski finds Kyle Broflovski watching it, and deems it inappropriate. After rallying up the adults of South Park, Sheila leads them to New York and protests in front of the Cartoon Central building. They protest by flinging themselves into the building and unknowingly by their feces. Eventually, the network takes The Terrance and Phillip Show off the air and replace it with She's the Sheriff.
- Cartoon Central is a mixed parody of Cartoon Network and Comedy Central, the latter channel that airs South Park.
- Comedy Central was Cartoon Network's sister channel from 1996 to 2003, as Cartoon Network's parent company, Time Warner (which then became WarnerMedia until the merger with Discovery Inc. and now is Warner Bros. Discovery), co-owned Comedy Central until 2003, when Viacom gained full ownership of the Comedy Central.