2-Time Featured Article Winner January 2010, July 2013
Bebe Stevens is a female fourth-grade student at South Park Elementary who first appears in "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe". She briefly became part of the boys' group in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", but only because of her early developed breasts.
Like most of the boys' other classmates, Bebe makes her first appearance in "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe". She has her first speaking appearance in "Weight Gain 4000" as the narrator of the South Park play.
Throughout the first season, like Clyde, she frequently spoke in several episodes, usually if Wendy or Pip were not used. Later, "Tom's Rhinoplasty" establishes her as Wendy's best friend, being seen with her multiple times with her throughout the episode and she helps her win Stan back. She gets her first important role in "Clubhouses" where it is shown that she has a large crush on Kyle, though this crush is not shown again in future episodes.
Bebe seems to be the "popular" girls' secondary leader, after Wendy. She serves as the primary female throughout Seasons Five to Eleven, having more speaking roles than Wendy at this time period (particularly after she broke up with Stan in the end of Season Seven).

Bebe with a pistol, in "The List".
In "The List", it appears that she knows how to handle, load, and fire a handgun when she attempted to kill Wendy Testaburger. She ended up killing Kenny McCormick with her handgun in her fight with Wendy. She accidentally pulled the trigger and Kenny was hit by the stray bullet. She also killed Kenny with a boomerang in "Proper Condom Use".
In the episode "Douche and Turd", it is revealed that Bebe is part of the cheerleading squad.
Criminal Record
Bebe has committed several crimes, as seen in some episodes. This is seen here:
- Accessory to Murder: At the end of "Tom's Rhinoplasty", she is seen at Wendy's party relaxing next to the latter, implying she had something to do with Ms. Ellen's kidnapping and subsequent execution by launching into the sun.
- Attempted Murder: In "The List", Bebe tried to kill Wendy, but the bullet misses and as a result, ends up killing Kenny instead.
- Civil Unrest/Rioting: Participant in the South Park Elementary gender war during "Proper Condom Use". Killed Kenny during the boys' assault on the girls' base (see below). She was also one of many students seen rioting in the school hallways over the cancellation of Columbus Day in "Holiday Special".
- Drug Possession: While the girls are telling Wendy about the party that Bebe is throwing during "Stupid Spoiled W**** Video Playset", Red says that there will be Ketamine, a Schedule III drug, at the party.
- Graft/Corruption: She, along with numerous other girls on the South Park Girls' List Committee, altered the list of cutest boys so that Clyde would be on the top, to get free shoes from him. This is graft because Bebe abused her authority for personal gain.
- Manslaughter: In attempting to kill Wendy (see above), she accidentally killed Kenny.
- Drug abuse: In "Quest for Ratings", Bebe is seen getting high on cough syrup in the girls' restroom.
- Murder/Assault: In "Proper Condom Use", Bebe killed Kenny by throwing a sharp boomerang at him. This would count as murder and assault on the guards of killing by assault.
- Battery: In "The Worldwide Privacy Tour", Bebe beats up Butters for simply saying some mean words to her. Given the appearance and injuries of Butters after the fight, this would probably be considered a form of battery.
- Sexual Harassment: In "Clubhouses", Bebe sexually harasses Kyle by announcing to the other girls he has a "hot ass" as well as attempting other unwanted advances, culminating in kissing him in a game of Truth or Dare. In "Stupid Spoiled W**** Video Playset", she throws a party in which all the girls, including her, sexually tease the boys despite their objections. She chases Brimmy at the party.
- Unlawful Possession and Discharge of a Firearm: Used a pistol to try to kill Wendy during the events of "The List". Minors are not permitted to possess or use firearms without an adult present, much less against other people. Despite this, she is not charged with this crime.
Breast Development

Bebe with breasts.
In "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", she became the first of the fourth-grade students to reach puberty, as she began developing breasts in that episode. Though they were tiny (she originally thought they were mosquito bites, until she saw that they were not healing), they caused the male students to go ape-like in their desires for her. Bebe liked the extra attention they gave her until this happened, and though she was rejected by the surgeon for getting breast reductions, she successfully broke the spell over the boys by wearing a box to school to hide her chest. After this episode, she appears normal as she was before, and her boobs were not shown nor mentioned again; her chest was also devoid of the cardboard box afterward.
Voice Acting
In her first speaking role, Bebe was voiced by Mary Kay Bergman. Jennifer Howell, the show’s executive producer, requested to do a voice and she was given the role of Bebe. Howell originally gave her a high and near breathy voice, but her pitch has been lowered somewhat in the later seasons to a more mature tone.
Bebe has long, curly golden blonde hair, parted to her left side. While her hair hangs down over her right shoulder, she was seen in "Informative Murder Porn" with some of it draped over her left shoulder. It was mentioned by Wendy in "The Hobbit" that she has acne. She wears a red jacket with gray trim and dark green pants with gray mittens. Underneath her jacket, she has been shown to wear a red sweater. In "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe", she was seen wearing a green jacket, tan pants, and dark blue mittens, while in "Weight Gain 4000", her jacket and mittens were pink while her pants were blue. Her jacket is a darker shade of pink than her mittens. She also wore the aforementioned outfit in "Pinkeye". In "Tom's Rhinoplasty", Bebe wears a black bikini when having a pool party with Wendy. In the episode "Chickenlover", she was briefly shown wearing a blue jacket in a scene. In "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo", she wears a sheep costume for Herbert Garrison's play with a black round nose.
Bebe wears a short-sleeved, ankle-length, pink nightgown with white trimming around the cuffs and collar at bedtime, as shown in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", "Marjorine", and "Pajama Day". When she dressed up as a w**** in "Stupid Spoiled W**** Video Playset", she wears a fluffy white shawl, a fluffy white bustier, and a short red miniskirt with a white buckle with a star in the middle of it. She also wore pink hair extensions, eyeliner, and blush. Bebe was also seen wearing a heavy amount of makeup in "How to Eat with Your Butt".
In South Park: The Stick of Truth, after joining the boys, she wears a dark-green headband, a blue cape, two yellow plates on her breasts, and a brown belt with a silver buckle. She also has a braid in her hair tied to the thread of her headband and carries a spear.
In St. Patrick's Day, Bebe wear a green t-shirt with a rainbow written Born lucky. She also wear a green hair band.
In South Park: Post Covid, Bebe is seen as an adult woman. She has a white shirt, a buttoned-up red trenchcoat with the words "Mary May" where her right breast is, a navy-blue skirt, black high heels, and a white, black, and gold ascot. She also has heavy makeup, lavender earrings, and her hair is more curled.
- To see images of Bebe Stevens, visit Bebe Stevens/Gallery.
Bebe is usually a friendly and flirty person and is seen hanging out with other characters, mainly the other girls in school. However, she has had rocky relations with the boy students.
In "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", she attracted unwanted attention from the boys and wanted them to appreciate her for her intelligence and aspirations rather than superficial traits such as her breasts.
Bebe also has an interest in makeup and fashion. In "Tom's Rhinoplasty", Bebe helped makeover Wendy so that she could impress Stan again, and she was shown wearing a heavy amount of makeup for her school photo in "How to Eat with Your Butt". In The Fractured But Whole, Bebe helps the New Kid with his outfit, commenting on how he needs help with it. If New Kid wears one of her costume designs, she excitedly takes a selfie with him.
Bebe is very much a trend follower, unlike her best friend Wendy. She jumped on the bandwagon of being a Stupid Spoiled W**** when Paris Hilton came to town and joined everybody in the new photoshop craze, where she photoshopped her picture to the point where it did not look much like her at all. This could imply she has some insecurities about her appearance, as she was also the first to snap back when Wendy commented on the other girls' flaws in "The Hobbit".
She can be emotional, crying over Heidi Turner quitting Twitter in "Skank Hunt". She is also shown to have a quick temper. Despite being generally nice, she has a mean streak and can be quite tactless. This is shown when she made fun of Heidi for dating Eric Cartman in "Doubling Down", which upset Heidi and caused her to go back to him at the end of the episode. She also made fun of Marjorine in "Marjorine", but felt guilty about that soon after and helped give Marjorine a makeover.
Bebe also has a Machiavellian personality; in "The List", she, Lola, Jenny Simons, and (to an extent) Red, had altered a list their Sunshine Community made rating the 4th-grade boys based on how cute they are. In that sense, Bebe betrayed over half the 4th grade class for shoes. The list placed Kyle Broflovski at the bottom, destroying his self-esteem, driving him psychotic, to the point of attempting to burn down the school. When Stan teamed up with Wendy to investigate the list and confronted Kyle with the results, Bebe pulled out a gun. The police showed up and Wendy attacked Bebe. While struggling, Bebe accidentally pulled the trigger on Wendy, however, she missed, instead, hitting and killing Kenny through a wall while he was eating dinner with his family.
Bebe has been shown to be quite strong and will attack anyone who insults her with no hesitation. In the episode "The Worldwide Privacy Tour", Butters tells Bebe to fuck herself as an attempt to charm her with assertiveness, and she beats him hard in the playground.

Bebe's Mother.
Her mother is a stereotypical, large-chested, dumb blonde, who got by in her earlier years by relying on her looks. Bebe does not want to end up like her mother; she would rather be a lawyer or a marine biologist. However, she does seem more interested in make-up, partying, and dating than her friend Wendy. Mrs. Stevens is occasionally seen in crowd scenes including, "Child Abduction is Not Funny", "Grey Dawn", and various others. She also tried comforting Bebe in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" by telling her that she was smart and that is why boys liked her, although they were attracted to her budding breasts. When Bebe hears her boobs conspiring, Mrs. Stevens shows unexpected awareness of the nature of breasts stating they feed off the misery of boys.

Bebe's dad.
Bebe's dad was first seen in a family photograph in "Stupid Spoiled W**** Video Playset" at the 'Spoiled W**** Party', but his first speaking appearance was when he told Bebe at the end of the episode that she would go back to dressing and acting like a proper young lady. He has also been seen at the end of "Britney's New Look" and at the meeting in "Major Boobage" as a background character.
In "Major Boobage", she is shown to have a snow-white cat. The cat's name was revealed to be "Thumper" in the episode "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society".
Wendy Testaburger

Bebe and Wendy in "Follow That Egg!".
She is Wendy Testaburger's best friend, helping Wendy in situations such as getting Stan Marsh back from his substitute teacher, Ms. Ellen, in the episode "Tom's Rhinoplasty". Despite this, she abandons Wendy in "Stupid Spoiled W**** Video Playset" because she is not enough of a Stupid Spoiled W****. But Wendy had abandoned her in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" anyway because she was jealous of the attention the boys gave Bebe. One interesting tidbit is that she and Wendy are on different sides in "The Wacky Molestation Adventure": Bebe is on Cartman's side and Wendy is on Stan and Kyle's side. In "The List", she turned on Wendy at the end, with a gun, and almost killed her. After accidentally shooting Kenny, Bebe was arrested. It is unknown whether their friendship is as close as it used to be; Bebe was seen paired with Lola in the mid-season 12 finale "Super Fun Time". However, in the episode "Breast Cancer Show Ever", it is shown that Wendy and Bebe are still friends, showing that they had made up since then.
During South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, Bebe is shown watching the film Terrance and Phillip: Asses of Fire despite Wendy's refusal to. It should be noted that though Wendy had a major role in the movie, Bebe was not shown being supportive of her or interacting with her in any way, as she was given very little dialogue.
Kyle Broflovski

Bebe and Kyle Broflovski
Bebe has always shown interest in Kyle, even though Kyle does not seem to reciprocate.
In "Clubhouses", Bebe became interested in Kyle because of his "fine ass", and tried to pursue a relationship with him, which he did not even realize was happening. She even kissed him while playing Truth or Dare, after which he ran off screaming. She immediately broke up with him, Kyle not even realizing they were going out, claiming that he was too co-dependent and that it was over between them. She immediately went off to be with Clyde.
But in the episode "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", Kyle and the other boys notice that there is something unusually attractive about Bebe all of a sudden. Later, while the boys are hurling rocks at cars with her, Kyle tries to show her a better way to throw her rocks after being jealous of Clyde showing her, though his interest in her was only due to her new-developed breasts, which the boys outgrew due to her showing up to class with a cardboard box over her chest a few days later. Also, in the episode "Follow That Egg!", Kyle gets paired with Wendy, while Stan gets paired with Bebe. After seeing Stan treat the egg without care, she states: "I wish I had a partner like Kyle."
In "Worldwide Privacy Tour", Kyle stops Bebe from beating up Butters although she didn't do anything wrong when Butters talks "shit" to her.
Despite their supposed friendship, Bebe is among the students laughing at Kyle for acting like his mom in "SUPER HARD PCness".
Clyde Donovan

Bebe with Clyde
After Bebe lost interest in Kyle, she quickly started going out with Clyde in "Clubhouses". This relationship was not looked into any further, but when Kyle tried to teach her how to throw rocks at cars in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", Clyde was the only one who tried to intervene, and he was concerned that Kyle was getting in the way of the relationship. Bebe was also walking with Clyde in "Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?" and was the lone girl in the group going to confession after they saw a nude woman on the internet. In the Season Eleven finale, "The List", Bebe was not against voting Kyle as the ugliest and voting Clyde the cutest. The reason given was that all the girls wanted discounts while shoe-shopping. As a result, she eventually started dating him again, albeit only to get free shoes from him. In Deep Learning, Bebe and Clyde are shown to be dating again.
Stan Marsh

Stan and Bebe, in "Follow That Egg!".
Bebe has not been seen interacting with Stan very frequently but she has been seen as a sort of messenger between him and Wendy, as shown in "Raisins", where she told Stan that Wendy was breaking up with him. Later on in the episode, Stan sought her for advice on how to win back Wendy.
In the episode "Clubhouses", Bebe dares Stan to jam a stick up his peehole.
Bebe also worked with Stan on a school project in "Follow That Egg!" but he showed anger towards her because he was mad at Kyle for being with Wendy. Bebe then became disgusted with him. Despite that, she and the rest of the girls voted him the third cutest boy in class in "The List", helps him capture Wikileaks in "Bass to Mouth", and sang Happy Birthday to him in South Park: Post Covid: The Return of Covid. She is also one of the few people to be shocked and concerned of Stan when he yelled out of depression. Bebe is also one of the few people to be shocked to see him fight his best friend.
Eric Cartman

Cartman and Bebe playing Silence of the Lambs
While Bebe and Cartman have been seeing playing and getting on well whilst roleplaying Silence of the Lambs in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", she has been seen encouraging Wendy to "Kick the shit out of him", in "Breast Cancer Show Ever", she calls Cartman as fatass after he called her a stupid skank, in "Raisins", and flipped him the bird after killing him while playing Call of Duty in "The Ungroundable". Cartman later "pwns" Bebe in the game and calls her out because of it as well calling Bebe as a "Jap b****". However, in "Something You Can Do with Your Finger", Cartman makes a music video with the girls pretending to like his music. He chose Bebe and Red out of all the other girls to hug and rub all over him during his music video. In addition, Cartman invited Bebe to his birthday party in "Damien" and she handed him a present.
Butters Stotch

Bebe beating up Butters
Bebe and Butters do not seem to like each other. Butters calls her a "dumb girl" after she calls the boys "assholes" which they do have assholes in "Raisins". When Butters becomes a pimp in "Butters' Bottom B****" he tells Bebe to make some "real motherfuckin' money", which annoys her as well telling Butters to shut up.
Despite this, however, Butters was one of the boys that liked hanging out with her in "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society", though it was only because of her early-developed breasts. Bebe and Butters are seen sitting next to each other on a table while singing "It's Easy, Mmm'kay" in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut. Bebe is one of the people smiling at Butters while he walks down the hallway after becoming a celebrity in "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs".
As of Season Twenty, Bebe seems to have gone back to hating Butters, as she becomes dissatisfied with him forming the Wieners Out movement and can be seen in the crowd of girls encouraging Nelly to fight Butters in "Douche and a Danish".
Bebe’s hatred for Butters is shown even more in "The Worldwide Privacy Tour" where Bebe beats up Butters after he insulted her, despite Bebe not doing anything wrong. When Butters was taken to CumHammer by Kyle, Bebe insults Butters that he is lucky that Kyle saved his ass, while Butters in return, tell Bebe to "fuck you, you fucking b****".
Heidi Turner
Bebe is shown to be friends with Heidi, having been constantly seen in her and Wendy's group of friends, and being invited to her sleepover in "Marjorine". She is also seen crying over her deleting her Twitter account in "Skank Hunt".
However, she vomits after seeing that she and Cartman are in a relationship in "Douche and a Danish".
In "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000", Bebe is seen as a member of Lizzy's sledding group. Sally is shown to be supportive of Lizzy, helping out with the team and pushing their sled during practice. Later in the episode, she is seen with Lizzy at the South Park Courthouse and then at Lizzy's house prank calling the boys and laughing. They are also seen standing by each other when Lizzy is arguing with the boys on the playground. However, due to Lizzy's quick phasing out from the series, the two have not been seen together since.
Video Games
South Park Rally
Bebe appears as an unlockable character. She is unlocked by losing the Cow Days race while not collecting any power-ups.
South Park Let's Go Tower Defense Play!
Bebe plays no role in the game's storyline and is one of the 'additional characters' unlocked at the game's completion. She is in the same medic-type class as Kyle Broflovski, Timmy Burch, and Tweek Tweak, moving quickly but doing minimal damage. Her unique special ability causes her to automatically collect all coins on the screen without moving to catch them - it works well with Kenny McCormick's power for enemies to drop coins without dying.
South Park: The Stick of Truth
Bebe and most of the other girls do not make appearances until the third day. The New Kid has to pose as Bebe's boyfriend so the girls can find out who is a two-faced b**** amongst them. Bebe also thinks that Douchebag is hot, as he does not talk much.
- Recruit the Girls - Is present at the Pleases and Sparkles Club.
- Pose as Bebe's Boyfriend - Catches Monica Ryland in the act with Wendy and Red.
South Park: Phone Destroyer
There are four cards featuring Bebe in South Park: Phone Destroyer. All of her cards, except Medusa Bebe, gain buffs the more enemies they kill. All of Bebe's cards are Ranged units.
Buccaneer Bebe is a 4-Cost Rare Ranged unit of the Adventure theme that sees her dressed up as a pirate. She gets a buff to her Attack stat every time she kills an enemy.
Robo Bebe is a 3-Cost Common Ranged unit of the Sci-Fi theme that sees her dressed up as the Terminator. She gets a buff to her Speed whenever she kills an enemy.
Medusa Bebe is a 4-Cost Legendary Ranged unit of the Mystical theme that sees her dressed up as the Greek goddess Medusa. Every time Medusa Bebe kills an enemy, they are turned into snakes, which have low stats, but can permanently poison the enemy if they attack them, except the enemy leader.
Blood Elf Bebe is a 3-Cost Common Ranged unit of the Fantasy theme. She gets a buff to her max HP whenever she kills an enemy.
- "The Unaired Pilot" - She is seen on the bus with Red.
- "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe" - She is seen at the front of the bus with Red.
- "Weight Gain 4000" - First speaking role; Bebe is the narrator for the South Park play.
- "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride" - Seen in class and the crowd.
- "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" - Seen in the classroom; states she wants a pot-bellied elephant.
- "Death" - Seen in the classroom.
- "Pinkeye" - She is drowned by Clyde when she bobs for apples, though she is revived offscreen.
- "Starvin' Marvin" - Seen in class; states she wants a Starvin' Marvin after watching the boys' presentation.
- "Jay Leno Short" - Seen in class.
- "Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo" - She is seen in the Christmas performance, as a white dog. She is later shown observing the toy shop with Red while Kyle is singing and is also seen in the school gymnasium. She is later shown in the botched-up Christmas play.
- "Damien" - She watched Red get burned on the slide and later bets Clyde that she can spit in Pip's hair on the burned up playground. Later, she is invited to Cartman's birthday party and gives him a present.
- "Tom's Rhinoplasty" - Bebe helps Wendy try to win back Stan after he develops a crush on the substitute teacher, Ms. Ellen.
- "Mecha-Streisand" - Seen at the beginning when the Anthropologist talks to the children about ancient arrowheads.
- "Chickenlover" - Seen in class and at the petting zoo; she chases a rabbit at the end of the episode.
- "Conjoined Fetus Lady" - She tells a rumor about the nurse. Later gets hit in dodgeball by Fosse McDonald.
- "City on the Edge of Forever (Flashbacks)" - Seen among the students stranded in the bus and is disgusted at the boy with red shirt's blood remains.
- "Summer Sucks" - Accidentally hits DogPoo Petuski with a football and then chases Bill Allen at the park.
- "Roger Ebert Should Lay off the Fatty Foods" - Seen in the field trip being brainwashed by Dr. Tristan Adams.
- "Clubhouses" - She plays a major role in this episode; Bebe falls in love with Kyle and kisses him in the clubhouse that he and Stan build. When she "breaks up" with Kyle, she starts dating Clyde.
- "Cow Days" - Seen in the rodeo crowd at the carnival.
- "Spookyfish" - Seen on the bus.
- "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!" - She was in the Nebraska Mall with other kids.
- "Gnomes" - Bebe is placed in a group with Wendy, Pip, Tolkien and Clyde.
- "Tweek vs. Craig" - Seen in shop class and later says bye to Kenny with the other girls. Also seen watching the fight between Tweek and Craig.
- "Sexual Harassment Panda" - She says she wants to get a lawyer after hearing about them. She later appears in Gerald Broflovski's sexual harassment commercial.
- "Chinpokomon" - Seen buying chinpokomon.
- "Hooked on Monkey Fonics" - Seen in the spelling bee and later at the dance.
- "World Wide Recorder Concert" - Seen at the field trip.
- "The Tooth Fairy Tats 2000" - Seen in the cafeteria watching the boys walk in with fancy clothes.
- "Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000" - Is part of the female sled group led by Lizzy.
- "Timmy 2000" - Seen at the clinic.
- "Chef Goes Nanners" - Bebe tells Wendy how she can overcome her sudden crush on Cartman.
- "Something You Can Do with Your Finger" - Bebe is shown in Cartman's music video, hugging and rubbing all over him with Red.
- "Do the Handicapped Go to Hell?" - Seen attending Sunday School and later among the kids who discover Father Maxi having sex with Mrs. Donovan.
- "Probably" - She is seen in Cartman's Church. When the kids lose interest in it, she suggests going ice-skating.
- "Fourth Grade" - Starts fourth grade with the others.
- "Trapper Keeper" - Seen in class.
- "Helen Keller! The Musical" - Bebe plays a lead role in the play.
- "Fat Camp" - Seen in the cafeteria.
- "The Wacky Molestation Adventure" - Seen at Kyle's party and appears as one of Mayor Cartman's assistants.
- "It Hits the Fan" - Seen in the classroom.
- "Scott Tenorman Must Die" - Attends Cartman's meeting in his basement and later watches Cartman explain his plan to kill Scott Tenorman's parents.
- "Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow" - Seen in class.
- "Cartmanland" - Bebe is seen at Cartmanland.
- "Proper Condom Use" - Bebe and the other girls try to protect themselves from the boys and build a fortress, heavily laden with high-tech weapons.
- "Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants" - Seen in the classroom.
- "How to Eat with Your Butt" - Seen waiting in the line for picture day with excessive makeup on. Later seen in the classroom.
- "The Entity" - Seen in class.
- "Here Comes the Neighborhood" - Seen in class.
- "Kenny Dies" - Seen in class.
- "Butters' Very Own Episode" - Bebe is seen in different Butters-related scenes in "It's Butters!".
- "Fun with Veal" - Seen at the field trip.
- "Professor Chaos" - Seen at the audition for the boys' fourth friend.
- "Bebe's Boobs Destroy Society" - Bebe begins developing breasts and causes chaos in the male student population.
- "Child Abduction is Not Funny" - Seen with her mother in class.
- "The Death Camp of Tolerance" - Seen in the classroom.
- "The Biggest Douche in the Universe" - Seen in the Rob Schneider is Kenny trailer.
- "Toilet Paper" - Seen molding clay with Clyde and Wendy in art class.
- "I'm a Little Bit Country" - Seen in the classroom and running out of school with other kids. Later seen in class and is paired up with Red, Clyde, Wendy, and Timmy.
- "Fat Butt and Pancake Head" - Seen at the assembly and in the classroom. She is shocked to see Jennifer Lopez in the school.
- "Lil' Crime Stoppers" - Seen in class.
- "South Park is Gay!" - Seen in class.
- "Grey Dawn" - Seen in class.
- "Casa Bonita" - Seen in the playground.
- "All About Mormons" - Seen in the playground on a slide.
- "Butt Out" - Seen at the assembly.
- "Raisins" - Bebe tells Stan that Wendy has broken up with him. Later, Stan goes to her house and asks how to win her back.
- "It's Christmas in Canada" - Seen in the crowd of people at the Christmas tree lighting in South Park.
- "Up the Down Steroid" - Seen in the class picture.
- "AWESOM-O" - Seen laughing in the crowd when a video of Cartman as Britney Spears in "Touch My Body" was shown.
- "The Jeffersons" - Seen in the background on a swing with Mr. Jefferson and later riding the Ferris Wheel with Tweek in Mr. Jefferson's backyard.
- "Goobacks" - Seen in class agreeing with Kyle's statement that the immigrants from the future should learn present-day English along with other classmates.
- "Douche and Turd" - Seen cheerleading for the school assembly and gets a bucket of blood thrown on her.
- "Pre-School" - She sees Butters run out from school after he learned that Trent Boyett has been allowed out from the juvenile prison.
- "Quest for Ratings" - Bebe is caught on camera sipping cough syrup with Red in the girls' bathroom; she then spots someone in the air vent with a camera and threatens to "tell on" them.
- "Stupid Spoiled W**** Video Playset" - Bebe, along with all the other girls idolize Paris Hilton and when Wendy refuses to be a part of the fad, she and the other girls ostracize her. She throws a sex party at her house to do sexual activities to the boys (except Cartman) invited to the party. Upon the girls realizing Paris Hilton isn't so cool, she makes up with Wendy.
- "Woodland Critter Christmas" - Seen in class.
- "Wing" - Seen in the background eating lunch.
- "Best Friends Forever" - Seen in class, and on the school bus.
- "Erection Day" - Seen in the audience in Jimmy's nightmare.
- "Two Days Before the Day After Tomorrow" - Seen in the cafeteria, watching the news report on the broken dam. She is also seen with her mother running and evacuating the school.
- "Marjorine" - She is seen with the other girls playing with Heidi Turner's cootie catcher. In class, she comments on Marjorine's strange fashion choices. Later, she is at Heidi's sleepover party, telling "Majorine" she is flat and upon hearing her cry in the bathroom, with Wendy, she helps "Marjorine" get a makeover.
- "Follow That Egg!" - Bebe is Stan's and later Wendy's partner for the parenting project. She grows increasingly frustrated with Stan's negligence over the egg, as he is too busy worrying over Kyle and Wendy's friendship.
- "Ginger Kids" - Seen in the classroom and gets abducted and caged by the other ginger kids.
- "Bloody Mary" - Seen in class.
- "The Return of Chef" - Seen in the lunchroom and sitting in the office with the rest of the 4th-grade class.
- "Smug Alert!" - Seen at Kyle's "moving away" party.
- "Cartoon Wars Part I" - Seen in the classroom.
- "ManBearPig" - Seen at the assembly.
- "Mystery of the Urinal Deuce" - Seen in class.
- "Miss Teacher Bangs a Boy" - Briefly seen in the hallways.
- "Go God Go" - Seen in class.
- "With Apologies to Jesse Jackson" - Seen at the school assembly.
- "Cartman Sucks" - Is disturbed by Cartman's presentation in class.
- "Lice Capades" - Bebe questions who has lice in the class and is seen in the hallway with the others.
- "The Snuke" - Seen in the classroom.
- "D-Yikes!" - Seen in class.
- "Night of the Living Homeless" - Watches Cartman with a crowd of other children jump over a homeless guy with his skateboard.
- "Le Petit Tourette" - Seen in the hallway and in the classroom, smiling at Cartman's fake Tourettes.
- "Imaginationland" - Seen at Cartman's party.
- "The List" - Bebe is the judge for the poll over who the cutest and the ugliest boys in school are.
- "Major Boobage" - Seen in class and later at her house, where her cat Thumper gets taken away by the DEA Agents. She is also seen the park where she was watching Kenny and Gerald fighting each other while they were intoxicated.
- "Canada on Strike" - Seen at the assembly.
- "Eek, A Penis!" - Seen in class.
- "Super Fun Time" - Seen on the field trip as Lola's partner.
- "Breast Cancer Show Ever" - Bebe tells everyone that Wendy and Cartman are going to fight. She is seen several times in the episode encouraging Wendy to beat up Cartman, in the classroom and outside of school.
- "Elementary School Musical" - She preforms several musicals with her classmates. She also tells the girls that she had seen High School Musical 3 and swoons over Bridon Gueermo along with the rest of them.
- "The Ungroundable" - No lines; she is shown in the computer lab and kills Cartman on Call of Duty 5 and gives him the finger. She then gets killed by Cartman who says "You got pwned you Jap b****." She is later seen at the assembly.
- "The Ring" - Seen in the cafeteria.
- "The Coon" - Seen in class, bored from Cartman's Coon presentation. She is later seen on the playground.
- "Eat, Pray, Queef" - Bebe asks how the boys think farts are funny and is annoyed at how upset they are about The Queef Sisters.
- "Fishsticks" - Seen in the cafeteria.
- "Fatbeard" - Seen in the cafeteria and in the classroom.
- "Butters' Bottom B****" - Butters tries to get her to join his kissing company.
- "The F Word" - Seen in the school assembly.
- "Dances with Smurfs" - Bored from Cartman's Smurf presentation in class.
- "Sexual Healing" - Seen in class.
- "The Tale of Scrotie McBoogerballs" - Seen in class and in the hallway clapping for Butters.
- "Medicinal Fried Chicken" (deleted scene) - Watches Cartman rage in class.
- "You Have 0 Friends" - Mentioned by Cartman. He claims that she and Jimmy have agreed to share their friends on Facebook.
- "200" - Seen at the 4th Grade field trip.
- "Poor and Stupid" - Seen leaving the school.
- "Insheeption" - Seen at the girls' table, listening to Wendy explaining Stan's hoarding.
- "Crème Fraiche" - Seen in the cafeteria.
- "HUMANCENTiPAD" - Mocked by Cartman for not having an iPad.
- "Funnybot" - Seen at Jimmy's awards ceremony. Later seen in the gym being held hostage by robots.
- "Royal Pudding" - Seen in class.
- "T.M.I." - Seen in the cafeteria.
- "City Sushi" - Seen at the school assembly.
- "Ass Burgers" - Seen in the classroom; worries when Stan gets frustrated in class.
- "Bass to Mouth" - First seen in class and leaves when Jenny Simons defecates in her pants. Later helps capture Wikileaks with a group of classmates, though she does not speak.
- "1%" - Appears in the physical fitness class. She is later seen at Clyde Frog's funeral, only focusing on her iPhone.
- "A History Channel Thanksgiving" - Seen in class.
- "The Poor Kid" - Seen in the hallway.
- "Reverse Cowgirl" - Seen in class.
- "Cash For Gold" - (mentioned) - Cartman greets her on the playground trying to get her to sell her earrings.
- "Faith Hilling" - Seen in the memeing class with the other 4th grade students.
- "Jewpacabra" - Seen at the Easter egg hunt.
- "Butterballs" - Seen in the cafeteria and in the hallways. She is also in Stan's anti-bullying video, standing with Kenny.
- "Cartman Finds Love" - Seen in the classroom and in the hallways, where Cartman asks her and Red about Nichole Daniels. At her sleepover party, she tells Nichole that Tolkien likes him and is ecstatic to hear that she likes Kyle. When Kyle is rumored to be gay, she is seen whispering to Red and smiling at him.
- "Raising the Bar" - Seen in the gym when Cartman talks about anorexia.
- "Going Native" - Seen in the cafeteria.
- "A Scause For Applause" - Seen in the hallways and in the classroom.
- "Let Go, Let Gov" - Seen eating in the cafeteria.
- "Informative Murder Porn" - Seen in the classroom and town meeting, as Wendy tries to mention refugees and murders, only to be booed by Cartman.
- "World War Zimmerman" - Seen in class and later at the assembly as a cheerleader; in class, she glares at Cartman for trying to make light of Tolkien getting shot.
- "Goth Kids 3: Dawn of the Posers" - Seen in the gymnasium.
- "Taming Strange" - Seen in class.
- "Ginger Cow" - Seen with the group looking at the cow. Later watches Kyle get farted on by Cartman.
- "The Hobbit" - Seen as a cheerleader and photoshops herself with the other girls under Lisa Berger's suggestions. As Wendy insults the other cheerleaders, she states that Bebe has acne, which angers her along with the other cheerleaders. They then begin to ostracize Wendy, but presumably make up afterwards.
- "Gluten Free Ebola" - Plays jump rope with Heidi in the burned up gym and later attends the boys' party, talking to Wendy and watches her and Stan dance. In a deleted scene, she watches the boys fight with Craig, Clyde, Tolkien and Jimmy and later appears in class.
- "The Cissy" - Seen with Wendy and Red, in the girls' bathroom, trying to stop Cartman from using their toilet, though she has no lines.
- "The Magic Bush" - Seen with her parents at the town reception for Laura Tucker.
- "Freemium Isn't Free" - Seen in the hallways talking to Red.
- "Grounded Vindaloop" - Seen talking to Clyde in the hallways.
- "Cock Magic" - Seen in class and plays as a member of the girls' volleyball team.
- "REHASH" - Seen in class.
- "Stunning and Brave" - Seen when PC Principal is announced as the new principal.
- "Where My Country Gone?" - Seen in class getting overcrowded by the Canadian kids.
- "The City Part of Town" - Seen at the Whole Foods Market.
- "You're Not Yelping" - Seen eating at Whistlin' Willy's.
- "Safe Space" - Seen at the assembly.
- "Tweek x Craig" - Seen at the assembly and admires the Asian Girls' drawings of Craig and Tweek.
- "Naughty Ninjas" - Seen at the assembly.
- "Sponsored Content" - Seen in the hallway.
- "Truth and Advertising" - Seen in the cafeteria watching Stan and Kyle fight.
- "PC Principal Final Justice" - Seen in the school hallway.
- "Member Berries" - She and several classmates blame Cartman for internet trolling at the assembly, and refuses to Cartman asking her to "be funny" and only tells him to get the mic out of her face.
- "Skank Hunt" - Angered by what Skankhunt42 tweeted about her mother, she conspires with her fellow female classmates to get back at the boys for Skankhunt42's wrongdoings.
- "Wieners Out" - Along with Wendy, Annie, and Nichole, complains to PC Principal about the boys' protest during their volleyball game.
- "Douche and a Danish" - Seen in the battle between the girls and the boys, and vomits after Cartman and Heidi Turner's school assembly.
- "Fort Collins" - Seen in a photograph on the wall of Heidi's bedroom.
- "Oh, Jeez" - Seen at the school assembly.
- "Put It Down" - Watches Cartman sing in the hallways. She also sings "Put It Down" with the other students.
- "Holiday Special" - Seen in the hallway rampaging due to a cancellation of Columbus Day.
- "Hummels & Heroin" - Rallies with Marcus Preston after witnessing his presentation in the school cafeteria.
- "Sons A Witches" - Seen in the cafeteria at Heidi's table. Also seen at the assembly.
- "Doubling Down" - Takes Heidi out to eat with the other girls. Teases her for her relationship with Cartman, although playfully, she unintentionally hurts Heidi's feelings.
- "Moss Piglets" - No lines; she is seen with the other girls in the cafeteria, worried about Heidi's Cartman-like behavior. Later, she is seen with Nichole and Nelly when Nathan tells them about the special ed science fair and also seen at the assembly.
- "SUPER HARD PCness" - Seen in the hallway and in the gym during the bombing of Canada.
- "Splatty Tomato" - Seen during the breakup between Cartman and Heidi near Community Center.
- "Dead Kids" - Seen in the classroom.
- "The Problem with a Poo" - Seen in the school band. Later seen watching Mr. Hankey leave South Park.
- "Tegridy Farms" - Seen in the playground and the lunchroom.
- "The Scoots" - Seen in the cafeteria with the girls. Later trick or treats.
- "Time To Get Cereal" - Seen in the school playground after evacuation.
- "Buddha Box" - Seen in class.
- "Bike Parade" - Seen at the bike parade.
- "Band in China" - Seen at the Autumn Fest.
- "Shots!! - Seen in the cafeteria.
- "Let Them Eat Goo" - Argues against Cartman for vegan food.
- "Tegridy Farms Halloween Special" - Seen at the school assembly.
- "Board Girls" - Seen at the school assembly and at the Board Girls Gaming Club.
- "Basic Cable" - Seen in the classroom.
- "Christmas Snow" - Seen at Santa's Workshop with her mother.
- "The Pandemic Special" - Seen in quarantine with the other students at South Park Elementary.
- "South ParQ Vaccination Special" - Seen in the classroom. After several parents pull their children out of school in favor of Tutornon, she was the only student in his class along Jimmy.
- "Pajama Day" - Seen in class, as well as the meeting between the boys and the girls in Cartman's basement.
- "The Big Fix" - Seen in the classroom.
- "Back To The Cold War" - Seen running into the gymnasium when Mr. Mackey says that the Russians are attacking.
- "Credigree Weed St. Patrick's Day Special" - Seen in the hallway in St. Patrick's Day-themed attire.
- "Cupid Ye" - Compliments on Kyle's and Tolkien's TikTok video.
- "The Worldwide Privacy Tour" - Bebe punches Butters while a group of kids watches.
- "Japanese Toilet" - Attends Stan's speech outside of City Hall.
- "Deep Learning" - Bebe tells her friends about the texts Clyde has been sending her, not knowing they are Ai-generated. Later seen in class, listening to Clyde's poem about her.
- South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut - Bebe is seen ice-skating, Then in class and appears during "It's Easy, Mmm'kay". Later seen as a member of the La Resistance.
- South Park: Post Covid - Appears in Kenny's memorial service.
- South Park: Post Covid: The Return of Covid - Seen in the class being informed that school is closed for two weeks. Her adult self is seen attending a party at Denny's Applebee's Max.
- South Park: The Streaming Wars - Seen in the school bus.
- South Park: Joining the Panderverse - Seen at the school cafeteria.
- South Park (Not Suitable For Children) - Seen at the school cafeteria.
- South Park: The End of Obesity - Seen in Cartman's dream with Wendy and Red, as he insults the three of them and she struggles to fight back. She can also be seen in the cafeteria, glaring at Cartman while he insults Wendy.
- Bebe has killed Kenny twice, first in "Proper Condom Use" and later in "The List".
- She is the first female child to vomit in the series, in "Douche and a Danish".
- Though Bebe is one of the most frequently seen kids in the fourth grade classroom, this was not the case in the third. Her only appearances in the third grade classroom are "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride", "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig", "Death", "Starvin' Marvin", "Tom's Rhinoplasty", "Clubhouses", "Gnomes", and "Sexual Harassment Panda".
- Bebe is the third student to speak in the series outside of the main boys, the first being Wendy and the second being Clyde.
- Bebe was retroactively added to the HD version of the Season Six opening sequence, standing next to Wendy. She can also be seen in the Season Seventeen onward intro sequence on the bus.
- Bebe is the only South Park 4th grader that is currently not voiced by an American as her voice actress Jennifer Howell is Canadian.
- Season Ten is the first season in which Bebe has no speaking roles, while her longest gap of not speaking is from Season Thirteen's "Butters' Bottom B****" to Season Sixteen's "Cartman Finds Love".
- She has a 12 year old cat named Thumper.
- ↑ Episodes preceding "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" do not credit Jennifer Howell as a voice cast. It is commented that Mary Kay Bergman had been "doing every single female" character "at the time of 'Pinkeye'".
- ↑ "An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig" on IMDB.
- ↑ "Pinkeye" Audio Commentary, South Park: The Complete First Season, written by Matt Stone, directed by Trey Parker, South Park Studios, 2017. Blu-ray.
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