Auction Barker Announcer is an auctioneer featured in the special South Park (Not Suitable For Children).
The Auction Barker Announcer is the auctioneer of the influencer auction, where Randy Marsh and other influencers are taken to be placed out for bid. The auctioneer bids off the influencers by calling out the amounts for bid and attempting to raise the prices by repeatedly barking the numbers and the groups bidding for influence before selling to the highest bidder.
However, it is revealed later that he is an assassin which killed LoganLeDouche after the influencer tries to inform the Cred Affinity Group of who has been paying him to promote Cred. He is then shot down by the FBI for refusing to comply with them.
The auctioneer had combed over hair, black eyebrows, and a small, black mustache. He wore a baby blue tuxedo over a white shirt and had black bow tie, baby blue pants, and black shoes.
He also bore striking resembling to David Perry from the episode "Board Girls".